Keywords: Count Alexey A. Ignatyev at 1903 ball.jpeg Г� аф гва� дии штабс-� отмист� Кавале� га� дского импе� ат� ицы � а� ии Федо� овны полка А А Игнатьев в на� яде ст� ельца Ст� емянного п� иказа в� емен ца� я Алексея � ихайловича http //photoarchive spb ru/showChildObjects do object 2502734562 1903-1904 Боассона Ф� еде� ик Ген� ихович и Эггле� Ф� иц Осипович не уточнен PD-RusEmpire 1877 births 1954 deaths 1903 portrait photographs Male 1904 portrait photographs Male 20th-century black and white portrait photographs of standing men at full length 1903c 20th-century men of Russia Black and white portrait photographs of standing men Colonels of the Russian Empire Commanders of the Legion of Honour Counts Diplomats Generals of Russia Generals of the Soviet Union House of Ignatiev Knights of the Order of St Anna Knights of the Order of St Vladimir Male fur headgear Memoirists Men with swords People of Saint Petersburg Portrait photographs of men wearing hats 1903c Recipients of the Order of Saint Stanislaus Russian Romanov Anniversary Ball 1903 Russian military personnel of the Russo-Japanese War Sable clothing Streltsy |