MAKE A MEME View Large Image Countess de la Ferronnays (Middleton Album).jpg en The Middleton Watercolor Album consists of a collection of 45 watercolor portraits bound in leather covers with neo-gothic embossing and a gilt bronze clasp in the same style The album ...
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Keywords: Countess de la Ferronnays (Middleton Album).jpg en The Middleton Watercolor Album consists of a collection of 45 watercolor portraits bound in leather covers with neo-gothic embossing and a gilt bronze clasp in the same style The album relates to the Middleton family of South Carolina from which it descended until Hillwood purchased it in 2004 Williams Middleton �who was secretary to his father Henry Middleton the American minister to St Petersburg from 1820 to 1830 �assembled this album The artist of many of the watercolors most of which are unsigned is likely Middleton's sister Maria Henrietta who studied painting during her years in St Petersburg with her governess Madame Mathes who also painted miniatures Two watercolors including this portrait of the Countess Bobrinsky are signed by the well-known Russian watercolorist Petr Sokolov The portraits are of Russians and people in the foreign community who were close associates of the Middleton family Their portraits provide an extraordinary commentary on the fashion and hairstyles of the 1820s Г� афиня Альбе� тина де ля Фе� � оне у� ожденная Буше де Су� ш де � онсо� о ум 1848 с 1802 года жена дипломата Огюста де ля Фе� � оне В б� аке имела т� оих детей двое из кото� ых находились с � одителями во в� емя их п� ебывания в Пете� бу� ге Сын Альбе� т впоследствии женился на Александ� е Алопеус доче� и � оссийского посла в Бе� лине 1820-1830s http //www hillwoodmuseum org/collection/search s Middleton 20 20Album Brian Searby or anonymous see filename other versions PD-old-70-1923 Middleton Watercolor Album Files uploaded by Shakko from various sources Uploaded with UploadWizard
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