Keywords: Countries driving on the left or right.svg wikitable Colour bgcolor 333333 � Explanation - center style color FFFFFF; bgcolor FF0000 color FFFFFF; bgcolor 333333 �� �� Drives on right - center style color FFFFFF; bgcolor 204a87 color FFFFFF; bgcolor 333333 �� �� Drives on left - center style color 000000; bgcolor C0C0C0 center style color 000000; bgcolor C0C0C0 No Information de Die Karte zeigt in welchen Ländern der Erde <span style color cc0000; font-weight bold >Rechtsverkehr</span> und in welchen <span style color 204a87; font-weight bold >Linksverkehr</span> besteht bs Mapa pokazuje u kojim državama se vozi na <span style color cc0000; font-weight bold >desnoj strani</span> ulice a u kojim se vozi na <span style color 204a87; font-weight bold >lijevoj strani</span> en A map indicating which countries drive on the <span style color cc0000; font-weight bold >right side</span> of the road and which drive on the <span style color 204a87; font-weight bold >left side</span> eo Mapo indikanta en kiuj landoj oni veturas sur la <span style color cc0000; font-weight bold >dekstra flanko</span> de la strato kaj en kiuj oni veturas sur la <span style color 204a87; font-weight bold >maldekstra flanko</span> es Mapa indicando en cuáles países se maneja por el <span style color cc0000; font-weight bold >lado derecho</span> o el <span style color 204a87; font-weight bold >lado izquierdo</span> de la calle pl Mapa pokazująca w jakich krajach jeździ się <span style color cc0000; font-weight bold >po prawej stronie</span> drogi a w których <span style color 204a87; font-weight bold >po lewej</span> ru Ка� та с указанием в каких ст� анах ездят по <span style color cc0000; font-weight bold >п� авой сто� оне</span> до� оги и в каких ездят по <span style color 204a87; font-weight bold >левой сто� оне</span> tr Trafiğin yolun <span style color cc0000; font-weight bold >sağ tarafından</span> ve <span style color 204a87; font-weight bold >sol tarafından</span> aktığını belirten ülkelerin haritası zh 显示世界上<span style color cc0000; font-weight bold >� �右行驶</span>和<span style color 204a87; font-weight bold >� �左行驶</span>的国家� � Created by bdesham in Inkscape from BlankMap-World6 svg using information from Sens de circulation png SVG maps of the world Right- and left-hand traffic road transport |