Keywords: Cranach, Lucas II after - John Frederick Magnanimous with a group of reformers - Guildhall Art Gallery London.jpg after Philipp Melanchthon 1497-1560 man behind Luther is most often identified as Georg Spalatin 1484-1545 the man behind John Frederick's left shoulder is probably Saxon Chancellor Gregor Brück 1485-1557 oil canvas cm 66 41 Institution Guildhall Art Gallery accession number 162 http //collage cityoflondon gov uk/view-item key WnsiTiI6MSwiUCI6eyJvcmlnaW5hdG9ySWQiOjM0OTgyfX0 pg 1 WINID 1470064606545 bH_TBz-BfoYAAAFWRq203g/8470 Guildhall Art Gallery object history ProvenanceEvent 1865 gift Guildhall Art Gallery Thomas Adderley exhibition history copy of Lucas Cranach the Younger now in the http //classes toledomuseum org 8080/emuseum/view/objects/asitem/People 00402838/0 t state flow 4719b43e-eba0-4e4f-b9b1-344f46df83d9 Toledo Museum of Art Ohio; en Cranach the Younger married the daughter of Gregor Brück 1541 After her death 1550 he married the niece of Phillip Melanchthon commissioned by Edward Hyde the first Lord Clarendon who was MP for Saltash and became Lord Chancellor and advisor to Charles I http //artuk org/discover/artworks/john-frederick-the-magnanimous-15031554-with-a-group-of-reformers-50948/view_as/grid/search/keyword reformers/page/1 artuk other versions <gallery> Image After Lucas Cranach the Younger 17th cent �Portrait of Johann Friederich of Saxony and the Reformers � Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery jpg Image Johann Friedrich and Luther jpg Image Lucas Cranach the Younger - Martin Luther and the Wittenberg Reformers - Google Art Project jpg Lucas Cranach the Younger Toledo Museum of Art Ohio Image Lucas Cranach II - Martin Luther und die Wittenberger Reformatoren - Toledo Museum of Art jpg Lucas Cranach the Younger Toledo Museum of Art Ohio </gallery> ImageNote 1 28 183 98 123 568 944 2 Martin Luther ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 115 142 69 98 568 944 2 Georg Spalatin ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 187 124 110 181 568 944 2 Johann Friedrich I ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 326 175 109 126 568 944 2 Gregor Brück ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 461 179 71 124 568 944 2 Philipp Melanchthon ImageNoteEnd 5 PD-old-100-1923 DEFAULTSORT Cranach Lucas 2; John Frederick of Saxony and reformer; Guildhall After Lucas Cranach the Younger 17th cent �Portrait of Johann Friederich of Saxony and the Reformers � Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery jpg Johann Friedrich Sachsen by Lucas Cranach I Paintings in the Guildhall Art Gallery Martin Luther by Lucas Cranach II Portrait paintings by Lucas Cranach the Younger Reformers Paintings; Cranach Lucas 2 after; Martin Luther and the Wittenberg Reformers; Guildhall Art Gallery London Gregor Brück Georg Spalatin Images from Art UK |