Keywords: 20080406165033!V-22 Osprey refueling edit1.jpg V-22 أوسپرَي يُعيدون تزويدها بالوقود قُبيل الانطلاق في مُهمَّةٍ جديدةٍ وسط العراق Letoun V-22 Osprey při doplňování paliva ve středním Iráku Besatzungsmitglieder betanken eine Bell-Boeing V-22 vor einer nächtlichen Mission in Zentral-Irak Crew members refuel an A V-22 Osprey before a night mission in central Iraq Un Boeing-Bell V-22 Osprey avant une mission nocturne dans le centre de l'Irak alors que des membres d'équipage le ravitaillent en carburant 中央イラクの� 間� 戦前に燃料� 給を受けるV-22 オスプレイ 080202-N-9643K-008 Navy http //www navy mil/view_image asp id 55029 http //www defenselink mil/dodcmsshare/homepagephoto 5C2008-02 5Chires_080202-N-9643K-008 jpg image 2008-02-02 Chief Petty Officer Joe Kane U S Navy PD-USGov-Military-Navy 100px Re-edit from original with less heavy/selective NR by Mfield Assessment Assessments f 2010 1 2 Refueling Osprey 1 1 1 picture of the day 2012 02 02 PD-USGov-Military-Navy Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey USMC Light trails Green and red Night in Iraq Featured pictures of Iraq Taken with Sony DSC-R1 Featured pictures of aircraft Featured night shots Featured pictures from the United States Navy Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 263 Featured pictures on Wikipedia Arabic 2008 in aviation in Iraq Photographs by Joseph Kane |