Keywords: Cupid Shooting a Bow by Carle van Loo 1761.jpg Artwork Creator Charles André van Loo Cupid Shooting a Bow Q21071057 1761 Oil on canvas Pavlovsk Palace Palacio Pávlovsk es Palais de Pavlovsk fr Павловск музей-заповедник Госуда� ственный музей-заповедник «Павловск» ru Павловськ музей-заповідник Де� жавний музей-заповідник «Павловськ» uk LangSwitch The first floor of the Pavlovsk Palace the Room of Ladies-in-Waiting Вто� ой этаж Павловского дво� ца ф� ейлинская комната object history exhibition history credit line accession number LangSwitch cite book Carle van Loo Cupid Shooting a Bow postcard Saint Petersburg Galereya 2011 cite book Ка� л Ванлоо Аму� ст� еляющий из лука отк� ытка Санкт-Пете� бу� г Гале� ея 2011 See below PD-old-auto 1765 Paintings by Charles André van Loo Cupid with bow 1761 paintings 18th-century oil on canvas paintings Boys looking at viewer in art Paintings in the Pavlovsk Palace Paintings of nude boys Rococo paintings of boys Oil paintings of boys Reproductions of artworks uploaded by Dmitry Ivanov Loo |