Keywords: Currie's general wholesale catalogue for florists, market gardeners and truckers (15768788063).jpg No 4 Combined Hill and Drill <br> Single Wheel Hoe Cultivator <br> Complete List of <br> Garden Drills and <br> Cultivators mailed <br> on application <br> PLAINET JR SEED DRILLS AND <br> CULTIVATORS <br> No 6 Combined Hill and Drill Seeder Single VPlieel <br> Hoe Cultivator and Plow Complete 13 00 <br> The latest and best of the Planet Jr Seeders It has been <br> made as nearly perfect as it seems possible to have it What It <br> viU do It drops in distances at 4 B 8 12 and 24 inches apart <br> and sows in Qtills all garden seeds with the greatest regularity in <br> a narrow line to any exact depth required covers rolls down <br> and marks the next row all at one passage The handles adjust <br> to theproper height or either man or boy The wheel is W/ inches <br> high making an easy running machine 'Ijie opeuiug plow is ot <br> new shape leaving tlie seed in a narrower row than any plow we <br> have heretofore made For onion set growers we can furnish at an <br> extra cost of 40c an additional plow leaving seed in a wide baijd <br> No 6 Combined; Hili;;and Di-lll Seeder <br> As a Drill ouly f gil0 50 <br> 'Planet Jr No 1 Conit ined Drill and Wheel Hoe <br> Planet Jr No 4 Combined Hill and <br> Drill Seeder Single Wlieel Hoe <br> Cultivator and Plow <br> This admirable tool combines in a single con- <br> venient implement a capital hill dropping <br> seeder a perfect drill seeder a single wheel <br> hoe a cultivator and a plow It holds two <br> quarts sowing in continuous rows or dropping <br> in hills at five different distances It is thrown <br> out of gear by simply raising the handles The <br> index is accurate simple and easily set The <br> drill is detached and the tool frame substi- <br> tuted by removing but one bolt It then be- <br> comes a single wheel hoe garden plow or <br> cultivator <br> Price complete � 10 00 <br> AS a Drill only » 00 <br> Planet Jr No 1 Combined Drlli <br> and Wbeel Hoe <br> The hopper holds one quart From a <br> drill it is changed to the other uses by un- <br> screwing but two bolts when any of the <br> other attachments shown in the cut can be <br> instantly attached 9 00 <br> Planet Jr No 3 Seed Drill <br> The same as No 1 but holds three quarts <br> and has no other tools 7 00 <br> Planet Jr No I'J D mble <br> Wheel Hoe Cultivator and I'low <br> with 1 pair 6-inch Hoes 4 Cultivator Teeth <br> 2 Plows and 1 pair Leaf Guards The Steel <br> Arch is extra high and will work crops un- <br> til 20 inches in height 6 50 <br> Planet Jr Xo X-i Double <br> Wheel Hoe same as No 12 with 1 pair <br> 0-iuch Hoes only ; 4 25 <br> Planet Jr No l«i Single <br> ��Wheel Hoe Cultivator Rake and <br> Plow with 1 pair 6-inch Hoes 3 Cultivator <br> Teeth 1 7-inch'aud 1 4-inch Rake a large <br> Garden Plow and Leaf Guard 5 33 <br> Planet Jr No 17 Single Vheel <br> Hoe Cultivator and I'Jow <br> This tool is identical with No 10 but has <br> only a pair of 6-iuch hoes a plow and a set <br> of cultivator teeth � an outfit sufficient for <br> most garden work The other attachments <br> can be added at any time 4 50 <br> Planet Jr No 17' Single <br> Vheel Hoe and C'Ultivatoi- with 1 <br> pair Hoes and 3 Cultivator Teeth J 4 00 <br> �'Planet Tr No 18 Sinale <br> W heel Hoe virith 1 pair 6-inch Hoes <br> only 3 00 <br> Planet Jr Single elery Hll- <br> ler � Runs lighter than the double 'throws <br> rather higher; it works an\' width of rows <br> Where market gardeners plant close aiitl <br> first bleach every other row it is 'just <br> I he thing 11 50 <br> Planet Tr Double Celery HU- <br> ler � The hilling blades are 43 inches long <br> and are adjustable as the hilling becomes <br> higher The double machine works all <br> rows up to 4 feet apart 14 50 <br> Planet Jr 1 2-Tootli Harrow <br> � It contracts to 12 inches expands to 32 <br> inches <br> Plain J5 70 <br> Plain with Wheel 6 90 <br> Complete with Pulverizer 8 50 <br> The Planet Jr No 8 Horse <br> Hoe and Cultivator -The depth and <br> width are under perfect control bv means <br> of levers ' 8 50 <br> Planet Jr No n Horse Hoe <br> 3 Hoes and 2 Cultivator Teeth and Wheel 6 85 <br> Iron Age and IMatthews' Seed Drills and Cultivators <br> Iron Age No 16 Single Wheel Hill <br> and Drill Seeder <br> A first-class Seeder sows in continuous <br> rows or drops in hills at 4 6 8 12 or 24 <br> inches apart 7 50 <br> Iron Age No 6 Combined Double <br> Wheel Hoe Hill and Drill Seeder <br> From a double Wheel Hoe this tool can <br> be changed to either a Single or I ouble <br> Wheel Seeder in a few minutes 11 00 <br> Iron Age No 1 Double Wheel <br> ' oe Cultivator Rake and PIotv <br> with 4 Cultivator Teeth 1 pair Hoes 1 pair <br> Rakes 1 pair Leaf Guards and 2 Plows 6 50 <br> Iron Age No 3 Double Wheel <br> Hoe with 1 pair Hoes only 3 75 <br> Matthevrs' Universal Model Garden <br> Drill <br> Sows all kinds of Vegetable Seeds includ- <br> ing Peas Beans and Corn The seed cut- <br> off acts instantaneously by which quite a <br> saving of seed is affected when turning on <br> the endofrows 6 25 <br> Mattheves' l nlversal Model Hill and <br> Drill Seeder <br> The same in style as the Model Garden <br> Drill but is arranged so as to drop the seed <br> either contiuously in drills or at distances <br> of 4 6 8 12 16 24 and 48 inches apart The <br> adjustment from drills to hills is made by <br> one screw 7 00 <br> Iron Age No 9 Single Wheel Hoe <br> Cultivator Hake and Plow with 4 <br> Cultivator Teeth 1 pair Hoes 1 pair Rakes <br> 1 Plow and Leaf Guard 4 75 <br> Iron Age No 10 Single Wheel Hoe <br> �With one pair Hoes ouly 3 00 <br> Iron Age No 6 Horse Hoe and <br> Cultivator Can be expanded from 14 <br> to 30 inches The lever wheel regulates the <br> depth 6 25 <br> Iron Age No i Horse Hoe and <br> Cultivator with plain wheel ouly 5 75 <br> Matthews' TTniversal Model Combina- <br> tion Drill Double vvheel -with <br> Hoe Cultivator Plow and <br> Kake Attachment <br> A combined machine having all the good <br> points of the Model Garden Drill with <br> a set of cultivating attachments including <br> 1 pair Hose 5 Cultivator Teeth 1 pair <br> Rakes 1 pair Plows It has also the ad- <br> vantage that it can be easily changed from <br> a double to a single wheel hoe or culti- <br> vator 8 00 <br> Universal single W h e e'l Hoe <br> Cultivator and Plover 4 00 <br> VIth hoe blades only 2 75 <br> Universal Double Wheel Hoe <br> C;ultivator Plow and Rake specially <br> designed for working both sides of the row <br> at one passing 5 00 <br> With hoe blades only 3 60 <br> Iron Affe No 1 Double Wheel Hoe 42227294 133125 66169 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42227294 1907 10 5962/bhl title 66169 Currie Brothers Company ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Combina Biodiversity Heritage Library Currie's general wholesale catalogue for florists market gardeners and truckers new album Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Gardening Nurseries Horticulture Plants Ornamental Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42227294 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42227294 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15768788063 2015-08-25 03 50 57 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Currie's general wholesale catalogue for florists market gardeners and truckers Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |