Keywords: Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Paolo and Francesca da Rimini (1862).jpg Artwork Creator Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1862 Watercolour on paper cm 31 7 60 3 Trustees of the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery Bedford place of discovery object history Commissioned by James Leathart; by descent to his son T H Leathart; Sir Edmund Davies his sale Christie's 7 July 1939 no 88 £420; bought by Kerrison Preston who later gave it to Gordon Bottomley who willed back to Preston his sale Sotheby's 15 March 1967 no 34 £2 500; purchased Thos Agnew Son Ltd on behalf of Gallery exhibition history Winter Exhibition London R A 1883 no 291; <br /> Winter Exhibtion London R A 1901 no 159; <br /> London Goupil Gallery 1896 no 11; <br /> Franco �British Exhibition Paris 1908 no 429; <br /> The Pre �Raphaelite Brotherhood 1848 � 62 Birmingham Birmingham City Museum Art Gallery 1947 no 123; <br /> Paintings and Drawings by the Pre �Raphaelites and their Followers Bournemouth Russell �Cotes Art Gallery 1951 no 59; <br /> The Leathart Collection Newcastle upon Tyne Laing Art Gallery 1968 no 62; <br /> Pre �Raphaelites � Patrons and Painters in the North East Newcastle upon Tyne Laing Art Gallery 1989 �90 no 93; <br /> Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828 � 1882 Japan Tokyo Nagoya and Kurume 1990-91 no 20 credit line DGR / 1862 artist's monogram/date lower left of central panel ~ O lasso quotation upper center it Quanti dolci pensier Quanto disio quotation lower left it Menò costoro al doloroso passo quotation lower right it accession number P 548 place of creation https //www pubhist com/w18195 Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Paolo and Francesca da Rimini 1855 jpg Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Paolo and Francesca da Rimini - Google Art Project jpg https //web archive org/web/20071012190852/http //www cecilhigginsartgallery org/paintings/rosseb htm Cecil Higgins Art Gallery <br /> http //www liverpoolmuseums org uk/walker/exhibitions/rossetti/works/dante/paolo aspx Walker Art Gallery <br /> http //www rossettiarchive org/docs/s75 r-1 rap html Rossetti Archive Custom license marker 2016 05 02 PD-old-auto-1923 1882 Paintings by Dante Gabriel Rossetti Historical paintings of the Middle Ages by Dante Gabriel Rossetti Dante Alighieri series by Dante Gabriel Rossetti Paintings of Dante Alighieri Paolo e Francesca Virgil in the Divine Comedy Kisses in art Female long hair in art Holding hands in art 1862 watercolor paintings Watercolor paintings in the United Kingdom Collections of the Bedford Museum The Higgins Bedford |