Keywords: Davestar.jpg en A circular metal disc with a six-pointed star symbol from the context of the Khazar Khanate interpreted by Professor Bozena Werbart of Umea University as Jewish but seen by others as shamanistic or pagan The circular nature of the disc may represent the sun and the 6 points may represent rays of the sun Scholars lean towards assigning the disc to Tengri shamanism due to the fact that there are also known examples of Khazarian sun discs with 5 or 7 points rather than consistently 6 Some of the Jewish-Turkic graves at Chelarevo in what used to be Hungary contain engravings of the Star of David and are believed to belong to Khazar Kabar migrants ru Два таких металлических диска зе� кала были найдены на те� � ито� ии бывшего Хаза� ского каганата на Дону и Севе� ском Донце IX-X вв Э� митаж Изоб� ажение на нем можно т� актовать как языческий или шаманский знак но с большей ве� оятностью это Звезда Давида � символ иудаизма PD-old Dontbesogullible 2010-10-15 Seals Khazar Khaganate 618 �1048 |