Keywords: Demidov. The death of Volkonsky v1.jpg В К Демидов 1842 П� едсме� тный подвиг князя � К Волконского с� ажающегося с ляхами в Пафнутьевском монасты� е в Бо� овске в 1610 году Калужский художественный музей V K Demidov 1842 The last deed of prince Mikhailo Volkonsky Fighting the Poles in Pafnutyev Monastery in Borovsk in 1610 Kaluga Museum of Arts http //www bg-gallery ru/image php img_id 1152 many alternative scans available 1842 Vasily Kozmich Demidov years of birth and death unknown floruit 2nd quarter of 19th century PD-Old-100 PD-Art thumb left Different scan directly from museum's site Vasily Demidov Polish-Russian War 1609-1618 History of Kaluga Oblast Pafnutievo-Borovskiy Monastery 1842 paintings from Russia Russian history paintings Paintings in the Regional Art Museum Kaluga |