Keywords: DeRibas.jpg artwork Creator Johann-Baptist Lampi d Ä Johann Baptist von Lampi Portrait von Don Osip Mikhailovich de Ribas Admiral and Krigs-komissar ; oil auf Leinwand; Staatliche Eremitage; Saint Petersburg Johann Baptist von Lampi the Elder Portrait of Don Osip Mikhailovich de Ribas Admiral and Krigs-komissar ; oil paint on canvas; State Hermitage Museum; Sankt Petersburg Иоганн Баптист Лампи Ста� ший По� т� ет «Дона Осипа � ихайловича де Рибаса» адми� ала и гене� ал-к� игскомисса� ; xолст масляные к� аски; Госуда� ственный Э� митаж; Санкт-Пете� бу� г > 1796 Oil on canvas cm 70 6 Odessa Art Museum deribashouse narod ru/founder html other versions <gallery> RusPortraits v2-034 Joseph Mikhailowitch de Ribas jpg Lampi Portrait of DeRibas Hermitage 1796 jpg authored version hosted in State Hermitage Saint Petersburg Russia </gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1796>; Osip Mikhailovich de Ribas by Lampi Portraits by Johann-Baptist Lampi the Elder Russian nobility José de Ribas 1796 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1796 portrait paintings Male 18th-century men looking at viewer in art 18th-century oil portraits of men at bust length in military uniforms 18th-century oil portraits of men at half length in military uniforms Badges of chivalric orders in portrait paintings Copies of portrait paintings Male portrait paintings with powdered wigs Portrait paintings in 18th century military uniforms of Russia Portrait paintings in Ukraine Sash of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky in portrait paintings Stars of chivalric orders in portrait paintings Star of the Order of St Alexander Nevsky in portrait paintings Star of the Order of St Vladimir in portrait paintings |