Keywords: Diaoyudao 1885 井上馨 letter.jpg en A letter from Inoue Kaoru Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1885 to the Internal Affairs Ministry saying that a Chinese newspaper had previously claimed that Japan intended to occupy the islands near Taiwan of Qing Dynasty later known as the Senkaku Islands in Japan and Diaoyu Islands in China and he advised that it would be better for Japan not to take any actions that may cause complications zh 时任日� �外务相的井上馨1885年就日� �欲占钓鱼岛群岛给当时日� �内务� �的� 封信� �内容中文译为: 近� �,清国报纸传� 我国政� 欲占领清国� 属台湾� �方之岛屿,呼吁清政� 注意� �故� �此之际,对此等小岛我拟采取暂时不轻动,避免不必要纷争之措施为� � � ja 近頃清国ノ新聞ニ我政� ハ清国ニ属スル台湾� �方ノ島嶼ヲ占拠セシ様ノ風評ヲ掲ゲ清政� ノ注意ヲ喚起セシテアリ故ニ此際� � 番タル� 小嶼ニハ暫時ハ� 分不相� ノ不要ノコンプリケーションヲ避クルノ好政策ナルベシ http //www zhgpl com/doc/1015/1/0/3/101510304_8 html coluid 93 kindid 2783 docid 101510304 mdate 1119002459 井上馨 Inoue Kaoru the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1885 1885 The complete text version of this document can be found through the Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan http //www jacar go jp/DAS/meta/MetaOutServlet GRP_ID G0000101 DB_ID G0000101EXTERNAL IS_STYLE default IS_TYPE SUM_KIND MetaFolder IS_START 1 IS_NUMBER1 data_type IS_KIND MetaDetail ID M2006092114112088189 CAT_TYPE_DISPLAYED XSLT_NAME OyaMeta xsl MEDURL IMG_FLG REF_CODE 1.沖縄� �久米赤島� �久場島� �魚釣島ヘ国標建設ノ件 明治十八年十� � Documents of Senkaku Islands Letters of Japan PD-Japan-oldphoto |