Keywords: Distributions with equal medians.svg ru Плотности двух случайных величин с � авными медианами П� и этом вто� ая случайная величина стохастически больше пе� вой 2016-10-18 own Ilya Voyager other versions cc-zero Source code The image was prepared with Python 3 and Matplotlib The following source code is in public domain <syntaxhighlight lang python > import numpy as np import matplotlib pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns for better style points np array -2 0 -1 0 -1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 T fig plt figure figsize 4 1 5 1 3 1 5 2 ax1 plt subplot 211 plt ylim 0 1 3 plt fill_between points0 0 points1 plt setp ax1 get_xticklabels visible False plt subplot 212 sharex ax1 plt ylim 0 1 3 plt fill_between -points0 0 points1 plt savefig distributions with equal medians svg </syntaxhighlight> Statistics Category Valid SVG created with Matplotlib code |