Keywords: Dizengoff Square Tel Aviv3.jpg Dizengoff Circle 1940s � in Tel Aviv British Mandate of Palestine Israel With Modernist buildings in White City present day heritage district Tel Aviv Dizengoff-Platz in der Weißen Stadt von de Tel Aviv Place Dizengoff Ville blanche de Tel Aviv Площадь Дизенгоф в Белом го� оде Тель-Авива Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division G Eric and Edith Matson Photograph Collection http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/matpc 12657 LC-M33- 13309-A Scanned from 1 negative safety film ; 4 x 5 in matpc 12657 between 1940 1946 Matson Photo Service PD-Matson Restored version of File Dizengoff_Square_Tel_Aviv jpg Rotated and cropped Dirt scratches and other artifacts removed Damaged areas at lower right and left reconstructed Selective brightness adjustment at far right Histogram balanced 32 07757 34 77409 heading N Dizengoff Square 1940s Modern movement architecture in Tel Aviv-Yafo Apartment buildings in Tel Aviv-Yafo British mandate architecture in Israel 1940 British Mandate of Palestine in the 1940s Israel in the 1940s Architecture Photographs of Palestine in the Matson Collection Black and white photographs of parks Black and white photographs of Israel 1940s en Dizengoff Square |