Keywords: Don Jaime de Borbón1.jpg en Jaime de Borbón y de Borbón-Parma called Duke of Madrid ru По� т� ет полковника лейб-гва� дии Г� одненского гуса� ского полка дона Хайме Бу� бона ге� цога мад� идского http //www podstanitskiy ru/files/images/commongallery/photogallery/jacquier_bourbon_big jpg 1910-th Henri Jacquier PD-RusEmpire Coat of Arms PD-old-auto 1921 Spanish House of Bourbon Jaime de Borbón y Borbón-Parma Jaime Legitimist pretenders to the French throne Jacques 1 Podstanitsky's collection Portraits of hussars from Russia Grodnensky Guard Hussar Regiment Knights of the Golden Fleece 19th century |