Keywords: Dreer's quarterly wholesale price list of vegetable seeds flower seeds bulbs aquatics decorative plants hard plants tools implements etc., etc (15941271683).jpg PLANET JR TOOLS FOR 1900 <br> Space will not permit oar showing and describing all of the Planet Jr tools but we will send a fully illustrated <br> catalogue free for the asking to any who desire it Great improvements have been made foi 1900 You can rely on getting <br> the bottom price from us on any of the Planet Jr goods <br> No 3 HILL AND DRILL SEEDER <br> PRICE 11 00 <br> THIS seeder is the latest and most perfect development <br> of the hand seed drill It sows evenly in drills and <br> also drops in hills at 4 6 8 12 or 24 inches apart <br> It is thrown out of gear instantly by moving a convenient <br> lever ; or the flow of seed is stopped by pushing down the <br> feed rod No time is lost ; no seed is wasted It is quickly <br> set to sow different kinds of seed in the <br> exact thickness desired 15 inch drive <br> wheel ; hopper holds 2 quarts ; it runs <br> light and sows equally <br> well with a full hopper or <br> a tablespoonful of seed <br> No 12 DOUBLE WHEEL HOE CULTIVATOR AND <br> PLOW PRICE 7 25- <br> THIS perfected wheel hoe is invaluable for use in all <br> small crops Changes and adjustments of the tools <br> are made with the greatest quickness Wheels can <br> be set at four different distances apart Malleable frame <br> with ample room for tool adjust- <br> ment and can be set at three dif- <br> ferent heights Adjustable handles <br> The arch is of stiff steel unusually <br> high The quick-change frame per- <br> mits the tools to be <br> changed without re- <br> moving the nuts <br> No i6 SINQLE WHEEL HOE CULTIVATOR <br> RAKE AND PLOW PRICE 6 00 <br> THIS latest and best single wheel hoe has a very full set <br> of tools several of them being of new special design <br> such as have been found to work in the very best <br> manner It has 11 inch wheel with broad face ; is very <br> light strong and easy running It has adjustable handles <br> and quick-change frame and the wheel may be attached to <br> the other side of the frame <br> when both sides of the <br> PLANET JR No 25 COHBINED HILL AND <br> DRILL SEEDER AND DOUBLE WHEEL <br> HOE PRICE 14 00 <br> THIS new combined machine is intended for a class of gar- <br> deners who have a large enough acreage in crops for a <br> Double- Wheel Hoe to be used to good advantage and <br> yet prefer not to buy a separate Wheel Hoe It holds 1 <br> quarts and has 11 - inch wheels � which are just the right <br> size It will sow in drills or hills 4 6 8 12 or 24 inches <br> apart It is thoroughly substantial and accurate in sowing <br> all kinds of garden seeds in either hills or <br> drills As a Wheel Hoe it is identical <br> with the PLANET JR No 12 Double- <br> Wheel Hoe The change from Drill <br> to Wheel Hoe takes but a mo- <br> ment and the entire com- <br> bination is one we can <br> heartily recommend and <br> ;uarantee satisfac- <br> tory <br> PLANET JR HARROW AND CULTIVATOR <br> THIS tool has rapidly grown into favor with market gar- <br> deners and strawberry growers It has a high frame <br> and the chisel-shape teeth cut an inch wide each The <br> foot lever pulverizer isacapital addition for preparing ground <br> for the seed drill or for plant setting It contracts to 12 <br> inches expands to 32 inches It cultivates deep without <br> throwing earth upon the plants <br> Price plain 8 50 <br> with wheel 8 25 <br> complete 10 00 <br> No 17 SINGLE WHEEL HOE <br> The same as No 16 but with a pair of 6 inch hoes a set <br> of cultivator teeth and a plow only Price 4 75 <br> PLANET JR No 8 HORSE HOE PRICE 10 00 <br> Without Depth Regulator order as No 7 9 25 <br> THE Planet Jr Combined Horse Hoe and Cultivator <br> is so strongly built as to withstand incredible strain <br> yet it is light and easy to handle The Frame is longer <br> than usual and about Ih inches higher making a tool that <br> will not clog easily The Stiff Steel Standards are hollow with <br> round throats ; they polish quickly and free themselves read- <br> ily from obstructions The Depth is under perfect control by <br> means of a new lever wheel and the new patented depth <br> regulator The Expander is superior <br> to all other forms The Reversible <br> Side Hoes patented are an impor- <br> tant part of the implement work- <br> ing shallow and close without in- <br> jury to the roots that <br> an immense amount of <br> hand labor is saved 43837591 149442 78185 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43837591 1900 10 5962/bhl title 78185 Henry A Dreer Firm ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection Biodiversity Heritage Library Dreer's quarterly wholesale price list of vegetable seeds flower seeds bulbs aquatics decorative plants hard plants tools implements etc etc 1900 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Flowers Nurseries Horticulture Seeds Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43837591 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43837591 bhlGardenStories Henry A Dreer Garden Tools BHLinbloom bulbs plants nurseries horticulture u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories henry a dreer garden tools bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-17 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15941271683 2015-08-24 23 52 14 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Dreer's quarterly wholesale price list of vegetable seeds flower seeds bulbs aquatics decorative plants hard plants tools implements etc etc Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |