Keywords: DSRV-Mystic (cropped).jpg Sasebo Japan Apr 25 2002 � The U S Navy Los Angeles-attack submarine USS La Jolla SSN-701 with the deep submergence rescue vehicle Mystic DSRV-1 attached is escorted by the Japanese Coast Guard as it pulls out of Sasebo harbor to participate in the submarine rescue Exercise Pacific Reach 2002 La Jolla and Mystic will operate with surface ships and submarines from the U S Japan Australia the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Singapore during Exercise Pacific Reach Mystic was specifically designed to fill the need for an improved means of rescuing the crew of a submarine immobilized on the ocean floor It can operate independently of surface conditions or under ice for rapid response to an accident anywhere in the world 020425-N-0401E-003 Navy http //www news navy mil/view_single asp id 1366 2002-04-25 U S Navy Journalist 3rd Class Wes Eplen PD-USGov-Military-Navy USS La Jolla SSN-701 DSRV-1 Mystic submarine 1970 Pacific Reach 2002 CLs of the Japan Coast Guard April 2002 photographs 25 April April 2002 in Japan Taken with Fujifilm FinePix S1 Pro Photographs of flags of the United States DSRV-Mystic jpg |