Keywords: Dudin Ukrainians from Poltava region 2 1894.jpg uk Дівчина у святковому вб� анні та дід у повсякденному Полтавщина 1894 Фото Самуїла Дудіна en The girl wearing holiday outfit and the old man wearing everyday clothing from Poltava region Ukraine Photo by Samuil Dudin 1894 1894 http //vk com/museumkunstkamera Kunstkamera VK page Samuil Dudin 1863-1929 Custom license marker 2014 03 13 PD-old-auto-1923 1929 National costumes of Ukraine in old photos Ethnographical photos by Samuil Dudin Historical images of Poltava oblast Uploaded with UploadWizard 1894 photographs Clothing of Poltava region |