Keywords: EB 1911 Map Fig 10.png Fig 10 �Map illustrating w Sallust's Bellum jugurthinum 11th century Leipzig <br>A somewhat detailed Latin T O map with east at the top but only identified by labeling the bottom of the map West Occidens <br>Asia is decorated with the cities of Babylon Babilonia Troy Troia and unlabelled Jerusalem and the mountains of Lebanon Libanus It also has the cities of Sestos Sidon Sydon and Tyre Tyrus labelled <br>Europe Europa is decorated with the city of Rome Roma and the Alps Alpes and Pyrenees Pirrens The city of Constantinople Const and lands of Greece Grecia Spain Hispania and France Francia <br>Africa is decorated with the 2 unlabelled cities as well as those of Carthage Kartago Leptis Magna Leptis and Cyrene Cirene The lands of Syrtis Locapet Ethiopia Ethiopea Geruli the Moors Mauri Libya Libies Numidia and very misplaced Armenia The Temple of Ammon is separately listed and Egypt made an island between the Nile Nilus and the Catabathmon Mountains misunderstood as a river or sea 1911 archetype 11th century Map in the Encyclopaedia Britannica 11th�ed Vol �XVII p �638 anonymous Presumably Emery Walker PD-US; PD-Britannica; PD-Art other versions <gallery> File EB 1911 Map Fig 9 png Isidore's less elaborate T O map contrasted with the Sallust one in the EB </gallery> PD-US PD-Britannica PD-Art PD-100 DEFAULTSORT ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA 1911 17 MAP 10 Images from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica volume 17 Map 10 1911 maps 11th-century maps T and O map Sallust ImageNote 1 494 345 126 61 1368 1396 2 Asia ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 501 138 191 58 1368 1396 2 Babilonia� Babylon ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 620 445 131 49 1368 1396 2 Libanus� Mt�Lebanon ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 692 566 103 51 1368 1396 2 Sydon� Sidon ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 844 548 142 49 1368 1396 2 Phenices� The�Phoenicians ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 1135 529 23 89 1368 1396 2 Nilus� Nile�R ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 7 1212 557 30 112 1368 1396 2 Egypt ImageNoteEnd 7 ImageNote 8 573 538 107 47 1368 1396 2 Tyrus� Tyre ImageNoteEnd 8 ImageNote 9 103 706 51 135 1368 1396 2 Danube ImageNoteEnd 9 ImageNote 10 135 662 198 54 1368 1396 2 Hellespontus� Hellespont ImageNoteEnd 10 ImageNote 11 191 734 107 40 1368 1396 2 Const � Constantinople �Istanbul ImageNoteEnd 11 ImageNote 12 245 806 217 68 1368 1396 2 Europa� Europe ImageNoteEnd 12 ImageNote 13 392 741 128 33 1368 1396 2 Grecia� Greece ImageNoteEnd 13 ImageNote 14 277 1196 114 33 1368 1396 2 Hibnia�or�Hibernia� Ireland ImageNoteEnd 14 ImageNote 15 277 1056 28 110 1368 1396 2 Germania� Germany ImageNoteEnd 15 ImageNote 16 517 918 96 44 1368 1396 2 Roma� Rome ImageNoteEnd 16 ImageNote 17 594 986 42 151 1368 1396 2 Hispania� Spain ImageNoteEnd 17 ImageNote 18 429 1095 126 37 1368 1396 2 Francia� France ImageNoteEnd 18 ImageNote 19 221 890 91 33 1368 1396 2 Alpes� Alps ImageNoteEnd 19 ImageNote 20 489 1275 96 51 1368 1396 2 Anglia� England ImageNoteEnd 20 ImageNote 21 627 1300 105 33 1368 1396 2 Gades ImageNoteEnd 21 ImageNote 22 583 1356 177 35 1368 1396 2 Occidens� West ImageNoteEnd 22 ImageNote 23 743 1067 147 40 1368 1396 2 Armenia ImageNoteEnd 23 ImageNote 24 881 1053 147 44 1368 1396 2 Numidia ImageNoteEnd 24 ImageNote 25 767 1116 105 40 1368 1396 2 Libies� The�Libyans ImageNoteEnd 25 ImageNote 26 799 760 140 47 1368 1396 2 Leptis ImageNoteEnd 26 ImageNote 27 841 813 184 58 1368 1396 2 Africa ImageNoteEnd 27 ImageNote 28 1112 753 117 42 1368 1396 2 Cirene� Cyrene ImageNoteEnd 28 ImageNote 29 424 392 98 49 1368 1396 2 Troia� Troy ImageNoteEnd 29 ImageNote 30 1053 1051 42 110 1368 1396 2 Ethiopes� The�Ethiopians ImageNoteEnd 30 ImageNote 31 1214 753 51 256 1368 1396 2 Ammon�Templ � Temple�of�Ammon ImageNoteEnd 31 ImageNote 32 788 1165 107 49 1368 1396 2 Mauri� The�Moors ImageNoteEnd 32 ImageNote 33 767 995 133 42 1368 1396 2 Kartago� Carthage ImageNoteEnd 33 ImageNote 34 1095 681 182 68 1368 1396 2 Cathebathmon� Catabathmon ImageNoteEnd 34 |