Keywords: Edward John Poynter - Psyche in the Temple of Love - Google Art Project.jpg Google Art Project oil on canvas Paris France 1836 London England 1919 Edward Male 407392 John Poynter British 1836 - 1919 /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/artwork/psyche-in-the-temple-of-love-edward-john-poynter/407393/ Edward John Poynter /artist/edward-john-poynter/4128136/ 4128136 /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/ Walker Art Gallery Liverpool 346008 11/28/2011 4 29 04 PM /collection/walker-art-gallery-liverpool/artwork/psyche-in-the-temple-of-love-edward-john-poynter/407393/ 1882 Edward John Poynter; Psyche; mythological; Cupid; palace; temple; attribute; butterfly; flower; doves; Venus; woman; draped; aesthetic; art for art's sake 663 407393 False 1882 Without frame 3/24/2012 12 47 41 AM WAG 673 http //www liverpoolmuseums org uk/walker/collections/19c/psycheintemple aspx Walker Art Gallery National Museums Liverpool Presented by the Local Committee of the Social Science Congress Meeting in Liverpool in 1882 painting 1880 1890 w507 x h663 cm 1882 False 0 76171875 Object psyche-in-the-temple-of-love-edward-john-poynter Psyche in the Temple of Love p 507 tag_/_style Edward John Poynter; Psyche; mythological; Cupid; palace; temple; attribute; butterfly; flower; doves; Venus; woman; draped; aesthetic; art for art's sake special url_id LwEBRovpSAUVMA 1919 Google Art Project works by Edward Poynter Edward Poynter Psyche Necklines in art Kerchiefs in art Foreground in art Watching in art Females in art in three-quarter views Female arms in art People holding plants |