MAKE A MEME View Large Image Edward Larsson 1885 I.jpg en wikipedia en wikipedia Edward Larsson's rune cipher resembling that found on the w Kensington Runestone Also includes runically-unrelated blackletter writing style and pigpen cipher Similar to notes dated 1883 ...
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Keywords: Edward Larsson 1885 I.jpg en wikipedia en wikipedia Edward Larsson's rune cipher resembling that found on the w Kensington Runestone Also includes runically-unrelated blackletter writing style and pigpen cipher Similar to notes dated 1883 First published in http //www2 sofi se/daum/katta/katta13/katta13 pdf DAUM-katta in 2003 Image used by permission from DAUM Transcription <br clear all> wikitable Line Swedish English - 1 Gamla - äfwen kallad Tyska stilen The old - also called German text face - 2 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T - 3 U W X Y Z Å Ä Ö U W X Y Z Å Ä Ö - 4 A a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r ſ s t u v w y z å ä ö A a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r ſ s t u v w y z å ä ö - 5 Runorna eller Runstafwen The runes or The rune-rod - 6 Hwilken Oden Sigge den 1<SUP>ste</SUP> Fridulfsson införde här i norden Which Oden Sigge Fridulfsson the 1<SUP>st</SUP> introduced here in the Nordic Countries - 7 under hedniska tidewarfwet Stilen ägde i begynnelsen endast during the pagan time period The face had in the beginning only - 8 16 figurer som utgjorde 20 bokstäfwer hwilka ej gick i alfabe- 16 characters which formed 20 letters that did not run in alphabe- - 9 tisk ordning Är ursprunget till all skrifwing och är af detta utseende tical order They are the origin of all writing and were of this appearance - 10 Runes Runes - 11 F U Y D O R K G H N I A E S T B P L M V E L M W F U Y D O R K G H N I A E S T B P L M V E L M W - 12 Men sedan stilen blef mera känd uppkom ett fullständigt allfabet But after the style became better known a complete alphabet appeared - 13 som af okänd orsak förändras till följande utseende that for unknown reasons changes sic into the following appearance - 14 2 runes - 15 A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z Å Ä Ö A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z Å Ä Ö - 16 Sist af dess sorters Bokstäfwer införas Lönnstilen som säges wara Last of this sort of Letters the Code-face is introduced which is claimed to be - 17 den första i Werlden och war skrifwen på lagens taflor the first in the World and was written on the tablets of law - 18 2 the chiffer text - 19 A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z Å Ä Ö A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U W X Y Z Å Ä Ö - 20 Gamla siffror Old numerals - 21 ���������������1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 �������������1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - 22 Tilhörig Edward Larsson Belongs to Edward Larsson - 23 Floda den 16 April 1885 Floda the 16 April 1885 <br> The rune-rod Runstaven is a rod with a Scandinavian calender based on the greek calender <BR CLEAR ALL > PD-Art This page used to have a <nowiki> permission </nowiki> template on it but the image is in the public domain due to the Bridgeman Art Library v Corel Corp ruling no matter what the permission text says The permission is reproduced below for historical reasons Permission text <div style width 80 ; padding 3px; background f7f8ff; border 1px solid gray; margin 0 auto; text-align left; align center > Dnr 90/04<br> 13/4 2004<br> <br> Hejsan Du kan använda bilderna av Edward Larssons runor fritt om du anger varifrån de kommer Dialekt- ortnamns- och folkminnesarkivet i Umeå DAUM eller namnet på engelska Institute for Dialectology Onomastics and Folklore Research in Umeå Bilderna kan du ladda hem från vår hemsida www sofi se/daum RGB 100dpi jpeg <br> Med vänliga hälsningar <br> Ola Wennstedt<br> Arkivchef<br> You may use the picture of Edward Larsson's runes freely if you write its origins which is DAUM Dialekt- ortnamns- och folkminnesarkivet i Umeå or the English name Institute for Dialectology Onomastics and Folklore Research in Umeå You can download the pictures from our homepage www sofi se/daum </div> en wikipedia edit history 1 date/time username edit summary ---- 13 30 29 December 2005 en User 81 232 72 53 <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 19 28 13 September 2005 en User Nixdorf <nowiki> PD-art </nowiki> ---- 21 21 16 August 2005 en User Nixdorf <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 17 34 31 July 2005 en User 85 226 122 190 <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 02 06 11 April 2005 en User Jonathunder <nowiki> UC </nowiki> ---- 01 28 12 February 2005 en User Jonathunder <nowiki> bypass redirect </nowiki> ---- 16 30 8 January 2005 en User 213 112 113 112 <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 23 49 22 December 2004 en User Evil Monkey <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 12 40 5 December 2004 en User 213 112 113 118 <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 12 31 5 December 2004 en User 213 112 113 118 <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 11 08 5 December 2004 en User 213 112 113 118 <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 10 38 27 November 2004 en User 80 186 63 61 <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 10 37 27 November 2004 en User 80 186 63 61 <nowiki></nowiki> ---- 23 05 17 July 2004 en User Solkoll <nowiki> Spell correction Worlden -> Werlden old form of the modern; Världen e and ä are similar sounding vovels </nowiki> ---- 16 28 6 May 2004 en User Rogper <nowiki> more translation </nowiki> ---- 14 53 6 May 2004 en User Rogper <nowiki> translation of text </nowiki> ---- 13 19 13 April 2004 en User Nixdorf <nowiki> improved </nowiki> ---- 13 17 13 April 2004 en User Nixdorf <nowiki> Edward Larssons rune cipher resembling that found on the <a href /wiki/Kensington_Stone title Kensington Stone >Kensington Stone</a> </nowiki> en wikipedia File upload history 13 17 13 April 2004 en User Nixdorf Nixdorf en User_talk Nixdorf Talk 890x1414 619817 bytes Edward Larssons rune cipher resembling that found on the en Kensington_Stone Kensington Stone en Image Edward Larsson 1885 I jpg Alphabets Runic writing Handwriting Pigpen cipher 16 April 1880s documents Kensington Runestone
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