Keywords: Elena Pavlovna by A.Gral (c.1830, Russian museum).jpg А Г� аль По� т� ет великой княгини Елены Павловны Около 1830 Слоновая кость аква� ель гуашь 23 1 х 16 7 Русский музей Portrait of the Consort of the Emperor Nicholas of Russia Bust-length painting by August Grahl http //www rusmuseum ru/exhib/lenta/exhibition2007/exhibition213/ circa 1830 г А Г� аль This image is in the public domain; PD-OLD; PD-ART PD-Old Charlotte of Württemberg Elena Pavlovna Bz Painted portraits of Grand Duchesses of Russia 19th-century portraits in the Russian Museum Romanovs August Grahl |