MAKE A MEME View Large Image Elena Pavlovna of Russia with daughter Maria by Brullov (1830, Russian museum).jpg великой княгини Елены Павловны с доче ью  а ией Госуда ственный Русский музей ...
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Keywords: Elena Pavlovna of Russia with daughter Maria by Brullov (1830, Russian museum).jpg великой княгини Елены Павловны с доче� ью � а� ией Госуда� ственный Русский музей Санкт-Пете� бу� г Россия Portrait of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna with her daughter 1830 Oil on canvas cm 465 5 651 langswitch an der Basis der Säule on the base of a column Institution Russian Museum langswitch Ж-5082 F-5082 object history provenanceEvent commission 1829 langswitch while the Grandduchess stayed in Rome während in der Großherzogin Elena Pawlowna in Rom во в� емя п� ебывания великой княгини Елены Павловны в Риме langswitch castle near St Peterburg в О� аниенбаумском дво� це близ Санкт-Пете� бу� га Schloss Oranienbaum bei St Petersburg provenanceEvent transfer langswitch GMP Г� Ф Russian Museum 1928 langswitch Ein ähnliches Porträt 1829 Taille-Version a similar portrait Аналогичный по� т� ет 1829 поясной ва� иант private collection Moscow http //lj rossia org/users/john_petrov/435960 html here / здесь other versions PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1830; Elena Pavlovna and Maria Mikhailovna Collective portraits by Karl Briullov Female portraits by Karl Briullov Art works uploaded by Andrew Butko from various sources 1000-1999 px on long side 19th-century portraits in the Russian Museum Romanovs Charlotte of Württemberg Elena Pavlovna Maria Mikhailovna of Russia 1830 oil on canvas paintings Portrait 1830 portrait paintings 1830s dresses 1830s oil on canvas paintings in Russia Portrait 1830s paintings from Russia 1830s portraits of Russia female 19th-century family portraits of royalty 19th-century oil portraits of girls at full length 19th-century oil portraits of standing women at full length 19th-century promenade portraits of families Columns in portrait paintings Drapery in portrait paintings Females with white satin dresses in art Painted portraits of Grand Duchesses of Russia Portrait paintings of standing girls Parasols in art Portrait paintings of mothers and daughters Portraits with 2 persons Portraits with umbrellas Russian promenade portraits Two females in art
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