Keywords: Emblem of Shiga prefecture.svg Emblem of Shiga Prefecture Japan Light blue stylized Katakana character of Shiga The emblem expresses Japan's largest lake The Biwako in light blue round shape and wings which represent harmony and progress The symbol announced on http //www pref shiga jp/jourei/reisys/332902500138000000MH/332902500138000000MH/332902500138000000MH html May 3 1957 Эмблема п� ефекту� ы Сига Япония она была опубликована http //www pref shiga jp/jourei/reisys/332902500138000000MH/332902500138000000MH/332902500138000000MH html 3 мая 1957 Flag_of_Shiga_Prefecture svg 2010-06-14 16 57 UTC Shiga prefecture administration Flag_of_Shiga_Prefecture svg Alex Tora derivative work Claymore <span class signature-talk >talk</span> I have taken of the symbol from the flag Claymore Flag_of_Shiga_Prefecture svg Insignia PD-Japan-organization original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File Flag_of_Shiga_Prefecture svg licensed with PD-Japan-organization 2007-11-05T09 12 54Z Alex Tora 301x201 8296 Bytes <nowiki> Summary 滋� � �� �旗П� апо� п� ефекту� и СігаFlag of Shiga-ken self-made based on http //www pref shiga jp/jourei/reisys/honbun/ak00102991 html 滋� � �� �旗 �</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Emblems of prefectures of Japan Shiga prefecture symbol |