Keywords: EmpressJosephine.jpg Portrait of the Empress Joséphine 1763-1814 Импе� ат� ица Жозефина на т� оне 1807 Oil on canvas cm 225 149 Institution Versailles Original uploader was Рихте� at http //ru wikipedia org ru wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User Shakko using http //tools wikimedia de/~magnus/commonshelper php CommonsHelper <br/> Original text http //www caraibefilms com/w/postprod/ id 1 000PE008372 other versions PD-old-100 original upload log page ru wikipedia EmpressJosephine jpg 2009-06-04 09 24 Рихте� 399�600� 35641 bytes Описание Импе� ат� ица Жозефина на т� оне Источник http //www caraibefilms com/w/postprod/ id 1 В� емя создания 1807 год Авто� Guillau DEFAULTSORT 1807; Joséphine de Beauharnais Guillaume Guillon Lethière 19th-century portrait paintings in the Musée national du Château de Versailles Portrait paintings of Joséphine de Beauharnais 1807 Lethiere Portraits of Empress Joséphine in Coronation Robes 1807 Lethiere 1800s dresses 1807 oil on canvas paintings in France Portrait 1807 portrait paintings from France 19th-century oil portraits of sitting women at full length Cherusque collars Drapery in portrait paintings Empire silhouette Ermine clothing in art Females with white dresses in art Portrait paintings of women wearing tiaras diadems Portrait paintings of women with crowns on cushions Sitting on throne Thrones in portrait paintings Fur clothing of native people of France |