Keywords: EparhiiRPC-de.svg BadSVG de Territoriale Organisation der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche in Russland ru Те� � ито� иальная о� ганизация Русской П� авославной Це� кви en Territorial organization of the Russian Orthodox Church el Εδαφική οργάνωση της Ρωσικής Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας ro Organizarea teritorială a Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse 2012-07-08 EparhiiRPC-english svg 50 2012-12-20 20 24 UTC EparhiiRPC-english svg EparhiiRPC jpg Administrative Secretariate of Moscow Patriarchate derivative work Vanjagenije derivative work Furfur German translation Furfur EparhiiRPC-english svg Cc-zero Original upload log This image is a derivative work of the following images File EparhiiRPC-english svg licensed with Cc-zero 2012-12-20T12 19 28Z Vanjagenije 6092x3360 1032634 Bytes <nowiki>correction</nowiki> 2012-12-20T12 03 22Z Vanjagenije 612x792 1365137 Bytes <nowiki> en Territorial organization of the Russian Orthodox Church ru Те� � ито� иальная о� ганизация Русской П� авославной Це� к�</nowiki> Uploaded with derivativeFX Maps of Russia Russian Orthodox eparchies |