Keywords: EuroMaidan-berkut-Poster.JPG uk Київ 10 г� удня 2013 Плакат який вчить � оз� ізняти бе� кут і внут� ішні війська Euromaidan poster explaining the differences between Ukraine's Berkut special police and conscripted Internal Troops <br />the text of the poster is in Russian <br />REMEMBER Not everyone in uniform is a BERKUT <br />BERKUT <br /> can use force against the protesters; <br /> they keep themselves behind the backs of the soldiers while stones are being thrown at them and block the retreat; <br /> they are paid for their service; <br /> they wear GREY uniforms <br />INTERIOR TROOPS <br /> are not allowed to use force against the participants of meetings; <br /> government uses them as cannon fodder; <br /> they are 18-19 year-old conscripts; <br /> they wear BLACK uniforms December 10 2013 own A1 cc-zero Uploaded with UploadWizard Euromaidan in Kiev December 10 2013 Berkut during Euromaidan Internal Troops of Ukraine Posters of Euromaidan |