Keywords: Everything for the garden (15768504474).jpg 100 <br> ;VER¥TInII MG FOR TIE GAIRDEM - Flower Seeds <br> NASTURTIUM TALL or CLIMBING VARIETIES <br> Popular annual climbers 6 to 10 feet high flowering in profusion <br> until frost; they flower best in light dry soil See cut <br> Mixed Climbing Varieties Containing many colors <br> Per Lb 1 00; Lb 35c Oz 10c; Pkt 5c <br> Collection of 6 colors 25c; 12 colors 40c <br> NASTURTIUM TOM -THUMB <br> Bushy garden annuals 1 foot high producing large bright-colored <br> flowers continuously until frost <br> Tom-Thumb Mixed Colors Per Lb 1 00; HLb 35c; Oz 10c; Pkt 5c <br> Collection of 6 sorts 25c; 12 sorts 40c <br> TRAILING NASTURTIUM TOM POUCE <br> A very distinct type The vines grow only 2 feet long with no <br> tendency to climb Theleaves areleathery and dark green The flowers <br> are smaller than those of ordinary Nasturtiums but are borne in great <br> profusion The colors are yellow scarlet orange and blotched Pecu- <br> liarly adapted as trailers for vases window boxes hanging baskets rock- <br> work embankments etc Oz 25c; Pkt 10c <br> LILLIPUT NASTURTIUMS <br> Superb little bedding Nasturtiums smaller in growth leaf and flower <br> than the Tom-Thumb varieties The Lilliputs make compact oval <br> bushes 8 to 10 inches in height and are fairly sheeted with flowers <br> throughout the season <br> Lilliput Mixed Colors Oz 20c; Pkl 10c <br> Baby Rose White with rose marking 25c; 10c <br> Lady Cherry Deep rich cherry-red 25c; 10c <br> Fairy King Old rose color 25c; 10c <br> Snow Queen Clear white 25c ; 10c <br> Collection 1 pkt each of the above 4 separate varieties 30c <br> My Nasturtiums are a profusion of blossoms � and an expanse of <br> beauty I am proud of them Passers-by greatly admire the many <br> different colors � some declaring they are the most beautiful they have ever <br> seen � and asking their name and where I got the seed I say 'Henderson's <br> Giant-Flowering ' EDGAR VAIL Yorktown Heights N Y <br> HENDERSON'S GIANT- FLOWERING <br> CLIMBING NASTURTIUMS <br> A new section obtained by a French specialist by hybridizing and distin- <br> guished by flowers of a large size and a richness and variety of coloring not to <br> be found in Nasturtiums heretofore grown There have already been pro- <br> duced twenty-two different colors or combinations of colors in these new <br> hybrids including various shades of rose salmon bright red pale yellow etc <br> either self-colored or spotted mottled striped and margined <br> For covering trellises fences arbors piazzas trailing from vases over <br> rockwork etc nothing can equal the gorgeous effect produced by their mar- <br> velous quantities of bloom borne in uninterrupted splendor from early summer <br> until cut down by frost Their ease of culture and luxuriant growth 12 <br> to 15 feet high render these Nasturtiums worthy of great popularity <br> Giant-flowering Climbing Mixed Colors Lb 1 50; \i Lb 50c; Oz lSc; Pkt lOc <br> California Enormous flowers having a deeply fringed throat; the <br> color a rich crimson-maroon is strikingly rich and velvety 20c; 10c <br> Twilight Chamois-yellow shaded salmon-rose and splashed <br> scarlet 20c ; 10c <br> Sunlight Pure rich butter-yellow flowers often 3 inches across 20c; 10c <br> Moonlight Immense creamy- white flowers 20c; 10c/ <br> Jupiter Magnificent flowers of a brilliant golden-yellow 20c ; 10c <br> Ruby-rose Ruby-rose shading off into lighter and darker tints 20c; 10c <br> Salmon Queen Grand flowers of glowing salmon color 20c; 10c <br> Red Spurred Large flowers of different colors blotched spotted <br> red edged etc and all ornamented with unique red spurs 20c; '10c <br> Collection 1 pkt each of the above 8 Giant Climbing Nasturtiums 60c <br> HENDERSON'S GIANTFLOWERING <br> Tom Thumb Nasturtiums <br> These Grand Bedding Nasturtiums have flowers often measuring three inches <br> across in a great variety of new and charming combinations of colors while <br> the brilliancy and velvety richness of the self-colored sorts have been greatly <br> enhanced For summer flower-beds nothing can surpass them; the plants <br> form perfect mounds about one foot high by one foot across Seed sown in <br> the open ground in the spring will produce plants that commence blooming <br> during early summer and continue until frost See cut <br> Giant-flowering Tom-Thumb Mixed Colors Fom the largest- <br> flowering most beautiful and varied collection Lb 1 50; <br> M Lb 50c Oz l5c; PktAOc <br> Mariposa Yellow with terra-cotta blotches and red veins 20c; 10c <br> Golden Gate Immense flowers of rich golden-orange 20c; 10c <br> Kaleidoscope The flowers vary in color on a single plant <br> some being all yellow others all red while many are <br> spotted and marked in diversified styles 20c; 10c <br> King of the Reds Giant flowers of brilliant crimson-scarlet 20c; 10c <br> Rainbow Canary splashed and shaded carmine and rose 20c; 10c <br> Gorgeous Grand flowers of glowing salmony-apricot 20c; 10c <br> Collection 1 pkt each of the above 6 Giant Tom-Thumb Nasturtiums 50c <br> I want to tell you that I have been getting my Nasturtium seed from you for <br> years and each year they seem to be more beautiful vigorous and prolific <br> Mrs HARRY LACY Fredericksburg Va <br> GIANT-FLOWERING TOM-THUMB NASTURTIUMS <br> MUCH ABOUT the GARDEN <br> Beautiful and <br> Bountiful in <br> HENDERSON'S GARDEN GUIDE <br> Free with orders of 1 00 or over <br> if asked for- See 2d page Cover 43874892 149634 78295 Page 100 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874892 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Mariposa NameConfirmed Mariposa NameBankID 4232456 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874892 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874892 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15768504474 2015-08-25 03 02 30 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |