MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (15768509794).jpg From FETEIR HBMDE3RSOH Q2L CO s MEW YOUH <br> 103 <br> HENDERSON'S <br> MAMMOTH <br> BUTTERFLY <br> PANSIES <br> HENDEKSON'S <br> MAMMOTH <br> BUTTERFLY PANSIES <br> The most varied and beautiful ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (15768509794).jpg From FETEIR HBMDE3RSOH Q2L CO s MEW YOUH <br> 103 <br> HENDERSON'S <br> MAMMOTH <br> BUTTERFLY <br> PANSIES <br> HENDEKSON'S <br> MAMMOTH <br> BUTTERFLY PANSIES <br> The most varied and beautiful blend of mixed Pansies in the world <br> These Pansies we are very proud of We have sold them for a number of <br> years and receive hundreds of letters praising their superior beauty size and <br> other merits; they were awarded a medal at the Columbian Exposition <br> Chicago where they competed with the best from all over the world When <br> our unequalled collections of all types of Pansies are in bloom we go over them <br> daily and any plant producing flowers of superlative merit is removed to our <br> Mammoth Butterfly plot of Pansies where nothing but the largest hand- <br> somest and most perfect are allowed to remain Consequently the seed is saved <br> from the greatest varieties of types including only the best of Giant Cassiers <br> Bugnots Trimardeau 5-blotched Odier Giant English French and German <br> Hybrids etc resulting in the greatest variety of coloring marking blotching <br> veining etc for brilliant and attractive beds Seecut <br> Mixed Colors Per 1 000 seeds 75c Pkt 25c <br> My Butterfly Pansies from your seed are the admiration of all I never <br> saw their equal for size beauty variety of coloring and profusion of bloom � �� <br> and I have cultivated Pansies for twenty years <br> LILLY A TREAT Bridgewater Conn <br> Henderson's Giant Kuffled Pansies <br> A remarkable strain of Giant Pansies the flowers of which are so large and <br> full that the broad petals seem to be gathered to the stem causing them <br> to be undulated and fluted from center to circumference not unlike frilled <br> velvet The unusual substance of the flowers aided by these corrugations <br> thus enables them to present bold open and handsome faces even during <br> windy or dry summer weather when other Pansy flowers flop or wilt The <br> flowers are extraordinarily large and are borne on strong stems well above <br> the foliage; they are nearly all five-blotched on the Odier pattern and con- <br> tain rich combinations of coloring including some new tints and blendings not <br> met with in other Pansies The plants are vigorous and large and flower <br> abundantly <br> Mixed Colors Per 1 000 seeds 75c Pkt 25c <br> Henderson's Mammoth Parisian Pansies <br> The Parisian Pansies are distinguished by their magnificent and varied colors <br> and strong markings There is usually a large blotch on each of the five <br> petals with a surrounding band of some strikingly contrasting color over <br> all of which is thrown a cobweb-like netting of yet another hue The combi- <br> nations prevailing are composed of shades of cinnamon violet canary and <br> orange-yellow black garnet light blue indigo cream etc These Pansies have <br> been brought up to a high standard of excellence the flowers being of fine sub- <br> stance perfect shape and of mammoth size measuring when properly cultivated <br> four inches across A large number of these Pansies are also very fragrant <br> Mixed Colors Per 1 000 seeds 75c Pkt 25c <br> Henderson's Giant Mottled Pansies <br> A distinct new type of Pansies of greatest merit The flowers are of giant <br> size and are borne in profusion � -well-grown they measure 3 to 3J inches <br> across � -and of most gorgeous effects blotched spotted marbled veined <br> striped and blended colors passing through reds rose pink white purple <br> in beautiful and indescribable variegation These Pansies were awarded a prize <br> at the Paris Exposition <br> Mixed Colors Per 1 000 seeds 75c Pkt 25c <br> s ��of NS Giant Trimardeau Pansies <br> Years of scientific culture hybridization and selection in raising Pansies <br> have gradually evolved a superior race of luxuriant robust growth and deep- <br> rooting drought-withstanding qualities; the flowers have also correspondingly <br> improved in size substance form and colors At first Hhere were only one <br> or two varieties in this class of Pansies but annually one or more varieties <br> would reach the goal of the Giants until now we have such a complete variety <br> of colors that we this season discard all ordinary-sized Pansies <br> Atropurpurea Velvety royal-purple Per 1 000 seeds 50c; Pkt <br> Canary Bird Pure spotless yellow 50c <br> Emperor William Indigo-blue blotched black 50c <br> Fire King Crimson-purple and golden-yellow 50c <br> King of the Blacks Lustrous jet-black 50c <br> Lord Beaconsfield Lavender heliotrope and purple 50c <br> Peacock Gloriosa Garnet cream and blue 50c <br> President Carnot White with large violet blotches 50c <br> Prince Bismarck Golden-bronze ' �� 50c <br> Prince Charming Rose-pink veined rosy-lilac 50c <br> Snow Queen Spotless snow-white ' 50c <br> Striped White blue violet and chocolate 50c <br> Victoria Ox-blood red 50c <br> White Treasure White with three violet blotches 50c <br> Yellow Golden-yellow three maroon blotches 50c <br> Mixed Colors 50c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> 10c <br> Henderson's Collection of 12 Giant Pansies <br> This collection contains one packet each of 12 of the largest and most beautiful <br> Pansies in cultivation Price 75c <br> Various Popular Strains of Pansies <br> German Finest mixed Per 1 000 seeds 50c; Pkt 5c <br> Belgian Fancy Mixed 60c; 15c <br> Cassier's 5 Blotched Odier Mixed 75c ; 25c <br> Bugnots' Large Stained French Mixed 75c; 25c <br> English Choicest Show Mixed 75c; 25c <br> Special Cultural Instructions for Pansies in Henderson's Garden Guide <br> free with orders <br> of 1 00 or over <br> See 2dpage <br> j _ cover 43874895 149634 78295 Page 103 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874895 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Gloriosa NameConfirmed Gloriosa EOLID 33237 NameBankID 2665167 NameFound Victoria NameConfirmed Victoria EOLID 34123 NameBankID 897688 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874895 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874895 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15768509794 2015-08-25 02 52 23 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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