Keywords: Everything for the garden (15770826773).jpg CO �p MEW ¥ORE <br> 35 <br> DWARF GREEN <br> CURLED SCOTCH KALE <br> Should be sown during June and <br> transplanted later for use during fall <br> winter or early spring The plants are <br> hardy above zero The flavor is best <br> after being exposed to frost For this <br> reason the crop from summer sown seed <br> is preferable although it is often used <br> in summer See cut Price 5c pkt <br> 15c oz 40c lb 1 20 lb <br> OTHER VARIETIES OF KALE <br> 1 oz for 150 feet of drill <br> BROWN GERMAN CURLED or PURPLE <br> Purplish curly leaves; very hardy Price <br> 5c pkt 10c oz 35c H lb 1-25 lb <br> SIBERIAN Rather coarsely curled leaves <br> but very tender and of delicate flavor <br> Price 5c pkt 10c oz 30c M lb 1-00 lb <br> gss endive t e <br> An excellent salad plant available long after the <br> season for Lettuce and more easily grown _ The flavor <br> is pleasantly bitter stimulating and zest-giving is used <br> also boiled as greens <br> Green Curled is the best for general use and is easily <br> blanched by covering the full-grown plants with boards <br> or pieces of slate After severe frost the plants may be <br> removed and planted closely in a cellar for winter use <br> See cut Price 10c pkt 20c oz 60c H lb 2 00 b <br> BROAD-LEAVED BATAVIAN Escarolle Has broad fleshy <br> leaves forming a large heart; makes excellent winter salad <br> It is also boiled as greens Price 5c pkt 20c oz <br> 60c H lb 2 00 lb <br> FRENCH MOSS CURLED A small coinpact growmg variety <br> with densely curled moss-like leaves Price 5c pkt 20c <br> oz 60c M lb 2 00 lb <br> WHITE CURLED Finely cut leaves almost white with yellow- <br> ish midribs Price 5c pkt 20c oz 60c U lb- 2-00 lb <br> EARLY SHORT LEAVED <br> WHITE VIENNA <br> A singular variety of Cabbage with a Turnip-like <br> bulb which forms immediately above the ground <br> It is extremely tender and partakes of the flavor ot <br> both Turnip and Cabbage Should be in i every garden <br> See cut Price 10c pkt 30c oz 90c lb 3 00 lb <br> EARLY PURPLE VIENNA The outside color ifpurple; flesh <br> white and delicate Price 5c pkt 25c oz 75c h lb 2 50 lb <br> LARGE WHITE VIENNA Large handsome bulb with <br> greenish-white skin and tender white flesh Price 5c put <br> 25c oz 70c lb 2 25 lb <br> KOHL-RABI <br> DWARF GREEN CURLED SCOTCH KALE <br> LARGE AMERICAN FLAG LEEK <br> The Leek is closely allied to the Onion The entire lower portion of the plant <br> is used which is smooth solid and generally the same thickness throughout It <br> is boiled whole or used in soups; the young plants make excellent callions <br> The flavor is mild and preferred by many for this reason American i lag is the <br> best variety for general use See cut Price 10c pkt 25c oz 75c lb 2 50 lb <br> OTHER VARIETIES OF LEEK U oz will sow wo feel of drill <br> LARGE ROUEN Thick short-stemmed variety excellent for either winter or autumn use; <br> of slow growth and very tender Price 10c pkt 25c oz 75c lb 2 50 lb <br> MUSSELBURGH or SCOTCH CHAMPION A broad-leaved heavy-stemmed variety ot <br> great merit Price 10c pkt 25c oz 75c U lb 2 50 lb <br> a - � / ' <br> We deliver Free in U S £ £J53 Vegetable and Flower Seeds £ Also Lawn Grass Seeds 43874827 149634 78295 Page 35 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874827 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874827 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874827 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/15770826773 2015-08-25 03 02 03 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |