Keywords: Everything for the garden (16024807924).jpg i jaiiBa;«;ia Miiar niiw i <br> rARROT <br> I oz of Carrot Seed will sow a <br> row about J 00 feet long; <br> 4 lbs will sow an acre <br> Cultural Instructions free if asked for <br> FRENCH FORci j ; <br> WW <br> HENDERSON' S NE W YORK MARKET has more good points <br> than any other existing sort Tiie color is bright orange and most <br> attractive It has the minimum of core and is crisp tender and <br> sweet It is one of the heaviest cropping varieties and of sym- <br> metrical shape and handsome appearance an admirable variety <br> to bunch for market as well as being unexcelled for private use <br> 10c pkt 15c oz 30c I4 lb 90c lb <br> HALF LONG RED Siump-rooted In size and time of matur- <br> ity it is between the Early t carlet Horn and the Long Orange <br> This is the sort so common in the markets of New <br> York and vicinity It attains only a medium <br> size but is admirablj- adapted <br> to bunching and in private <br> gardens is one of the best varie- <br> ties to grow for use during <br> the summer See cut <br> HENDERSONS INTERMEDIATE This is certainly the best <br> main crop carrot Our cut is no flattering representation but <br> shows it as we have seen it in enormous quantities and we <br> strongly advise our customers to plant it It is one of the most <br> uniform in shape that we know and where the soil is favorable <br> it will always grow clean and free from side roots The core is <br> small and very tender and there is no indication of woody <br> character at any stage of its growth It is also entirely free <br> from any coarse rank flavor so common with many sorts <br> For private purposes it is ideal and its yielding capacity is <br> enormous which with its handsome color and fine appearance <br> makes it invaluable to truckers See cut 0c pkt 15c oz <br> 3 5c i lb 90c lb <br> CHANTENAT HALF LONG SCARLET A stump-rooted <br> variety somewhat resembling the well-known Half Long Ked <br> Stump-rooted Carrot but having a larger shoulder and being <br> much more productive 5c pkt 10c oz 30c 34 lt 90c lb <br> LONG ORANGE IMPROVED One of the most desirable for <br> either garden or field culture It grows to a large size fair <br> specimens averaging twelve inches in length and three inches <br> diameter at the top All who have cattle should raise a surplus <br> of this carrot for feeding milch cows during winter It increases <br> the flow of milk and imparts to the butter a delicious flavor and a <br> rich golden color See cut 5c pkt 10c oz 25c 34 lb 70c lb <br> DANVERS Half Long A handsome cylindrical-shaped carrot <br> of good size and stump-rooted It is of a rich dark orange <br> color grows to a large size is smooth and the flesh very close <br> in texture with little core It is a first-class carrot for all <br> soils and it is claimed that under good cultivation it will yield <br> the greatest weight per acre with the smallest length of root of <br> any now grown See cut 5c pkt 10c oz 25c 3 lb 80c lb <br> OX HEART or GT7ERANDE A French variety of recent intro- <br> duction and a decided acquisition It is intermediate between <br> Half Long and Horn varieties and perfectly distinct The shape <br> is nearly oval and the color and quality all that can be desired <br> See cut 5c pkt 10c oz 30c I4 lb 90c lb <br> EARLY FRENCH FORCING The earliest variety and one <br> largely grown for forcing purposes It makes a small almost <br> globe-shaped root of an orange-red color See cut 5c pkt <br> 15c oz 30c 3 lb 1 00 lb <br> EARLY SCARLET HORN Favorite for early crop but not large <br> Sold largely in New York markets bunched It matures eight to <br> ten days earlier than the Long Orange and is sometimes used <br> for forcing See cut 5c pkt 10c oz 25c X- lb 75c lb <br> EARLY HALF LONG SCARLET CARENTAN The skin is <br> smooth fiesh red and without any core or heart It is excellent <br> for forcing and for fine quality and perfect shape can hardly be <br> surpassed 5c pkt 10c oz 25c I4 lb 80c lb <br> EARLY HALF LONG SCARLET Pointed-rooted A medium <br> early soit of great value It is most useful in the younger <br> state either in soups or cooked whole and is much used for <br> bunching The tops are very small which permits close planting <br> 5c pkt 10c oz 25e 3 lb 80c lb <br> �WHITE AND YELLOW BELGIAN See page G9 <br> BIG CARROTS <br> From The Watkins Express Watkins N Y Thursday November l ' th 1897 � Mr Bowers has on exhibition in his store <br> a bushel basket of carrots grown by Mr Craft Dr S B lien's jjiiiiiener The combined weight of twelve of these carrot <br> makes a bushel One of the carrots is fifteen and three-quarters of an inch in circumference one foot long and weighs <br> nearly seven pounds Upon being asked the reason of his success in gardening Dr Allen said it was due to the use of good seed which for the last fifteen years he- <br> had purchased of Peter Henderson Co of New York Dr Allen further remarked that he thought fai-mers were generally too Indifferent In regard to the quality <br> of seed which they used and that he had found it most economical in the end to purchase the best 42383128 133997 66553 Page 35 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383128 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383128 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383128 BHLinbloom bhlGardenStories peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlinbloom bhlgardenstories Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-25 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16024807924 2015-08-24 22 51 26 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |