Keywords: Everything for the garden (16203240368).jpg Ft°©ffi» PETE21 MEMBER <br> champion of ENGLAND PEA <br> Preeminently the Best Flavored of All Peas <br> This old favorite rightly maintains its prominent place <br> on account of its distinctly superb quality The heavy <br> vines height 5 feet require ample support It is one <br> of the last varieties to mature and as a farewell to the <br> Pea season furnishes the table with a bountiful supply <br> of immense wrinkled Peas that are noted for their <br> tenderness and rich marrow-like flavor The pods are <br> medium in size but are produced in abundance and <br> are always well filled It is ready to use early in July <br> a period of great heat To protect from heat and <br> drought make a trench on each side of the row soak <br> thoroughly and when drained fill with dry soil <br> Cover with a mulch of loose manure avoiding too <br> close contact with the vines See cut Price 10c <br> pkt 20c pt 35c qt 1 10for4qts <br> Alderman Pea <br> Enormous Pods Filled with Perfect Peas <br> One of the best main crop varie- <br> ties extremely vigorous and pro <br> ducing a large crop of long <br> dark green pods packed with <br> green wrinkled Peas of the <br> largest size and of unsurpassed <br> quality The rich color and <br> fine appearance is retained for several days <br> feet Price 10c pkt 25c pt 40c qt <br> qts 2 50 peck <br> Our <br> leaflet <br> The Cultivation <br> of Peas giving full instructions <br> for growing sent free if asked for <br> JUNO PEA <br> Ideal for Main Crop Resists Heat Perfectly <br> For strong healthy vines uniformity to type and reliability in cropping <br> Juno stands alone among the main crop sorts The foliage is very dark <br> green a sure indication of vigor The plant is 23 feet high heavily <br> branched; so robust that it needs but little support and so resistant to <br> heat that it stands our summers better than any other It is a sure and <br> heavy cropper The pods are medium in size but remarkably well filled <br> with large Peas of perfect flavor See cut Price 10c pkt 25c pt <br> 40c qt 1 30 for 4 qts 2 50 peck <br> We were highly pleased with your Juno Peas they were excellent and of the finest <br> flavor Mrs C H BROWER Vienna Ga <br> Your Juno Peas deserve all of the praise you give them and more The sturdy vines <br> are loaded with well-filled pods so well protected from the sun by luxuriant dark green <br> foliage that the Peas keep in fresh condition for the table for a long time even when other <br> Peas have dried up from the heal Their season of bearing is long and their flavor delicious <br> Mrs R H EMERSON 322 W Main St Jackson Mich <br> ADVANCER PEA <br> Wonderfully Prolific Exceptionally Good Flavor <br> Many claim that Advancer is equal in flavor to Champion of England; <br> indeed it is sometimes named Dwarf Champion The plant is 2J feet <br> high extremely vigorous and is noted particularly for the enormous number <br> of pods produced on each vine � no variety excels it in this respect The <br> pods are small but the Peas so densely packed therein that the yield per <br> plant exceeds that of many of the larger-podded sorts It is one of the few <br> English varieties that has become perfectly adapted to American conditions <br> Price 10c pkt 20c pt 35c qt 1 10 for 4 qts 2 00 peck <br> The Advancer Peas we purchased from you last year were the finest we ever raised <br> The vines were literally covered with pods W P BURROUGHS Roxbury Mass <br> PURCHASER PAYS TRANSPORTATION ON PEAS BEANS AND CORN BY THE PINT AND OVER If wanted by Parcel Post see zone rates on page I A pint weiahs I lb 43874843 149634 78295 Page 51 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874843 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874843 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874843 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16203240368 2015-08-25 02 50 33 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |