Keywords: Everything for the garden (16204891567).jpg Fs-oaim PETER MEMBER <br> 11 <br> HENDERSON'S <br> BOUNTIFUL BEAN <br> A FLAT GREEN PODDED BUSH BEAN <br> A PROLIFIC AND CONTINUOUS BEAREK <br> THE FIRST IN SPRING � THE LAST IN FALL <br> ABSOLUTELY STKINGLESS � VERY TENDEK <br> AND OF DELICIOUS FLAVOK <br> This superior variety introduced by us is a <br> distinct improvement in green Bush Beans and <br> has become exceedingly popular wherever known <br> Our customers who have grown it are enthu- <br> siastic in its praise; some of them say You do <br> not praise it half enough The plant is remark- <br> ably handsome and of thrifty growth being practi- <br> cally rust and mildew proof It is very hardy <br> extremely early very prolific and bears continuously <br> for several weeks ; it is the first to give pods fit to pick <br> in the spring and the last to yield edible pods in the <br> fall <br> But the crowning merit of this grand Bush Bean is in <br> the rich green pods which are of immense size thick <br> broad extra long very uniform in shape solid meaty and <br> of high quality meltingly tender and having a delicious fla- <br> vor exclusively their own Moreover the pods are absolutely <br> stringless and entirely free from any tough membranous lining <br> not only when young but this tender snap brittle quality is re- <br> tained even into maturity <br> We advise leaving a few of the older pods to be used as green shell Beans <br> in which condition they are most palatable It is equally valuable as a dry <br> shelled Bean One of our customers writes us that she finds it most excellent shelled for winter use <br> after it is ripe See cut Price 10c pkt 20c pt 35c qt S1 30 for 4 qts 2 50 pk <br> We ordered your Bountiful Bush Beans last spring and <br> have been delighted with results having enjoyed fine Beans all <br> summer We want to order more ' <br> I have never failed to obtain first prize with Henderson's <br> Bountiful Beans wherever exhibited <br> LEO ZEITEN Weimar Tex <br> Have raised the Bountiful Bean for many years and it is just <br> wonderful It is rightly named <br> A B KNAPP Taunton Mass <br> Your Bountiful Bean is the best on earth <br> M M LINDSAY Ripley Tenn <br> GEORGE L FURSE St Louis Mo <br> I must tell you that your Bountiful Beans never fail to give <br> satisfaction I feel like an agent for them for I can't praise <br> them too much <br> Mrs H C JEWETT Washington D C <br> HENDERSON'S FULL MEASURE <br> NEW ROUND <br> GREEN-PODDED BUSH BEAN <br> The efforts of modern hybridizers <br> in improving the quality of gar- <br> den Beans have resulted in <br> many cases in entirely eliminat- ;g <br> ing the objectionable string We iff <br> have done more than our share <br> of this work having been suc- <br> cessful in developing many varie- <br> ties which have taken a permanent <br> place in the esteem of careful grow- <br> ers Full Measure is the result of a cross <br> between our famous Yosemite Mam- <br> moth Wax and Refugee or 1 000 to 1 and <br> inherits the good qualties of both It <br> is a thoroughly-bred stringless variety <br> of excellent quality Pods are 5 inches <br> long round firm but tender very meaty <br> and remain fit for use many days after <br> maturity See cut Price 10c pkt 20c <br> pt 35c qt 1 20 for 4 qts 2 00 pk <br> Full Measure Beans surpass any I ever planted <br> I have been gardening about 40 years and have <br> tried a great many kinds <br> J P RITOSH <br> Charlotte N C <br> OUR LEAFLET GAP DEN CULTURE OF <br> BEANS GIVES FULL INSTRUCTIONS FOR <br> GROWING ETC SENT FREE IF ASKED FOR <br> PURCHASER PAYS TRANSPORTATION ON BEANS PEAS AND CORN IN PINTS AND OVER If wanted by Parcel Post see zone rates on page I A pint weighs I lb 43874803 149634 78295 Page 11 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874803 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874803 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874803 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16204891567 2015-08-25 03 01 29 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |