Keywords: Everything for the garden (16204897459).jpg s are not necessary <br> The dates given she <br> when plant will be ready <br> EACH DOZ <br> Acalypha Sanderii Crimson cylindrical flowers 15c 1 50 <br> Acalypha Mosaica Variegated red foliage 15c 1 50 <br> Achyranthes Emersonii Dark red foliage 10c 1 00 <br> Agapanthus Umbellatus Clusters of bright blue flowers Blooms <br> during summer and fall 25c 2 50 <br> Ageratums Blue and white dwarf 10c 1 00 <br> Ageratum Princess Pauline White blue center 10c 1 00 <br> Ageratum Stella Gurney Deep purple-blue 10c 1 00 <br> Ageratum Little Midget Blue grows 4 inches 10c 1 00 <br> Ageratum Inimitable Lavender blue large flowers and trusses 10c 1 00 <br> Allamanda Hendersonii A climbing vine fine for greenhouse <br> and conservatory Large yellow flowers 25c 2 50 <br> Alyssum We offer double and single Tom Thumb variegated <br> and ordinary Sweet Alyssum 10c 1 00 <br> Amaryllis Formossisima Jacobean Lily Crimson flowers 15c 1 50 <br> Amaryllis Johnsonii Large flower crimson striped' white 50c 4 50 <br> Amaryllis Vittata See page 147 <br> Amaranthus Joseph's Coat May 1st 10c 1 00 <br> Antirrhinum Choicest mixed April 15th 10c 1 00 <br> Aspidistra Lurida Large green leaves 1 00 10 00 <br> Aspidistra Variegated Green and white foliage 1 50 15 00 <br> Asters Henderson's Invincible White blue pink and crimson <br> 8 00 per 100 Ready April 15th 15c 1 50 <br> Asters Giant Comet White pink blue and crimson 6 00 per <br> hundred April I5th - 10c 1 00 <br> Asters Semple's Late White pink blue and crimson 6 00 <br> per 100 April 15th 10c 1 00 <br> Asters Victoria White blue pink and crimson 6 00 per <br> 100 April 15th 10c 1 00 <br> Balsams Camellia-flowered white and mixed ; 10c 75- <br> Bougainvillea Sanderiana Chinese Paper Plant 20c 2 00 <br> Browallia Speciosa Major Blue flowers ever-blooming fine for <br> house or garden ' ' 10c 1 00 <br> Calendula Meteor Bright orange May 1st 10c 1 00 <br> Calceolarias Showy plants for pot culture lac 1 50 <br> Caryopteris Mastacanthus Hardy Blue Verbena Covered with <br> ' blue flowers late in the fall 15c 1 50 <br> Cineraria Hybrida Magnificent flowering plants 15c 1 50 <br> Castor Oil Bean Ready May 15th 15c 1 50 <br> Centaurea Gymnocarpa The Dusty Miller 4 00 per 100 <br> April 15th - �� � � � V � � �' �� 10c - � 00 <br> Clerodendron Balfourii Crimson and creamy-white flowers <br> Climbing plant 20c 2 00 <br> Cobea Scandens A summer vine blue flowers 15c 1 50 <br> Convolvulus Mauritanicus Blue-flowering vine � 15c 1 50 <br> Cosmos Assorted colors May 1st 10c 1 00 <br> Coronilla Glauca Bright yellow flowers lpc 1 50 <br> Cockscombs All colors mixed Ready May 1st 10c 75 <br> Coleus A splendid assortment of bedding and fancy kinds 4 00 <br> per 100 10c 75 <br> Cuphea Platycentra Cigar Plant 10c 1 00 <br> Cyperus Alternifolius The Umbrella Plant 15c 1 50 <br> Daisies English White and pink dwarf hardy 10c 75 <br> Daisies Giant Hardy White Flowers single pure white measur- <br> ing 4 to 6 in across Growth 2 to 3 ft 25c 2 50 <br> Daisies Paris White Marguerite 15c 1 50 <br> Daisies Yellow Paris 15c 1 50 <br> Daisy Shasta Pure white large flowers 10c 1 00 <br> Daisy Shasta Semi-double white semi-double flowers very <br> valuable for cut flowers 20c 2 00 <br> Dianthus Summer Pinks May 1st - 10c 1 00 <br> Euonymus Radicans Var A pretty variegated vine; clings to <br> walls; hardy in sheltered positions 25c 2 50 <br> Farfugium Grande Leopard Plant Spotted leaves 40c 4 00 <br> Feverfew Double White Summer-flowering 10c 1 00 <br> Grevillea Robusta Silk Oak 20c 2 00 <br> Impatiens Holstii Assorted colors 20c 2 00 <br> Impatiens Lucy Pinkish-lilac flower; very pretty 15c 1 50 <br> EACH <br> Impatiens Sultanii Sultan's Balsam Rosy-carmine 15c <br> Impatiens Platypetala White crimson center 15c <br> Ipomea Learii Blue Dawn Flower 15c <br> Ivy Kenilworth Linaria Cymballaria 10c <br> Ivy German Well known as Parlor Ivy 10c <br> Jasmine Grandiflorum Star Jassamine White 1 5c <br> Jasmine Revolution Bright yellow fee <br> Lantana New dwarf assorted 10c <br> Delicatissima Trailing 10c <br> Lemon Verbena A universal favorite; fragrant 15c <br> Lobelias Blue-flowering April 15th 10c <br> Lobelia Double blue Kathleen Mallard 15c <br> Maurandia Barclayana A flowering vine May 1st 10c <br> Mesembryanthemum Variegated Ice Plant _ 10c <br> Mahernia Odorata Golden Honey Bell 15c <br> Manettia Vine Flame color tipped yellow 15c <br> Myosotis Forget-me-not The best blue variety 10c <br> Nasturtiums Climbing and bush April 15th 10c <br> Nasturtiums Double Yellow The flowers are 3 inches or more <br> in diameter and are perfectly double of a bright yellow with <br> a rich crimson feathered blotch at the base of each petal 15c <br> Nasturtiums Double Crimson Flowers very double; rich <br> fiery-crimson ' � 15c <br> Otaheite Orange A dwarf orange which bears a profusion of <br> fragrant flowers and edible fruit One of the most effective <br> plants for the house We offer plants from 4-inch pots 50c <br> Young plants 20c <br> Othonna Crassifolia Yellow flowers drooping habit ; 15c <br> Panicum Var Pretty grass for baskets etc 10c <br> Passifloras Passion Flower Militaris red; Pfordtii purplish- <br> blue; John Spalding ivory white variegated foliage Cerulea <br> blue See cut �� 10c <br> Pelargoniums Six choice sorts 25c <br> Phlox Drummondii Grandiflora The annual Phlox Assorted <br> colors 6 00 per 100 April 15th 10c <br> Pilogyne Suavis Beautiful outdoor summer climber 15c <br> Pilea Artillery Plant Splendid for baskets etc 10c <br> Pinks See page 168 Hardy garden Young plants 10c <br> Clumps 25c <br> Plumbago Capensis Beautiful sky-blue flowers 15c <br> Primula Chinensis Chinese Primroses 15c <br> Primula Elatior Cowslip Assorted 10c <br> Saxifraga Sarmentosa Mother of Thousands 10c <br> Sedum Carneum Var Variegated Stone-crop 10c <br> Smilax Easily grown on strings in a sunny window 10c <br> Solanum Seaforthianum A climbing plant Beautiful blue <br> flowers in immense pendulous panicles ' 10c <br> Solanum Jasminoides Grandiflorum Flowers soft white with a <br> bright yellow center A climbing plant 10c <br> Solanum Rantonetti This forms a neat bush 2 feet high Flowers <br> deep blue yellow center 10c <br> Stevia Serrata White flowers 10c <br> Stevia Serrata Var Variegated foliage for bedding 10c <br> Stocks Best German Ten- Weeks April 15th See cut �� �� 10c <br> Swainsonia Galegifolia Alba Pure white 15c <br> Swainsonia Galegifolia Rosea Rosy-red flowers 15c <br> Sweet William Assorted colors 10c <br> Thunbergia Summer-blooming vine Apri 15th ' 10c <br> Thyme Gold and silver varieties 10c <br> Torenia Indigo-blue and lavender yellow throat 10c <br> Tradescantias Vulgaris Repens Multicolor etc 10c <br> Vinca Maior Variegata Trailing vine 10c <br> Large plants 30c <br> Zinnias Assorted colors Ready May 1st 10c <br> DOZ <br> 1 50 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 00 <br> 00 <br> 50 <br> 75 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 50 <br> 5 00 <br> 2 00 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 2 50 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 2 50 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 50 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 1 00 <br> 3 00 <br> 1 00 <br> FLOWER GROWERS' AND GARDENERS' REQUISITES <br> Leaf Mold Essential in plant growing in fact indispensable for Ferns etc <br> Rotted Sandy Peat Fine for lightening soil for sowing fine seeds for potting <br> Azaleas Palms Begonias etc for mixing with garden soil <br> Fibrous Peat Used for potting Orchids Ferns and many purposes Price 30c <br> per peck bag 1 00 per bushel bag three bushels for 2 00 <br> Sphagnum Moss Extensively used for fi'ling Fern and Orchid baskets mix- <br> ing with potting soil covering tops of pots to preserve moisture etc Price <br> 25c peck 75c bushel; 3-bushel bag 2 00; bale of about 10 barrels 5 00 <br> American Bamboo or Cane Stakes Six to ten feet long Used for staking <br> Chrysanthemums Roses etc Price 1 00 per 100 8 00 per 1000 <br> FOR LIST OF PLANTS FOK SUMMEK BEDS AND BORDEKS SEE PAGE 173 43874963 149634 78295 Page 171 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874963 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Acalypha NameConfirmed Acalypha L EOLID 7026660 NameFound Achyranthes NameConfirmed Achyranthes L EOLID 37194 NameFound Agapanthus NameConfirmed Agapanthus L'Hér EOLID 29538 NameFound Ageratum NameConfirmed Ageratum L EOLID 59467 NameFound Allamanda NameConfirmed Allamanda L EOLID 70935 NameFound Alternifolius NameFound Alyssum NameConfirmed Alyssum L EOLID 39058 NameFound Amaranthus NameConfirmed Amaranthus EOLID 37601 NameBankID 2646887 NameFound Barclayana NameConfirmed Barclayana NameBankID 5333143 NameFound Browallia NameConfirmed Browallia L EOLID 60719 NameFound Calendula NameConfirmed Calendula EOLID 59414 NameBankID 25725 NameFound CAPENSIS NameConfirmed Capensis NameBankID 5129691 NameFound Carneum NameFound Caryopteris NameConfirmed Caryopteris Bunge EOLID 61477 NameFound Centaurea NameConfirmed Centaurea L EOLID 59386 NameFound CINERARIA NameConfirmed Cineraria EOLID 6258313 NameBankID 1674869 NameFound CINERARIA NameConfirmed Cineraria EOLID 6258313 NameBankID 4894724 NameFound Clerodendron NameConfirmed Clerodendron EOLID 13174936 NameBankID 276907 NameFound Cobea NameConfirmed Cobea NameBankID 8616215 NameFound Convolvulus NameConfirmed Convolvulus EOLID 60669 NameBankID 3874914 NameFound Coronilla NameConfirmed Coronilla EOLID 113323 NameBankID 2650876 NameFound Crassifolia NameFound Cuphea NameConfirmed Cuphea EOLID 60625 NameBankID 2651077 NameFound Cymballaria NameConfirmed Cymballaria NameBankID 10478873 NameFound Cyperus NameConfirmed Cyperus EOLID 29130 NameBankID 2576446 NameFound Delicatissima NameConfirmed Delicatissima NameBankID 5329789 NameFound Dianthus NameConfirmed Dianthus EOLID 11254753 NameBankID 2646562 NameFound Euonymus NameConfirmed Euonymus EOLID 37685 NameBankID 2651738 NameFound Farfugium NameConfirmed Farfugium EOLID 6269579 NameBankID 1803316 NameFound Galegifolia NameFound Grandiflorum NameFound Grevillea NameConfirmed Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon' EOLID 60829 NameFound Hybrida NameConfirmed Hybrida NameBankID 5327990 NameFound Ipomea NameConfirmed Ipomea EOLID 5687586 NameBankID 8945571 NameFound Jasminoides NameConfirmed Jasminoides NameBankID 3440207 NameFound Lantana NameConfirmed Lantana L EOLID 37682 NameBankID 459108 NameFound Linaria NameConfirmed Linaria EOLID 44927 NameBankID 2655665 NameFound Lobelia NameConfirmed Lobelia sect Rhynchopetalum Fresenius Benth EOLID 2895791 NameFound Lurida NameFound Mahernia NameConfirmed Mahernia L EOLID 5421629 NameFound Maior NameConfirmed Maior NameBankID 5332597 NameFound Manettia NameConfirmed Manettia EOLID 29634 NameBankID 3411373 NameFound Mastacanthus NameConfirmed Mastacanthus NameBankID 4232964 NameFound Maurandia NameConfirmed Maurandia NameBankID 8674346 NameFound Mauritanicus NameConfirmed Mauritanicus NameBankID 5138734 NameFound Mesembryanthemum NameConfirmed Mesembryanthemum EOLID 11256701 NameBankID 2665273 NameFound Militaris NameConfirmed Militaris NameBankID 5108354 NameFound MYOSOTIS NameConfirmed Myosotis EOLID 40769 NameBankID 2654540 NameFound Orchid NameFound Othonna NameConfirmed Othonna EOLID 6274018 NameBankID 1803433 NameFound Panicum NameConfirmed Panicum L EOLID 108060 NameFound Phlox NameConfirmed Phlox L EOLID 40661 NameFound Pilea NameConfirmed Pilea EOLID 11194888 NameBankID 2576530 NameFound Pilogyne NameConfirmed Pilogyne Eckl ex Schrad EOLID 23540784 NameFound Platypetala NameFound REPENS NameConfirmed Repens EOLID 20532 NameBankID 2997678 NameFound Robusta NameConfirmed Robusta NameBankID 4332975 NameFound Sarmentosa NameFound Saxifraga NameConfirmed Saxifraga EOLID 11170994 NameBankID 2649557 NameFound Seaforthianum NameFound Sedum NameConfirmed Sedum EOLID 11172101 NameBankID 2649473 NameFound SERRATA NameConfirmed SERRATA EOLID 4828821 NameBankID 4342160 NameFound Smilax NameConfirmed Smilax Jorge08 EOLID 3396175 NameFound Solanum NameConfirmed Solanum EOLID 11195972 NameBankID 2653514 NameFound Speciosa NameConfirmed Speciosa NameBankID 5330982 NameFound Sphagnum NameConfirmed Sphagnum L EOLID 47595 NameFound Stevia NameConfirmed Stevia EOLID 61240 NameBankID 1676936 NameFound Stevia NameConfirmed Stevia EOLID 61240 NameBankID 2659341 NameFound Suavis NameConfirmed Suavis NameBankID 5119765 NameFound Swainsonia NameConfirmed Swainsonia EOLID 2515471 NameBankID 2665681 NameFound Thunbergia NameConfirmed Thunbergia Retz EOLID 60654 NameFound Torenia NameConfirmed Torenia L EOLID 61433 NameFound Umbellatus NameFound VARIEGATA NameConfirmed Variegata NameBankID 4390037 NameFound Verbena NameConfirmed Verbena subser Pseudoracemosae N O'Leary EOLID 24001436 NameFound Victoria NameConfirmed Victoria EOLID 34123 NameBankID 897688 NameFound Vittata NameConfirmed Vittata NameBankID 5107485 NameFound VULGARIS NameConfirmed Vulgaris NameBankID 5330182 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874963 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874963 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16204897459 2015-08-25 02 52 34 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |