Keywords: Everything for the garden (16231930174).jpg 168 <br> PETER HENDERSON fltCO NEW YORK- <br> SINGLE VIOLETS <br> California This has large single purple <br> flowers when well grown as large as a silver <br> dollar and deliciously fragrant <br> Admiral Avellan A French variety with entirely distinct bright <br> reddish flowers ; of large size ; very fragrant <br> La France Rich violet-blue ; a strong grower deliciously scented <br> Luxonne Rich violet-purple stems 9 to 12 inches very sweet <br> Princess of Wales Another grand variety not quite as large as <br> Luxonne and a shade lighter in color ; intensely fragrant <br> Large plants 30c each set of 5 for SI 25 Small plants 10c each <br> set of 5 for 40c S5 00 per 100 <br> SALVIAS Assorted <br> Bonfire Growth compact erect spikes of brilliant scarlet flowers <br> Bethelii Rich rose-colored flowers large spikes <br> Golden Leaved Yellow foliage scarlet flowers <br> Patens Deep blue tlie finest color imaginable Price 15c each <br> Splendens Scarlet Suge Intense scarlet valuable for large beds <br> Splendens Alba Similar to above but pure white <br> Price except Patens 10c each 1 00 per doz 6 00 per 100 <br> TRITOMA PFITZERII i � <br> j mowM <br> Copyright I'MI by t~~- - �� �� - t <br> Peter Henderson d- Co illl \L---- iL;;i ;;; '-'T3 <br> RUELLIA LONGIFLORUM <br> The Christmas Coral Plant A splen- <br> did red flowering plant especially for con- <br> servatory decoration It is a most useful <br> plant during the dull winter months small- <br> sized plants being covered with bright red <br> flowers The ease with which flowering <br> plants may be had by the end of the year is <br> remarkable Cuttings that are propagated <br> during the spring root in a short time after <br> which they are put in 3-inch pots Three of <br> the plants when established may be put in <br> a 6-inch pot and by keeping them in a grow- <br> ing temperature they may be had in full <br> flower two months after the cuttings are <br> taken It is not only useful as a winter- <br> blooming plant it comes in well for planting <br> out in spring blooming satisfactorily during <br> the summer See cut <br> Price 25c each 2 25 per doz <br> » <br> J udBeci l/r- <br> Rudbeckia Golden Glow <br> A glorious new hardy herbaceous plant <br> and one that should find a place in every <br> garden It is of fine habit vigorous growth with early continuous <br> and immense blooming qualities ; it will be found excellent also for <br> cut-flower purposes The stems are long and gracefully poised ; the <br> foliage is abundant and ornamental It attains a height of from 6 to <br> 8 feet and a small plant set out in the spring will produce hundreds <br> of blossoms during August and September each one as large as a <br> fair-sized Chrysanthemum See cut Price 15c each 4 for 50c 9 <br> for 1 00 12 for 1 25 <br> HARDY DOUBLE ENGLISH VIOLET <br> This Violet is entirely hardy perfectly double a deep violet- <br> purple color and most deliciously fragrant It surpasses the well- <br> known Marie Louise Violet in richness of color being many shades <br> darker and far excels it in its delightful odor; this is one of its <br> greatest merits It is entirely free from disease of any kind will <br> grow and bloom in any garden and in any situation Nothing is more <br> appropriate for cemetery plots than the Hardy Double English <br> Violet See cut Price 1st size large-flowering clumps 35c each <br> 3 for 1 00 3 50 per doz Young plants 20c each 3 for 50c 7 for <br> 1 00 12 00 per 100 <br> Marie Louise This is the <br> variety which is grown by the <br> hundreds of thousands to supply the cut-flower markets of the <br> country It is not hardy in the North Color a rich purple flowers <br> large and double stem long and foliage a soft rich dark green Large <br> plants 30c each 3 00 per doz Young plants 10c each 75c per <br> doz 5 00 per 100 <br> stately hardy plant eminently <br> effective for garden and lawn decor- <br> ation throwing up tall spikes of showy flowers during the late sum- <br> mer and autumn months This new variety is a marvelous im- <br> provement over the old well-known Red <br> Hot Poker plant It is a very free bloom- <br> ing sort ; spikes of pure bright crimson with- <br> out a tinge of yellow or orange It is ad- <br> mirable among other flowers in loose bunches <br> or in large vases and is now largely used <br> for decoration by the best florists of New <br> York Price 30c each 3 00 per doz <br> MAMMOTH VERBENAS <br> One of our specialties The list we offer <br> cannot be excelled No garden is complete <br> without a collection of Verbenas <br> Beauty of Oxford Deep pink large flower <br> Glovv-worm Very deep glowing crimson <br> Invincible Rich purple large white eye <br> lona Soft brilliant pink white eye <br> Lerona Dark dazzling red large flower <br> Miss Arthur Brilliant scarlet <br> Mrs Cleveland Beautiful pure snow-white <br> Negro Dark maroon Very close to black <br> Neptune Lilac striped white Very pretty <br> Perfection Bright pink A grand variety <br> Snow Storm White dwarf habit <br> Summit Light purple white eye Splendid <br> White Beauty Pure white fine grower <br> Willie Desmond Bright scarlet very rich <br> Price 10c each set of 14 for 1 00 <br> WINTER-FLOWERING VIOLET 42383257 133997 66553 Page 168 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383257 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Chrysanthemum NameConfirmed Chrysanthemum EOLID 38388 NameBankID 2657422 NameFound Lilac NameConfirmed Lilac P Miller 1754 NameFound Rudbeckia NameConfirmed Rudbeckia EOLID 37719 NameBankID 2658106 NameFound Ruellia longiflorum NameConfirmed Ruellia longiflora DC ex Nees NameFound Splendens NameConfirmed SPLENDENS NameBankID 5329910 NameFound Tritoma NameConfirmed Tritoma EOLID 35048 NameBankID 4378253 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383257 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383257 bhlGardenStories Christmas Coral English Violet Rudbeckia BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories christmas coral english violet bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16231930174 2015-08-24 20 50 53 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Rudbeckia Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |