MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16234221423).jpg ¢PETER HENDERSON 6c CO NEW YORK <br> 103 <br> BEGONIA Fibrous-Rooted <br> For Tuberous-Rooted rarieties see page 78 <br> Vernon A first-class bedding or pot plant Flowers <br> waxr blood scarlet ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16234221423).jpg �PETER HENDERSON 6c CO NEW YORK <br> 103 <br> BEGONIA Fibrous-Rooted <br> For Tuberous-Rooted rarieties see page 78 <br> Vernon A first-class bedding or pot plant Flowers <br> waxr blood scarlet borne in immense quantities un- <br> til killed by frost Leaves turn red; when plants <br> are bedded out will continue to flower Pkt li <br> Semperflorens ZuluKiD/i Inthestyle of B Ver- <br> non The foliage and flower stems are dark black- <br> red ; flowers brilliant scarlet 10 <br> Sex Large ornamental leaves of dark green bronze <br> gold red etc 2 5 <br> BELLIS Of DOUBLE DAISY <br> For Giant varieties seepage 78 <br> Well-known favorites for edgings and low beds X\- <br> though perennials they will flower the same season it <br> the seed is sown early V foot <br> Doable Mixed AH col rs Pkt 5 <br> Double Qnilled Mixed Colors The petals are as <br> n'Uud us kuittiiiii needles 10 <br> BIGNONIA <br> GBANDIFZ OBA or TBUMFET CSEEFEB ' ' <br> Hardy perennial climber of rapid and luxuriant <br> growth very picturesque and effective ; grown on old <br> trees arbors walls etc Handsome large clusters <br> of orange-red flcnvers 40 to 60 feet Fkt 10 <br> BRACHYCOME or SWAN RIVER <br> DAISY <br> Beautiful annual forming a close compact plant <br> with large single blue or white flowers borne freely <br> all summer -i foot <br> Mixed Colors Pkt 5 <br> BROWALLIA Amettyst <br> Handsome annuals with blue or white flowers cora- <br> pletel v studding the bushy plants during the whole <br> summer fine for garden beds in summer or pot culture <br> in winter Hi feet <br> Mixed Colors Pkt 5 <br> Giant Br owallia t ' peciosa Major See page 79 <br> BRYONOPSIS <br> A beautiful summer climber with palmate leaves <br> yellow flowers followed by pretty cherry-like green <br> fruits which change to bright scarlet marbled with <br> white 10 feet annual Pkt 5 <br> CACALIA or TASSEL ELOWERS <br> Very pretty summer-flowering garden plants <br> Prized for cutting li-ij feet; annual <br> Mixed Colors Pkt <br> CALAMPELIS or ECCREMOCARPUS <br> A beautiful annual climber Trained to a trellis it <br> is highly ornamental throughout the summer bright <br> orange tubular flowers 10 feet Pkt 10 <br> CALANDRINIA GRANDIFLORA <br> Beautiful dwarf garden annual in the sunshine the <br> large rose olored flowers expand into a perfect blaze <br> of beauty 1 foot Pkt o <br> CALCEOLARIA <br> Mixed Colors Seepage 79 Pkt 25 <br> CALENDULA <br> Dwarf bushy annuals blooming abundantly until <br> frost of easy culture; indispensable for summer gar- <br> den or for pot culture in the winter 1 foot <br> Double Sulphur Light lemon yellow pkt 5 <br> Queen of Trianon Canary with maroon ntre 5 <br> Pongei fl pi Double white 5 <br> Meteor Yellow striped with orange a <br> Prince of Orang'e Orange striped light yellow 5 <br> Pure Gold Large double golden flowers 5 <br> FAVOBITE Light yellow striped white 10 <br> For Vew King Calendulas see page 79 1 <br> t � _ �� <br> C \ NTERr rRY BELLS <br> CANART-BrRD VINE <br> CALLIOPSIS <br> Showy garden annuals with large bright flowers <br> borne in great profusion from earl Y summer until <br> frost and succeeding everywhere Height about 2 <br> feet For Hardy Calliopsis see Coreopsis <br> Atrosangniinea Dark crimson Pkt 5 <br> Golden Wave Compact bushy plants covered <br> with golden blossoms 2 inches across with small <br> dark centres 5 <br> Coronata Ijarge flowers on long stems rich yellow <br> slightly spotted red splendid for cutting 3 <br> Finest Mixed 3 <br> Double Calliopsis Double golden yellow with <br> maroon sjiots 5 <br> Dwarf Double Flowers double and large deep yel- <br> low with garnet blotches 5 <br> Tom Thumb or Nana Compacta Round com- <br> l act bushy plants 1 foot high by 1 foot across <br> and a perfect mass of bloom Mixed Colors 5 <br> Imported Collection of 12 separate Calliopsis 40c <br> CAMPANULA <br> Hardy perennial favorites bearing large bell and <br> saucer shaped flowers in profusion <br> Pyramidalis Mixed \ grand sort known as the <br> �� � Pyramid 111 Hell Flower al Out 4 feet high of ele- <br> gant iiyraniidal form bearing thousands of exqui- <br> site bell-sliaped blue or white flowers Pkt 5 <br> Pyramidalis compacta alba 1 dwarf sturdy <br> form of the above with large white flowers 10 <br> CANTERBURY BELLS <br> Very ornamental g arden plants of easiest culture; <br> hardy biennial 2 feet high producing large bell- <br> shaped flowers of exquisite colors <br> Sing-le Mixed Pkt 5 <br> Double Mixed 5 j Double White 5 <br> Blue 5 Bose 5 <br> laavender o\ Striped 5 <br> Cup and Saucer Canterbury Bells Cam- <br> panula Calycantbema Beautiful flowers 3 inches <br> in length saucers 3 to 4 inches across The plants <br> form perfect pyramids of liloom about 24 inches <br> high and they bear frequentl v from 100 to 200 of <br> these exquisite blossoms for weeks during the early <br> summer <br> Calycanthema Mixed 5 <br> Bose io I Blue 5 <br> White I Striped 5 <br> CANARY-BIRD VINE <br> A rapid-growing summer-climbing annual growing <br> 10 to 1 5 feet high It will cover trellis work in the <br> most graceful manner producing hundreds of its <br> pretty fringed bright yellow flowers which resemble a <br> canary bird with expanded wings Pkt 5 <br> CANDYTUFT <br> For Dew rarieties see page 80 <br> Dwarf annuals flowering profusely throughout the <br> whole season; great favorites for beds edgings pots <br> and borders the plants are very fairl v covered with <br> blossoms and of the easiest culture 12 inches high <br> Ptirple Pkt 5 I White Fragrant 5 <br> White 5 White Socket 5 <br> Crimson 5 Mixed Colors Peroz 20 5 <br> CANDYTUFT HABDT Handsome compact- <br> grnwiiig hardy perennial plants admirably adapted <br> for iermaneut front rows of borders or for low <br> clumps or beds; very valuable for early decoration <br> Sempervirens AViiite 1 foot 10 <br> Gibraltica Showy large-growing red rose white <br> 1 to 2 feet 10 <br> CANNAS <br> Seed sown in hot bed or greenhouse from January <br> tn \pril will produce flowering iilnnts by July <br> Mixed Old Tall Cannas Varieties Pkt 5 <br> For Crozys Large Varieties see page 80 <br> REMEMBER THAT HENDERSON'S SUPERIOR SEEDS ETC CAN ONLY BE PROCURED FROM US DIRECT j stor' keS ekJ etc 42383192 133997 66553 Page 103 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383192 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Begonia NameConfirmed Begonia aff palmata GBG 002-089-95 EOLID 11904651 NameFound Bellis NameConfirmed Bellis L EOLID 59430 NameFound Bignonia NameConfirmed Bignonia L EOLID 70924 NameFound Brachycome NameConfirmed Brachycome EOLID 6264712 NameBankID 3443227 NameFound Browallia NameConfirmed Browallia L EOLID 60719 NameFound Bryonopsis NameConfirmed Bryonopsis NameBankID 3450624 NameFound Cacalia NameConfirmed Cacalia L EOLID 2525723 NameBankID 471173 NameFound Calampelis NameConfirmed Calampelis D Don EOLID 23521349 NameBankID 1792288 NameFound Calandrinia grandiflora NameConfirmed Calandrinia grandiflora Lindl 1828 EOLID 5223526 NameFound Calceolaria NameConfirmed Calceolaria EOLID 72303 NameBankID 2665046 NameFound Calendula NameConfirmed Calendula EOLID 59414 NameBankID 25725 NameFound Calliopsis NameConfirmed Calliopsis EOLID 2748143 NameBankID 4099619 NameFound Calycantbema NameFound Campanula NameConfirmed Campanula subgen Campanula EOLID 24010291 NameFound Compacta NameConfirmed Compacta EOLID 10934908 NameBankID 2627020 NameFound Coreopsis NameConfirmed Coreopsis L EOLID 38349 NameFound Coronata NameConfirmed Coronata EOLID 4708302 NameBankID 4397519 NameFound Eccremocarpus NameConfirmed Eccremocarpus EOLID 5640467 NameBankID 1671541 NameFound Pyramidalis NameConfirmed Pyramidalis NameBankID 4324906 NameFound Pyramidalis compacta alba Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383192 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383192 bhlGardenStories Calliopsis Begonia Vernon Candy Tuft Canterbury Bells Canary Bird Vine BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories begonia vernon candy tuft canterbury bells canary bird vine bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16234221423 2015-08-24 20 53 17 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Calliopsis Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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