MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16234349223).jpg iSTABLISHm <br> I <br> 179 <br> Planet Jr No 25 Combined Hill and <br> Drill Seeder and Double Wheel Hoe <br> This new combined machine is intended for a class of gar- <br> deners who have a large ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16234349223).jpg iSTABLISHm <br> I <br> 179 <br> Planet Jr No 25 Combined Hill and <br> Drill Seeder and Double Wheel Hoe <br> This new combined machine is intended for a class of gar- <br> deners who have a large enough area in crops for a Dou- <br> ble Wheel Hoe to be used to good advantage and yet prefer <br> t to buy a separate AVheel Hoe It is large enough for <br> field use for it holds 2 Va quarts or about 5 lbs of <br> onion seed and has llV4-lnch wheels � which are just <br> the right size <br> f« Tl w As a Drill it is almost identical with the Planet <br> rnC6 l Sw ' Wo 4 Drill will sow in drills or hills 4 <br> 6 8 12 or 24 inches apart and has the <br> same automatic device for throwing out <br> of gear and the new combined cut-off and <br> seed index with thumbscrew ad- <br> justment It is thoroughly sub- <br> ' stantial and accurate in sowing <br> all kinds of garden seeds <br> in either hills or drills <br> As a Wheel Hoeltia <br> identical with the <br> Planet Jr Ko 12 <br> Double Wheel Hoe the <br> very best machine on <br> the market The <br> cbange from Drill to Wheel Hoe takes but a moment andtheentirecombinatlon <br> is one we can heartily recommend and guarantee satisfactory <br> Planet Jr New No 5 Seeder <br> LARGE CAPACITY FOR HAND POWER <br> Especially adapted for large private gardens <br> and market gardeners <br> This is our largest Hand Garden Seed Sower and is <br> adapted for market gardeners' use and large hotel <br> or private gardens It drops all kinds of garden <br> seeds from the finest to peas and beans at 5 6 8 <br> 12 16 or 24 inches apart or iu a continuous row <br> as desired It opens the furrow deep or <br> shallow drops the seed <br> covers and rolls it and <br> marks the next row at <br> one passage It is the <br> latest improved and one <br> of the best Seeders in <br> our list insuring a good <br> crop with the smallest <br> amount of seed ; it will <br> sow equally well with a <br> full hopper or when containing only a single paper of seed ; It can be thrown out <br> of gear and the flow of seed stopped instantlv ; it can be set to sow various <br> kinds of seed quickly accurately and easilv and will not get out of order <br> No cultivating or hoeing tools can be attached to this macliine <br> Gem of the Garden <br> Hand Cultivator <br> and <br> Wheel Hoe <br> For <br> family <br> gar- <br> dens <br> this <br> splendid little <br> Implement gives <br> unbounded satis- <br> faction <br> The <br> five <br> ' culti- <br> vator <br> teeth <br> are stamped from one piece of steel and do thor- <br> ough work in loosening and pulverizing the soil � <br> the scuffle hoes cutoff weeds clean walks etc while <br> the two plows hill up potatoes furrow out etc <br> Price plain with five teeth only 3 00 or <br> complete with Scuffle Hoes Plows and Cultivator <br> Teeth as shown in cut 4 25 <br> Family Garden Seed Drill <br> No 18 Iron Age <br> A splendid low-priced ma- <br> chine for family gardem <br> Price 6 00 <br> PLANET JR NEW No 4 <br> Seeder Cultivator <br> Hoe Plow <br> Etc <br> Especially adapted for the family <br> ' garden <br> Sows either In bills <br> or In a contin- <br> uous row <br> It opens the <br> furrow sows <br> the seed in a con- <br> tinuous row covers <br> and rolls it and <br> marks the next row <br> at the same time <br> It sows allkinds <br> of garden seeds <br> with accuracy the agitator being a revolving <br> brush that will not injure the seeds yet separates <br> them thoroughly The machine is very simple <br> quickly adjusted light durable and works to per- <br> fection Frame of tubing with malleable connec- <br> tions Wheel steel broad-tired and 1 6 in high <br> This Is an nneqnaled machine for the family garden <br> It sows all garden seeds from the smallest up to peas and <br> beans In a continuous drill or will drop in hills 4 6 8 <br> 12 or 24 Inches apart It sows with the utmost ac- <br> curacy as to quantity distance and depth opening the <br> furrow dropping the seed covering and rolling it and <br> marking lor the next row in one operation It is instant- <br> ly thrown out of gear and the discharge completely <br> stopped automatically either by wheeling around on the <br> roller by raising the handles or by running backwards <br> The hopper holds two quarts of seed but it will sow a <br> small quantity just as well <br> In addition to the Seeder the complete machine is <br> furnished with cultivating and hoeing tools as shown in <br> the cut above to use the latter the Sower is removed <br> leaving a perfect wheel hoe with a malleable rapid change <br> frame <br> GEM HAND SEEDER <br> For Small Sowings <br> and Hot Beds <br> It wUl open the drill <br> sow and cover beet cab- <br> bage carrot celery let- <br> tuce raddish turnip and <br> all such seeds with per- <br> fect regularity It sows I <br> much more evenly and <br> ten times as rapidly as by <br> hand The quantity to <br> be sown can quickly be <br> regulated and also the <br> depth It is the only drill <br> made for sowing in hot beds Will sow a small <br> packet of seeds as well as larger bulks Simple <br> easily understood and cannot get out of order <br> Price 1 00 <br> The HENDERSON HAND <br> GARDEN PLOW <br> FURROWER HILLER and <br> SCUFFLE HOE <br> The handiest garden tool ever used weighs only <br> 201b8 but strongly made and finely finished ; ad- <br> justable frame It is equipped with a plow for <br> furrows hilling etc ; Scuffle Hoe for weeds walks <br> etc andaseedfurrowopeuingtooth The rake wlli <br> fine the soil in preparing seed beds and is useful <br> for surface cultivation generally <br> Planet Jr New Single Wheel Hoe <br> Cultivator Rake and Plow <br> FOR HAND POWER <br> This Is the very latest and best of the Planet single <br> wheel cultivating implements The wheel <br> is larger and can be raised or lowered and <br> can be set on one side for hoeing two sides <br> of a row at once; the <br> handles arechangeable <br> in height The outfit <br> consists of one land <br> side plow for shallow <br> plowing furrowing <br> covering hilling etc ; <br> k three rakes for shallow <br> cultivation fining lev- <br> eling and pulverizing <br> soil; three cultivator <br> teeth for deep stirring of soil ; four flat hoes of different widths for loosening <br> crust and cutting off weeds and a leaf guard � a most valuable machine <br> Prices No 15 complete as shown in cut 6 50; No le less one pair hoes <br> and one rake 5 50; No 17 less one pair hoes rakes and leaf lifter 4 75; <br> No 18 with only one pair 6-inch hoes 3 25 <br> Planet Jr New Double Wheel Hoe <br> Cultivator Rake and Plow <br> Price <br> FOR HAND PO'WER <br> The latest improved doable wheel machine 'with <br> several desirable new features The wheels 11 <br> Inches in diameter can beset 9 or ll i inches <br> apart for narrow rows and 4 inches apart <br> ��when used as a single-wheel Hoe; the frame i <br> malleable with a quick <br> change device so the <br> position of the toola <br> may be changed with- <br> out removing the nuts; <br> the arch is 20 inches <br> high allowing it to <br> straddle crops when <br> well grown The outfit ' <br> of tools comprises the <br> greatest variety and all <br> of the latest designs covering every possible need They are as follows One <br> paireach of 4 and 6 inch hoes one pair each of 3-tooth and 5-tooth rakes one <br> pair of plows one pair each of narrow and wide cultivating teeth and one pair <br> of leaf guards It is an unequaled garden implement and although costing <br> you more than someothers you will have the best toolof Its kind mannfnctnred <br> Prices No 11 complete as shown in the cut 8 50; No 12 less rakes <br> and one pair hoes 6 50 ; No 13 with only one pair 6-inch hoes 4 50 42383268 133997 66553 Page 179 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383268 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383268 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383268 bhlGardenStories Garden Tools and Implements BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories garden tools and implements bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16234349223 2015-08-24 20 55 46 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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