MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16364874846).jpg 42 <br> EVERYTHING FOIR TIE GA1RDEH <br> THE HENDERSON <br> BUSH MUSK MELON <br> THE GEM OF THE SMALL <br> GARDEN <br> Radically different from any existing kind <br> The bush character is ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16364874846).jpg 42 <br> EVERYTHING FOIR TIE GA1RDEH <br> THE HENDERSON <br> BUSH MUSK MELON <br> THE GEM OF THE SMALL <br> GARDEN <br> Radically different from any existing kind <br> The bush character is attained by a shortening <br> of the stem between the joints There are just <br> as many leaves on the plant as on other kinds <br> but these grow so compactly that the plant can <br> be grown on one-half the space usually required <br> Notwithstanding its radical departure from ex- <br> isting types it is by no means a freak its freedom <br> from variation has been too constant over the <br> entire time of our observance of it <br> The fruit is small but fully equal in quality <br> to the old and justly esteemed Jenny Lind which <br> is probably the best flavored of all green-fleshed <br> sorts They are produced in abundance in fact <br> we advise that each plant be allowed to ripen <br> only about one-half of the fruit as it is apt to <br> bear too many <br> It delights in a rich preferably sandy well manured soil and <br> responds favorably to frequent applications of water during drought <br> See cut Price iSc pkt 4 pkts for 50c 75c oz 2 50 34 lb <br> We never grew Melons before as our garden is small but last year we put in <br> a few hills of your Bush Musk Melon 3 feel apart and followed your directions <br> with gratifying results We allowed four plants to the hill and their average yield <br> was 15 Melons to the hill all as sweet and delicious as the best Melon we ever <br> tasted V R METZ Closter N J <br> The people are wild about my Bush Musk Melons They are certainly a sight <br> to see for on many of the hills the Melons are piled up in clusters; on one there <br> were six all in a bunch The vines are healthy and full of blossoms and if we get <br> some rain there will be a great yield <br> DUBOIS BRINCKERHOFF De Wint Street Beacon N Y <br> Your 'Henderson' Bush Musk Melons aroused the curiosity of all who saw <br> them � so different were they in habit of growth from the vine Melons that many <br> people could not believe they were Melons until the fruit appeared I could plant <br> twice as many hills on the same plot of ground which was a great advantage <br> A J SCRIVENS North Hackensack N J <br> COLE'S EARLY <br> WATERMELON <br> NORTH rivals SOUTH with COLE'S EARLY <br> Produces Luscious Melons <br> Where None Grew Before <br> Surest in Crop Production <br> QUALITY EQUAL TO THE BEST <br> This is the easiest to grow of all the Watermelons If you have <br> failed with other sorts you can succeed with Cole's Early It is <br> the best variety for the family garden primarily so on account of <br> its extreme earliness but mainly because it has all the qualities <br> necessary to a perfect variety for this purpose Its remarkably <br> early character entirely removes the most common hindrance to <br> its cultivation As far north as Canada and in places where <br> Watermelons never grew before Cole's Early is now supplying <br> the tables of those who grow it just as bountifully and with just as <br> good Melons as in the sunny regions of the South <br> It is good in every respect producing a liberal crop of Melons <br> twelve inches long and nine inches in diameter not large but in <br> abundance and of delicious quality The deep red fine grained <br> flesh ripens from heart to rind while its rich color and luscious <br> flavor are tempting to the most exacting and critical taste See <br> cut Price 10c pkt 15c oz 35c Y± lb 1 00 lb <br> Your Cole's Early Watermelons are better than you said they were I raised <br> several last year that weighed over 20 pounds each and they were two weeks earlier <br> than any other kind I had E B KEATHLEY Kenton Tenn <br> Cole's Early Watermelons were of the best quality and also very productive <br> V M BROWN East Moravia Pa <br> GENERAL LIST OF WATERMELONS <br> loz for <br> CITRON Red seeded Small round fruits for preserves only Price 5c <br> pkt 10c oz 30c H lb 90c lb <br> CUBAN QUEEN Large oval Melons; striped dark and light green; flesh red <br> and of excellent quality; the best late sort Price 5c pkt 10c oz 30c <br> lb 85c lb <br> FLORIDA FAVORITE One of the best of the long oval Melons attaining <br> enormous size; succeeding further north than other large varieties; rind thin <br> but hard mottled light and dark green; flesh clear crimson Price 5c pkt <br> 10c oz 30c f lb 85c lb <br> ICE CREAM White-seeded A medium-sized almost round Melon suc- <br> ceeding well in the North Skin light green faintly mottled; flesh scarlet <br> and solid Price 5c pkt 10c oz 30c 1 i lb 85c lb <br> KLECKLEY'S SWEETS An oval-shaped variety with dark green skin and <br> thin rind The bright scarlet flesh is extremely sweet Price 5c pkt 10c <br> oz 30c li lb 85c lb <br> SO hills <br> KOLB'S GEM The fruit is nearly round rind dark green somewhat marbled <br> with lighter shades Weight 25 to 50 lbs Price 5c pkt 10c oz 25c M <br> lb 75c lb <br> MAMMOTH IRON CLAD An old and popular variety; grows to an immense <br> size; oval dark green with light markings; red flesh of fine quality Price <br> 5c pkt 10c oz 25c li lb 75c lb <br> MOUNTAIN SWEET An old favorite; oval dark green fruits rind thin; <br> flesh red solid and sweet Price 5c pkt 10c oz 25c H lb 75c lb <br> SWEET HEART An early oval-shaped Melon light green mottled with <br> thin tough rind; flesh light red solid of fine quality and flavor Price 5c <br> pkt 10c oz 30c H lb 85c lb <br> SWEET SIBERIAN HENDERSON'S Splendid for northern climates Flesh <br> deep orange-buff and very sweet early and productive Price 10c pkt <br> 15c oz 40c M lb 1 25 lb <br> TOM WATSON Long oval shape thin but tough rind; bright scarlet flesh <br> excellent quality Price 5c pkt 10c oz 30c 1 j lb 85c lb <br> Our business <br> founded by <br> Peter Henderson in 1847 is T v Kn on Charles Henderson � r a a n i Peter and Howard M Henderson <br> grandsons ' 43874834 149634 78295 Page 42 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874834 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound None NameConfirmed None EOLID 2913255 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874834 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874834 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16364874846 2015-08-25 02 53 53 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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