Keywords: Everything for the garden (16390167242).jpg CO« 9 NEW YOR2 <br> 155 <br> EXHIBITION COLLECTION <br> CONTINUED <br> Miss Kathleen Stoop Pure white with graceful curling petals a beautiful <br> variety which charmed all It is unsurpassed in stems and foliage and has <br> a splendid habit Crown bud Aug 20th <br> Miss Kitty Lawrence A beautiful ball of delicate fawn color; petals large and <br> beautifully curled; stem and foliage fine <br> Miss Clay Frick When first exhibited this fine sort won the special prize of <br> 50 00 at Chicago offered by Mr H C Frick for the best new variety The <br> same year it won first prize at New York for the best white and also at <br> Madison N J The flower is massive pure white keeping qualities are <br> remarkable <br> Miss Miriam Hankey A magnificent flower color a true clear pink soft and <br> pleasing A grand sort keeping well long after being cut <br> Mile L H Cochet A grand early pink splendid form somewhat flat and <br> gracefully recurved In bloom Oct 20th <br> Mile Marguerite Desjouis Pure white One of the very finest commercial <br> Chrysanthemums that can be grown <br> Mrs A T Miller Pure white enormous flowers developing into a perfect <br> globular form It was perfect Oct 13th <br> Mrs Henry Barnes A distinct variety in color old rose shading to terra cotta <br> Flowers extra large and closely incurved <br> Mrs Henry Robinson A variety of exceptional merit large and well finished <br> An early white blooming with us Oct 5th <br> Mrs H H Weeks An immense flower with broad claw-like petals incurving <br> to form a globe of white <br> Mrs H Stevens Golden salmon bronze a magnificent variety very popular ' <br> One of the best exhibition varieties <br> Mrs W B Chamberlain The most beautiful shade of pink yet produced in <br> a large flower Valuable for cut flowers <br> Mrs Henry Partridge The most satisfactory deep crimson variety yet <br> introduced; it has a bronze reverse The shape of the flower is open <br> so that the grand color is displayed to the best advantage A very striking <br> variety <br> Mrs J A Miller A deep red and dwarf sturdy grower Large flowers held <br> a commanding position in the exhibitions <br> Mrs O H Kahn A beautiful and showy bronze red golden reverse; comes <br> good on almost any bud but produces the best color from a bud taken <br> Aug 20th or later This was considered the best novelty of the season when <br> introduced Very showy <br> Naomah A pure white with perfect incurve blooms similar to Merza but better <br> in every way Winner of the C S A Cup at St Louis for 10 best <br> blooms <br> O H Broomhead Deep rose; a very popular color and sells on sight <br> A grand variety for exhibition <br> Pink Gem A pleasing shade of light pink of such perfect form <br> that it should be an acceptable addition to any collection Best <br> bud Sept 1st <br> Pockett's Crimson A rich crimson with golden reverse; the finest <br> in its color ever issued Splendid grower makes a flower 9 inches <br> across; fine foliage right up to the flower <br> Pres Taft A pure white of the largest size Japanese incurved <br> form A fine mid-season variety equal to the best later ones <br> Reginald Vallis A striking variety with long narrow petals Deep <br> rose color A beautiful flower and grand either for exhibition <br> or for cut flowers <br> Rose Pockett Old gold shaded bronze purely an exhibition variety <br> but one of the finest <br> S A Naceur-Bey Yellow sometimes shaded bronze Rather a <br> tall grower but makes a splendid exhibition variety Stem and <br> foliage perfect <br> T Carrington Enormous Japanese Incurved when fully devel- <br> oped Color rich carmine-rose with silvery reverse <br> Winter Cheer In bloom Thanksgiving Day Incurving in formj <br> color a beautiful pink Any bud after Aug 20th <br> Wm Duckham One of the finest light pink varieties for cut <br> flowers and still unequalled from the exhibition standpoint <br> Massive incurved flowers <br> Price 15c each 1 50 per doz Special Offer The full set of 57 <br> Exhibition sorts on this and preceding page for 7 00 <br> The Chrysanthemum plants gotten from you last spring proved the <br> greatest success this fall in spite of the intense summer heat and <br> drought One plant being 4 feet high and with very fine blooms <br> MISS F H HERBERT Alexandria Va <br> Our pamphlet How to Grow Chrysanthemums from <br> SINGLE FLOWERING <br> CHRYSANTHEMUMS <br> The innate love of simple graceful form the desire of artistic effect have <br> combined to popularize the single chrysanthemums We offer the following <br> choice collection of new varieties <br> Earlswood Beauty Primrose yellow large prominent eye A splendid variety <br> Harold Bishop Pure white yellow center Makes a grand display <br> Irene Cragg Pure snow white very fine <br> Kate Covell Rich maroon Stiff erect petals; free bloomer <br> Arthur Home Clear yellow very free Just a mass of bloom <br> Belle of Weybridge Rich chestnut A lovely color <br> Gertrude A distinct soft white Fine if disbudded <br> J T Angus Rosy cerise A very fine late variety <br> Pretoria Deep yellow green center A very strong giower <br> Helen Totty Cerise shading to red very brilliant <br> Lily Beer Yellow; long sprays of flowers borne on stiff stems <br> Rob Roy Blush on white ground very light One of the best <br> Price 15c each 1 50 per doz Set of 12 Single Chrysanthemums for 1 50 <br> Anemone Chrysanthemums <br> We offer a splendid collection of this unique type of the Chrysanthemum <br> No more interesting form than the Anemone is to be found <br> American Eagle Rays white; center rose-purple <br> Falcon - Rays pure white broad in two -or three rows; center pale straw- <br> - yellow or ecru flushed reddish within the tubes <br> Garza Snow white very beautiful fine specimen plant <br> Mrs F Gordon Dexter Rays crimson; center yellow and red Very attractive <br> Partridge Yellowish-pink; rays broad slightly twisted purplish-red <br> Toucan An odd shade of reddish-buff; well formed center bright yellow with- <br> in pale yellow without <br> Yellow Hammer Flower large bright chrome-yellow; rays broad slightly- <br> twisted in two rdws; center compact <br> Price 10c each 1 00 per doz ; set of 7 sorts for 60c <br> SPECIAL LOW OFFER � 15 Chrysanthemums by mail for 1 00 We <br> cannot supply a list beforehand but as we sometimes have a surplus we are <br> enabled to include some of the choicest sorts If sent by express buyer to <br> pay charges we will leave all the soil on the roots <br> Plants » ° useful information Qpr if f rpA if asked for <br> l mills four pages illustrated OCUI Tree when ordering 43874947 149634 78295 Page 155 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874947 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Chrysanthemum NameConfirmed Chrysanthemum EOLID 38388 NameBankID 2657422 NameFound Pretoria NameConfirmed Pretoria EOLID 95742 NameBankID 3005519 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874947 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874947 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16390167242 2015-08-25 02 51 16 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |