Keywords: Everything for the garden (16390184042).jpg 164 <br> DOUBLE GERANIUMS standard sorts <br> The collection of Geraniums offered below is carefully selected from the <br> hundreds introduced as combining the greatest variety of color with <br> adaptability for general culture <br> A Riccard Bright vermilion-scarlet One of the best for bedding <br> Aurora The trusses are large and bold; a bright pleasing shade of <br> aurora copper shaded lighter <br> B de Poitevine Brilliant salmon Very large flowers Fine bedder <br> Double Gen Grant The leading scarlet bedding Geranium A <br> vigorous grower free blooming splendid foliage large trusses <br> color intense orange-scarlet <br> Electre Good habit; plant dwarf always covered with flowers; <br> semi-double; clear wallflower violet; very brilliant <br> Fiat Good habit; compact foliage; orange salmon copper tint <br> Prettiest colored novelty in the salmon type <br> Godefroid Strass Rich violet-purple scarlet center An attractive <br> variety <br> Henry Bataille Plant robust and compact; trusses held well <br> above the foliage cerise red with brilliant scarlet shading; a <br> splendid bedder Very showy and fiee flowering <br> Joseph Vianney Semi-double; large round petals; salmon rose <br> shaded peach A delightful color effect <br> Little Pink Very dwarf Bright pink Splendid for house pot-culture <br> M ss Frances Perkins Bright pink A splendid bedder <br> Mme Fournier-Sarloveze A beautiful flesh-pink marked white <br> Roty Magnificent deep china pink bright and lasting <br> S A Nutt Brilliant crimson-scarlet A grand bedder <br> White Swan Pure white Splendid habit and trusses <br> Price 10c each 1 00 per doz 58 00 per 100; set of 15 for 1 25 <br> DOUBLE IVY LEAVED <br> GERANIUMS <br> Pure rose with <br> Large flowers and <br> Achievement <br> white eye <br> truss <br> Beauty of Castle Hill Beauti- <br> ful rose blotched claret <br> Makes a fine pot plant <br> Centenaire Brilliant red- <br> solferino immense size <br> Blooms freely and con- <br> tinuously <br> Chas Monselet Fiery-red; <br> marked violet crimson <br> Comtesse Horace de Choi- <br> seul Bright salmon- <br> pink Splendid habit <br> Gen Championnet Grand <br> scarlet beautiful form <br> Joan of Arc Perfectly <br> double white as snow <br> Large trusses <br> Leopard - Very large flow- <br> ers; clear rosy-pink <br> upper petals blazed with <br> fiery crimson Very <br> unique and showy <br> Mrs J G Day Intense <br> shade of rosy-crimson <br> A grand variety for <br> hanging baskets or <br> window boxes <br> Rival A unique soft shade <br> of sa monred upper petals beautiiully blotched possessing all the good points of the Ivy- <br> leaved type but resembling more the nature of the zonal <br> Ryecroft Surprise Clear bright rose with maroon blotches Free and effective <br> Souvenir de Chas Turner Deep pink feathered maroon on upper petali <br> individual florets 2\ to 3 inches across <br> TheBride Pure white shading to blush in dark weather One of the best <br> See cut Price 10c each 1 00 per doz Set of 13 for 1 25 <br> GLORIOUS GERANIUMS <br> Alliance A cross between an Ivy and a Zonal Geranium and <br> containing all the best points of both parents The flowers <br> are large semi-double exquisite pale lilac-pink the upper <br> petals feathered and blotched rich crimson maroon <br> Annie Besant A pretty shade of salmon-carmine semi-double <br> flowers held well above the foliage Blooms continuously <br> until interrupted by frost See cut <br> Dagata Double A remarkably beautiful shade of soft <br> clear rose-pink the base of the upper petals marked with <br> silvery white <br> Giselle Single Perfect habit of growth; foliage compara- <br> tively small; flowers of middle size borne on long stems <br> forming large bouquets of pure rose pink <br> Lave Single Bright orange scarlet large round flowers <br> fine bedder <br> Marcellin Berthelot Single Semi-dwarf; robust grower; <br> immense trusses; grand flowers; brilliant scarlet <br> Maxime Kovalevski Single A very distinct and striking <br> soft orange shade a new color in the bedding class fine in pots <br> Mme F Carnot Single Bright rose center flashed white <br> Mrs Lawrence A beautiful shade of soft satiny salmon <br> with white markings Large flowers and trusses semi-double <br> Paul Crampel Single A magnificent richly colored crimson- <br> scarlet the most intense shade imaginable Gigantic trusses and <br> extra large florets Will supersede all others inits colorf or bedding <br> Peter Henderson Trusses enormous flowers semi-double Re- <br> markably brilliant color and a fine bedder <br> Suzanne Leepre Single Large trusses and flowers; a beautiful <br> shade of aurora salmon softening toward a lighter distinct eye <br> Trego Double A grand red variety; exceptionally fine for bedding <br> Voi Lactee Single A compact grower large trusses pure white <br> Price 15c each 1 50 per doz ; Set of 14 for 1 75 <br> Gold Silver and Bronze Geraniums <br> Sophie Dumaresque Gorgeously variegated golden-yellow orange <br> red and bronzy-green 20c each 2 00 per doz <br> L'Elegante An Ivy Geranium variegated green and white <br> occasionally tinted with pink 20c each 2 00 per doz <br> Mme Languth Foliage green and white double flowers red <br> Mrs Parker Green and white foliage double flowers pink <br> Mme Solleroi Dwarf habit Leaves green and white <br> Mountain of Snow Vivid green foliage marked with white <br> Happy Thought Center of leaves yellow margin vivid green <br> Black Douglas Rich yellow foliage zone of bronze-black <br> Price except where noted 10c each 1 00 per doz 8 00 per 100 <br> The Ivy Leaved Geraniums came a few days ago � what fine ones and so well rooted Mrs W J Craig Rose Hill Conn 43874956 149634 78295 Page 164 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874956 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874956 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874956 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16390184042 2015-08-25 02 51 44 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |