Keywords: Everything for the garden (16390804665).jpg 14 <br> EVEMYTHUHG FOR TIE GARDEN - Vegetable Seeds <br> Improv dGo Ld <br> WE ALSO OFFER THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES OF <br> Wax Podded Bush Beans <br> U quart to 100 feet of drill <br> DAVIS' KIDNEY WAX Largely grown by market gardeners; an excellent <br> shipper Price 10c pkt 20c pt 35c qt 1 20 foi 4 qts 2 25 pk <br> FLAGEOLET WAX Medium early and unusually free from rust; exceedingly <br> productive; pods fiat very long succulent and tender Price 10c pkt <br> 20c pt 35c qt 1 30 for 4 qts 2 50 pk <br> GOLDEN-EYED WAX Medium early plant vigorous and free from rust <br> bearing an enormous crop of broad well-flavored Beans of excellent color <br> Price 10c pkt 20c pt 35c qt 1 20 for 4 qts 2 25 pk <br> REFUGEE WAX A most attractive round-podded sort; bears an enormous <br> crop of rather small round pods of attractive color which are protected by <br> dense foliage Price 10c pkt 20c pt 30c qt 1 10 for 4 qts 2 00 pk <br> WARDWELL'S KIDNEY WAX Bears very long broad pods in great abun- <br> dance; one of the best late sorts excellent quality free from rust a reliable <br> cropper Price 10c pkt 20c pt 35c qt 1 30 for 4 qts 2 50 pk <br> YOSEMITE MAMMOTH WAX HENDERSON'S Bears a medium crop of <br> pods of remarkable length and great thickness perfect in quality and flavor <br> and grows freely under less favorable conditions than many sorts It is the <br> parent of nearly all the stringless varieties Price 15c pkt 25c pt 40c qt <br> 1 40 for 4 qts 2 50 pk <br> Dwakf Bush or Shell Beans <br> THESE APnE GROWN ONLY FOR USE IN THE DRY STATE <br> AND SHOULD THEREFORE BE PLANTED FROM <br> MAY 25th TO JUNE I Oth IN THIS VICINITY <br> BOSTON SMALL PEA BEAN Small round white; early and prolific <br> Price 10c pkt 15c pt 25c qt 90c for 4 qts 1 70 pk <br> BURLINGAME MEDIUM Handsome medium-size white; prolific Price <br> 10c pkt 15c pt 25c qt 90c for 4 qts 1 70 pk <br> LARGE WHITE KIDNEY Excellent as a shell Bean Price 10c pkt 15c pt <br> 25c qt 90c for 4 qts 1 70 pk <br> RED KIDNEY IMPROVED Large red kidney-shaped Beans distinct and <br> superior in flavor Price 10c pkt 15c pt 25c qt 90c for 4 qts <br> 1 70 pk <br> WHITE MARROW The most popular shell Bean; ivory-white oval seeds <br> Price 10c pkt 15c pt 25c qt 90c for 4 qts 1 70 pk <br> See also DWARF HORTICULTURAL BEAN page 12 <br> Improved Golden Wax <br> BUSH BEAN <br> THE STANDARD FLAT WAX-PODDED VARIETY <br> Among the Yellow Wax-podded or Butter Beans the Golden <br> Wax has long been in popular favor but this Improved variety <br> by far surpasses the old favorite in several desirable points The <br> plants are of vigorous bushy growth not susceptible to rust moder- <br> ately early and very prolific Ihe pods are exceedingly handsome <br> long uniformly broad thick and remarkably fleshy of good quality <br> tender and brittle absolutely without string or coarse fibre at all <br> stages until maturity while the color is of a rich golden-yellow <br> Although not the earliest Dwarf Wax Bean its reliability in produ- <br> cing a heavy crop of large handsome pods whether planted in <br> spring summer or early fall renders it highly valuable for both <br> home and market planting See cut Price 10c pkt 20c pt <br> 35c qt 1 20 for 4 qts 2 25 pk <br> Am inclosing order for seeds and can say that last year's trial of your seeds <br> gave us the best garden in the neighborhood The Improved Golden Wax Beans <br> grew to eight and nine inches in length and were wonderfully sweet and tender <br> Mrs GEORGE DE VRIES Milwaukee Wis <br> Your Improved Golden Wax Beans are all you claim for them and more <br> They are almost absolutely without strings even after fully matured <br> W M McCREIGHT Cheraw S C <br> For Full Cultural Instructions for Growing Beans see our <br> Leaflet Garden Culture of Beans sent free if asked for <br> HENDERSON'S <br> Golden ScimitaiWVax <br> BUSH BEAN <br> A PERFECT ROUND-PODDED STRINGLESS WAX BEAN <br> This is emphatically the best round-podded Wax Bush Bean in <br> cultivation <br> For many years we have bred and selected it until we have <br> attained the acme of perfection whether considered from the <br> standpoint of quality productiveness or flavor In these respects <br> it excels all others of its class <br> The plant is of vigorous constitution � strong and bushy in habit <br> which enables it to mature large crops of perfectly shaped Beans <br> of large size It rarely produces inferior or malformed pods <br> Its chief value lies in its perfectly stringless character which <br> renders it peculiarly suitable for private use where quality is the <br> thing most desired See cut Price 10c pkt 20c pt 35c qt <br> 1 20 for 4 qts 2 25 pk <br> Last year 1 had some Golden Scimitar Wax Beans which you say will average <br> 5 to 6 inches I had a good many that measured 7 inches and they were hand- <br> some E C BABSON Danielson Conn <br> I think your Golden Scimitar Beans the best Bush Beans on the market <br> J W SUTHERLAND West Roxbury Mass <br> The Golden Scimitar Wax Beans surpassed any other in beauty crop and <br> quality F F WALKER So Sudbury Mass <br> PURCHASER PAYS TRANSPORTATION ON BEANS PEAS AND CORN IN PINTS AND OVER If wanted bv Parcel Post see zone rates on page 1 A pint weighs 1 lb 43874806 149634 78295 Page 14 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874806 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Medium NameConfirmed Medium NameBankID 4904049 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874806 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874806 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16390804665 2015-08-25 03 01 49 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |