Keywords: Everything for the garden (16391017095).jpg This together with its delicious fragrance <br> makes it without question one of the greatest novelties as well as one of the <br> most distinct Roses that has yet been sent out See cut <br> Price 1st size 75c each 7 50 per doz ; 2d size 60c each 6 00 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 25c each §2 50 per doz <br> MARY COUNTESS OF ILCHESTER <br> This is one of the best ever-blooming Roses considered from the standpoint of <br> vigorous growth and sound healthy constitution The flowers are of great size <br> with large massive petals; delicately tea perfumed and borne on long straight <br> stems The color is a rich warm carmine-crimson <br> Price 1st size 60c each 6 00 per doz ; 2d size 50c each 5 00 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 25c each 2 50 per doz <br> Miss ALICE DE ROTHSCHILD Tea <br> Rich deep citron-yellow which intensifies as the bloom expands The flowers <br> are large with high pointed center; the petals charmingly reflex; free and con- <br> tinuous in bloom; deliriously fragrant The growth is vigorous and upright <br> Price 1st size 60c each 6 00 per doz ; 2d size 50c each 5 00 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 20c each 2 00 per doz <br> Mme CONSTANT SOUPERT Tea <br> The flowers are produced in wonderful profusion are deliriously fragrant <br> large size and of fine form The growth is splendid sturdy and healthy; the <br> foliage large and abundant The color is deep yellow shaded peach <br> Price 1st size 60c each 6 00 per doz ; 2d size 50c each 5 00 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 15c each 1 50 per doz <br> Mme EUGENE MARLITT <br> One of the best of the newer Roses for garden purposes It is exceptionally <br> healthy vigorous and free blooming The flowers are large very double and <br> full The color is a rich bright carmine with reddish tone and does not fade <br> or bleach in the hottest weather It is quite hardy and delightfully fragrant <br> Price 1st size 60c each 6 00 per doz ; 2d size 40c each 4 00 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 15c each 1 50 per doz <br> Mme JENNY GILLEMOT <br> A vigorous Hybrid Tea with fine deep green foliage The buds are long and <br> pointed; rich nankeen-yellow changing to saffron-yellow as the flowers develop <br> Price 1st size 50c each 5 00 per doz ; 2d size 35c each 3 50 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 15c each 1 50 per doz <br> SPECIAL OFFER One of each of the fine Roses on this <br> page; third size for 2 25 <br> MODERN ROSES OF PROVED MERIT - Continued <br> They are all of the Hybrid Tea class except where noted <br> Mme JULES BOULCHE <br> A splendid Rose that should be in every garden; color salmon-white center <br> shaded rose Large and full well formed flowers Just as handsome in the <br> full-bloom flower as in the bud A most prolific bloomer very fragrant Long <br> straight stems and splendid foliage A clean thrifty grower <br> Price 1st size 60c each 6 00 per doz ; 2d size 50c each 5 00 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 20c each 2 00 per doz <br> Mme SEGOND WEBER <br> The color is rosy-salmon a unique shade The buds are long and pointed <br> opening into enormous blooms deepening in color until fully expanded The <br> texture of the flower is very thick and heavy A grand Rose in every way <br> Price 1st size 60c each 6 00 per doz ; 2d size 50c each 5 00 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 20c each 2 00 per doz <br> Mme VALERIE BAUMEZ <br> Color light flame with golden center shaded glowing salmon Flower full <br> and beautifully rounded ; foliage beautiful glossy dark green <br> Price 1st size 60c each 6 00 per doz ; 2d size 50c each 5 00 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 20c each 2 00 per doz <br> Mrs B R CANT <br> This variety is remarkable for its robust habit and the profuse manner in <br> which it blooms The flowers are of medium size and of a beautiful deep rose <br> color on the outer petals quite red in some cases; while the inner petals are soft <br> silvery-rose buff at the base A healthy grower free bloomer <br> Price 1st size 50c each 4 50 per doz ; 2d size 30c each 3 00 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 15c each 1 50 per doz <br> Mrs DAVID BAILLIE <br> Now offered for the first time Growth strong and free branching; an ideal <br> variety for massing The flowers are medium to large of Camellia shape <br> Color madder-carmine with delicate veinings on the petals penciled with a <br> deeper shade <br> Price 1st size 1 00 each 9 00 per doz ; 2d size 75c each 7 50 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 30c each 3 00 perldoz <br> Mrs E ALFORD <br> A new Rose now first offered by us The flowers are large and beautiful either <br> in the bud or when fully expanded They are a pretty rosy salmon-pink and <br> delightfully fragrant In shape they resemble the well-known La France but <br> the buds are longer and more pointed <br> Price 1st size 1 00 each; S9 00 per doz ; 2d size 75c each 7 50 per doz ; <br> 3d size from 3-inch pots 35c each 3 50 per doz <br> MOLLIE SHARMAN CRAWFORD <br> This fine variety has achieved great distinction as a garden Rose The <br> flowers are splendid of the largest size grandly formed They are snow- <br> white and of splendid texture It is of admirable habit fast-growing and <br> free-branching; foliage dark and heavy forming a good background for the <br> snow-white flowers Stems strong holding the flowers erect It blooms very <br> freely and is delightfully fragrant <br> Price 1st size 60c each 6 00 <br> per doz ; 2d size 40c each 4 00 W 4 SEE NOTE <br> per doz ; 3d size from 3-inch W\V REGARD- <br> pots 15c each 1 50 per doz V ��- � INGTHESE <br> We received the seeds and \ / PLANTS <br> plants in good condition The \f � ~ ADJOIN <br> Roses were exceptionally fine ~ Fr ' <br> They were not withered at all 't- -Li r � <br> We have them planted and they <br> are doing nicely Thank you for <br> the extra ones you sent <br> Mrs A L FREY <br> Elizabethlown Pa <br> OUR THIRD <br> SIZE ROSES <br> Are grown in THREE-INCH pots <br> They are superior to the young <br> Roses from two - inch pots <br> usually sent out because the <br> larger pot gives ample room for <br> root action and allows the plant <br> to grow naturally They are <br> sturdy and compact and when <br> sent by express with the soil on <br> the roots transplanting scarcely <br> checks their growth The cut <br> shows a fair sample of a two- <br> inch pot plant as usually sent <br> out by the mail trade and a fair <br> sample taken from our stock <br> growing in three-inch pots <br> Our pamphlet THE GARDEN CULTURE OF THE ROSE free if asked for when ordering 43874928 149634 78295 Page 136 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874928 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874928 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874928 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16391017095 2015-08-25 02 54 21 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |