Keywords: Everything for the garden (16391121755).jpg ��mi <br> 172 <br> EVERYTHING FOIR THE GARD EM � Plants <br> HARDY CLIMBING PLANTS <br> Ampelopsis Quinquefolia The well-known Virginia Creeper Invaluable where a rapid <br> climber is desired The foliage is larger than that of the Ampelopsis Veitchii and very <br> beautiful when changing to scarlet in the fall <br> Akebia Quinata Rich dark green foliage and curious dark brown flowers; delicious odor <br> Of rapid growth it makes a very graceful and attractive vine <br> Apios Tuberosa Tuberous-rooted Wistaria A hardy tuberous-rooted climber closely <br> resembling Wistaria in vine and foliage and having clusters of rich deep purple flowers <br> which have a strong delicious violet fragrance Price tubers 15c each SI 50 per doz <br> Aristolochia Sipho Dutchman's Pipe A vigorous and rapid growing climber Large <br> showy light green foliage; flowers long and pipe-shaped Where a dense screen is de- <br> sired nothing can be better Price 50c each 55 00 per doz <br> BigBOnia Radicans Trumpet Creeper Rich orange-scarlet trumpet -shaped flowers <br> Chinese Matrimony Vine Lycium Chinense Bright purple flowers <br> scarlet berries <br> strus Scandens Bitter Sweet Scarlet berries Price <br> 40c each 3 for 1 00 <br> Euonymus Radicans A trailing evergreen vine small foliage <br> useful for covering low walls as it is self-c inging <br> Euonymus Radicans Var Foliage variegated <br> green and white ; very ornamental Clings to stone <br> and brick walls without artificial support <br> Hardy Yellow Jasmine Jasmine Nudiflorum <br> Yellow flowers blooms in early spring <br> Hardy White Jasmine Jasmine Officinalis <br> White flowers blooms in summer <br> Ivy English Valuable for <br> grows well in shade <br> Price for the above except where noted 25c <br> each S2 50 per doz <br> KUDZU VINE Pueraria Thunbergiana <br> Foliage large and lobed purple pea-shaped <br> flowers in clusters born late in the season <br> On account of its prodigious growth this ha <br> been popularly called Jack and the Bean <br> Stalk See cut Price strong roots <br> 30c each 3 00 per doz <br> covering graves <br> Clematis Paniculata <br> AMPELOPSIS VEITCHII <br> Sometimes called Boston Ivy and <br> Japan Ivy <br> Entirely hardy in the most exposed places attaining <br> a height of 20 to 30 feet in two or three years clinging <br> to stones brick or wood work with the greatest tenacity <br> It is a great protection to houses as the leaves lapping over <br> each other like slates on a roof effectually prevent rain from <br> penetrating the walls For covering dead trees boundary <br> walls etc it has no equal JSeautiful autumn foliage See cut <br> Price stong 1-year pot-grown plants 25c each 2 50 per doz <br> 15 00 per 100; young plants ready in May 15c each 1 50 per doz <br> The Fleecy- White <br> Fragrant Clematis <br> This grand climbing vine one of the most valuable ever sent to us from Japan � the <br> Bource of so many floral wonders � is well worthy of a place on pretentious dwelling or hum- <br> ble cottage Blooms in the early fall and is one mass of fleecy-white fragrant flowers <br> These are succeeded by the silken seed vessels almost as ornamental as the flowers It will <br> grow fifteen to twenty feet in a season it is insect-proof it is perfectly hardy it adapts <br> itself to all situations thrives everywhere and need only be seen to be admired See cut <br> Price strong 2-year plants 25c each 2 50 per doz Young plants 15c each 1 50 per <br> doz 10 00 per 100 <br> Large Flowering Clematis <br> ROYAL PURPLE CLEMATIS JACKMANII The best known and most valued variety <br> Color dark rich royal purple <br> Large White Clematis Henryii A pure white large flowering variety of fine form and <br> recognized as by far the finest of the single white sorts <br> Double White Clematis Duchess of Edinburgh This variety is perfectly double like <br> a rosette It is sweetly fragrant hardy and vigorous <br> Large Flowering Red Clematis Ville de Lyon A new red variety color a beautiful wine <br> red large flowers with heavy petals <br> Price for the above 50c each 55 00 per doz Set of 4 for 1 75 <br> Ever Blooming Clematis <br> Clematis Coccinea Bright vermillion bell-shaped flowers yellow center <br> Clematis Crispa Purplish-blue white center flowers bell-shaped ever-blooming fragrant <br> Price 20c each 2 00 per doz <br> Our Business <br> was founded by <br> Peter Henderson in 1 847 <br> and is now carried <br> on by his son <br> Charles Henderson IK Peter and Howard M Henderson 43874964 149634 78295 Page 172 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874964 c1915 10 5962/bhl title 78295 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Akebia NameConfirmed Akebia Decne EOLID 61057 NameFound Ampelopsis NameConfirmed Ampelopsis Michx EOLID 59273 NameFound Ampelopsis veitchii NameConfirmed Ampelopsis veitchii NameBankID 5893640 NameFound Apios NameConfirmed Apios EOLID 28882 NameBankID 2650415 NameFound Aristolochia NameConfirmed Aristolochia aff ringens 2283 EOLID 11921687 NameFound CLEMATIS NameConfirmed Clematis ser Alpina W J Yang L Qian Li EOLID 38289 NameFound Coccinea NameConfirmed Coccinea Feuillet J M MacDougal supersect NameBankID 9261559 NameFound Crispa NameFound Euonymus NameConfirmed Euonymus EOLID 37685 NameBankID 2651738 NameFound Lycium NameConfirmed Lycium EOLID 11196477 NameBankID 2653612 NameFound Nudiflorum NameFound Paniculata NameFound Pueraria NameConfirmed Pueraria EOLID 11238647 NameBankID 3874732 NameFound Quinata NameConfirmed Quinata NameBankID 4719227 NameFound Quinata NameConfirmed Quinata NameBankID 4899097 NameFound Quinquefolia NameFound Sipho NameConfirmed Sipho EOLID 16239689 NameBankID 4344323 NameFound TUBEROSA NameConfirmed Tuberosa NameBankID 4880980 NameFound Wistaria NameConfirmed Wistaria NameBankID 8859180 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1915 Garden Stories Books Bulbs Plants Catalogs Equipment and supplies Flowers Gardening Lawn mowers Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 43874964 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/43874964 bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-01-28 Check categories 2015 August 25 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16391121755 2015-08-25 02 53 21 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1915 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |