MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16645685971).jpg TtlE BEST <br> Second Early Cabbage <br> This Cabbage though intro- <br> duced years ago by the late <br> Peter Henderson still holds <br> its undisputed lead as the best <br> extra early variety ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16645685971).jpg TtlE BEST <br> Second Early Cabbage <br> This Cabbage though intro- <br> duced years ago by the late <br> Peter Henderson still holds <br> its undisputed lead as the best <br> extra early variety in cultiva- <br> tion and is morelargely grown <br> than all other First Early Cab- <br> bages combined It is the good <br> old reliable always depended <br> upon for its uniformity in <br> earliness and crop Among <br> its merits may also be men- <br> tioned its large size of head <br> for so early a variety and the <br> small outside foliage allowing <br> it to be closely planted; the <br> heads are pyramidal in shape <br> having a blunted or rounded <br> peak We believe our selected <br> stock has not its equal See <br> ad 5c pkt 35c oz 1 20 <br> 141b 3 75 lb <br> Hnr Peter Henderson done <br> Bothinp else lint introduce the Early <br> M'aketletd Vihbage it would be 11 <br> lastinf monument to his name Xo <br> better variety isin cultivation to-day <br> among the early kinds <br> � COUNTBY GeNTLKMAN <br> OR LARGE WAKEFIELD <br> The Largest Early Cabbage <br> For some years past cus- <br> tomers have requested us to <br> procure for them if possible <br> a Cabbage which had all the <br> characteristics of the Early <br> Jersey Wakefield but of a <br> greater size With this in <br> view we carefully selected <br> from one of our best stocks <br> of Wakefield a larger tj'pe <br> which is now so fi xed in its <br> character tiiat we can offer <br> it with confidence to those de- <br> siring a Cal bage of this kind <br> Tliis selection will average <br> about 50 per cent larger in <br> size than tlie old type of <br> Wakefield ami is only a few <br> days later 10c pkl 40c <br> oz 1 25 lb 4 00 lb <br> Charleston Wakefield cannot be <br> beat for solid heading Last spring <br> J sold a lot to a grocer and he said <br> they were the best Cabbages he had <br> handled duringtiw Winter � James <br> M MrRKAY Monte Vistn Colo <br> Your Charleston Wakefield and <br> Henderson's Karly Summer Cab- <br> bage are the best I ever planted � <br> K T MoBCiA N Glen's Falls N Y <br> tiENDERSON'S <br> This peerless Cabbage was <br> named and first offered for <br> sale by us in 1874 and eveiy <br> year since we have used tlie <br> utmost care in the selection <br> of heads for seed purposes <br> and have so improved the <br> variety tliat to-day we are <br> selling a far better strain of <br> the Early Summer than we <br> sent out in the year of its in- <br> troduction This variety is <br> about ten days later tlian the <br> Jersey Wakefield but being <br> over double the size it may <br> be classed as the heat second <br> eo - v Cabbage See cut 5c <br> pkt' 35c oz 1 00 l lb <br> 3 50 lb <br> Your Summer Cabbage is the <br> finest I have ever grown anil 1 do <br> not want io be without it <br> � Chables Hankin Newark Ohio <br> / have been using yonr Hender- <br> son's Cabbage Seed for about 10 <br> years and it is the finest I have <br> used in L' 'i vear s' gardening <br> � L I' HoGti Norfolk Va <br> To Every Customer for Cabbage Seed we will send f REE if asked for our Leaflet BEST METHODS Of GftBBftGE CULTURE 42383133 133997 66553 Page 30 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383133 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs Vegetables U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383133 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383133 BHLinbloom bhlGardenStories peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlinbloom bhlgardenstories Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-02-25 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16645685971 2015-08-24 22 53 17 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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