Keywords: Everything for the garden (16666597898).jpg 108 <br> IlKT lrllliVSI-M <br> HIBISCUS MAh'lUOT <br> GREVILLEA ROBUST A <br> S;7A- Oiik <br> Beautiful and Kraoeful folinjre; highly valueii as a <br> decorative plant for the taMlr and when largefortrop- <br> Ical lawn effects; tenderperennial 3to5feet Pkt 10 <br> GYPSOPHILA <br> Uuralis Dwnrf annual of compact Rroivth l feet <br> for i' l;;ini;s; flowers pink Pkt 5 <br> Faniculata A triaceful hardy plant fine for cutting <br> for bouquets; flowers in feathery white panicles <br> I'a feet 5 <br> HELICHRYSUM or STRAW FLOWER <br> Slwtwy K'lrden annuals of free growth producin j; <br> abundantly large flowers full and double in shuiles of <br> white yellow crimson etc ; valuable everlasting <br> for winter bouquets 1 to 2 feet <br> Double Mixed Iiarg'e-flowering' Fkt <br> 'i llc lliiij of I sfii;trati' ciilors L' 'ic <br> HELENIUM BIGLOWI <br> A showy hardy garden i erenniMliilfttit about 2V2 feet <br> high bearing loMg-stennned golden-yellow Core i sis- <br> llke flowers with blacli centres; grand for cutting <br> I'kt 10 <br> HELIOTROPE <br> Deliciously fragrant flowering plants lto2 feet high; <br> favorites for pot culture In winter or bedding out in <br> suninier ; puri ie lilac or white flowers are continuously <br> borne <br> rinest Mixed Pkt 5 <br> Queen of Ni ht Kich black purple 10 <br> white Pearl Large pearly white flowers 10 <br> Iiemoine's Giant See pagp 89 10 <br> Gig'anteum Nanum sve nuielties page 89 20 <br> HEUCHERA <br> Sang'uinea Splendens Beautifulliardyperenninls <br> Tlie foliage is evergreen flowers fiery coral shading <br> to brilliant crimson Borne on graceful spikes A <br> charming cut flower Pkt IT <br> HIBISCUS <br> Africanus Robust garden annuals; large saucer- <br> shaped flowers of creamy vellow witli purple centre <br> 2 feet Pkt 5 <br> Coccineus Briglit scarlet tender jierennial 10 <br> HARDY PERENNIAL HIBISCUS <br> Marshniallows <br> Hardy garden plants forming strong bushes about <br> 3 feet high bearing throughout the summer immense <br> saucer-shaped flowers 6 inches across Sown early <br> they will flower the first season <br> Giant Tellcw Enormous flowers often 9 inches <br> across canary yellow with garnet throat i'A-f 10 <br> Crimson Eye White with crimson centre lo <br> Bose Pink with White Base Exquisite rose-pink <br> with white centre 10 <br> MANIHOT I A Japanese Hibiscus Creamy-yellow <br> with garnet zone around the eye 10 <br> HOLLYHOCKS <br> Well-known garden favorites Hardy biennial <br> 5 to S feet high <br> Double Mixed Colors Pkt n <br> HENDEBSOIT'S SUFEBIOB DOUBI E <br> HOI I irHOCKS Mixed Colors 10 <br> Separate cnl irs See /i -iKe 90 1 10 <br> Sing-le Hollyhocks Mixed Colors 5 <br> Dwarf Japanese Hollyhocks See pane 89 ir <br> Hardy Allegheny Hollyhocks Seepage 90 10 <br> Single Yellow Pig--I eaved Hollyhock Immense <br> single golden-yellow flowers large-lobed fig-leaf- <br> shaped foliage strikingly showy 10 <br> M <br> HnMni rs or j vpan <br> v vRiKc; vTr »-i K \vi; <br> LATHVms L ITIFOLICS OR HARDY E VE111 ASTIN ; I'KA <br> See page 109 <br> IPOMUCA <br> HUMEA ELEGANS <br> ��\n elegant tender bienni nl forganlen or pot culture <br> Tlieminute red and jiiiiU flowers are borne in immense <br> numbers on long drooping branches fragrant 4 to <br> 6 feet Pkt 10 <br> HUMULUS Of JAPAN HOP <br> itapid summer clinil er in tiiree or four weeks' time <br> attaining a height of 20 to 0 feet resenibiing the <br> common Hop but being an anuu ii attains full per- <br> fection the first season The foliage is luxuriant <br> making a dense covering It is one of the best plants <br> for covering vcramlas trellises etc Heat drought <br> -ind insects do not tr-onble it Pkt 5 <br> Variegated-leaved Japan Hop A beautiful va- <br> riety of the above Leaves blotched green white <br> and gray 5 <br> HYAONTHUS CANDICANS <br> Ginnt suninn'r-flowcrinj; Hy -icinth of roIniKt growth <br> produciiij f HpikcH ' f -t't l iii of white iK'M-Hhaped <br> flowers 5 feet Pkt 5 <br> ICE PLANT <br> Pretty summer annunl trailer for vnKes aiifl rock- <br> work ; leaveH covered with ice-like dropH Much used <br> In Europe fur garniwhin Vi foot Pkt 5 <br> IMPATIENS SULTANA <br> 77/e X -iii/ ili ir or Sijtl in's liulsinn <br> Jfost beautiful flowering i iant proilucing waxy <br> bright flowers almost continually winter and sum- <br> mer; suitable for either pot or garden culture; tender <br> perennial 1 foot Kose- -olored Pkt 10 <br> INCARVILLEA DELAVAYI <br> Ben\itiful new garden plant with long flexible <br> liranchi'S It forms large fleshy roots the first year <br> wliich sliouid remain in the ground the next season <br> and thereafter they throw up strong flower stalks 3 <br> feet high be 'iring large tubular flowers of ros v car- <br> mine spotted with yellow ; the throat is brown /'A- 1 5 <br> INULA GLANDULOSA GRANDIFLORA <br> Hardy peretiidal garden plant 2 feet higli with <br> large single golden-yellow flowers 4 tf 5 inches <br> across composedof long narrow wavy petals PA't 10 <br> IPOMEA <br> A large class of luxuriant climbers with large Morn- <br> ing Glory-like flowers <br> For nrilitiiiry Morning fllories see page 1 05 <br> Heavenly Blue A si lendid climber for either out- <br> oi-doors or conservatories Flowers 4 to i Inches <br> across in large clusters light blue with a yellow <br> throat Pkt 10 <br> IPOMCEA SETOSA Tlie lir izilinn Morning <br> Glory The flowers of beautiful rose color are <br> borne in large clusters The vine grows witli the <br> greatest vigor and luxuriance Tke leaves 8 to 12 <br> inches a ros8 overlap each other making a dense <br> shade The vine is covered with short reddish hairs <br> which with its large clustersof curious seed capsules <br> render it higidv ornamental 10 <br> IPOMCEA SINU ATA The Noonday Glory A <br> lovely an l graceful climber The hell-shaped flowei 8 <br> are borne in clusters color pure white with wine-red <br> tiirciats Tliiy open at sunrise and close at sunset <br> jiiid are folio v\ ell b\- verv ornamental seed capsules 10 <br> IPOMCEA IMPEBIAI IS hipanese Morning <br> Clnrirs See I ; �� ' ' 'H <br> IPOMCEA OBA1TDIFI OBA NOCTIFI OBA <br> Tlw UoonSoncr Vinr See ;i -ige ' 10 <br> KENILWORTH IVY <br> Hardy little climber clings to wails etc and a val- <br> uable trailing plant for hanging baskets vases etc 3 <br> to feet Pkt IP <br> THICK VELVETY <br> GREEN IN SIX WEEKS' TIHE SEE PAGE 192 <br> THE HENDERSON LAWN GRASS SEED ' « ' VSS <br> AND 42383197 133997 66553 Page 108 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383197 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Africanus NameFound Coccineus NameFound Grevillea NameConfirmed Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon' EOLID 60829 NameFound Gypsophila NameConfirmed Gypsophila EOLID 59327 NameBankID 2646576 NameFound Helenium NameConfirmed Helenium EOLID 37974 NameBankID 2657595 NameFound Helichrysum NameConfirmed Helichrysum EOLID 11269353 NameBankID 2576454 NameFound Heuchera NameConfirmed Heuchera EOLID 11171380 NameBankID 2649652 NameFound Hibiscus NameConfirmed Hibiscus L EOLID 60741 NameFound Humea elegans NameConfirmed Humea elegans Sm EOLID 5110978 NameBankID 5839331 NameFound Humulus NameConfirmed Humulus EOLID 61336 NameBankID 2645860 NameFound Impatiens sultana NameConfirmed Impatiens sultani L 1753 EOLID 5019763 NameFound Incarvillea delavayi NameConfirmed Incarvillea delavayi EOLID 2895112 NameBankID 3433112 NameFound Inula glandulosa NameConfirmed Inula glandulosa Puschk ex Willd EOLID 6237963 NameFound Ipomea NameConfirmed Ipomea EOLID 5687586 NameBankID 8945571 NameFound Manihot NameConfirmed Manihot P Mill EOLID 107876 NameFound Nanum NameConfirmed Nanum NameBankID 5331422 NameFound Setosa NameConfirmed Setosa EOLID 106889 NameBankID 3485568 NameFound Splendens NameConfirmed SPLENDENS NameBankID 5329910 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383197 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383197 bhlGardenStories Helenium Ipomea Pea Humulus Hibiscus Manirot Japan Hop BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories hibiscus manirot japan hop bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16666597898 2015-08-24 20 50 50 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |