Keywords: Everything for the garden (16666617128).jpg <br> SUIVIIVIER FLOWERING BUI_BS <br> 117 <br> ROOTS AND <br> PLANTS <br> THE ease with which Water Lilies and Aquatics are cultivated the certainty of <br> handsome results the same season they are planted the magnificent flowers of <br> great variety of form and color their delicate perfume and the great fascination <br> in growing them is making the water garden widely popular All of the varieties <br> may be grown in half-barrels or tubs two-thirds full of well-enriched soil covered <br> with an inch or two of sand filled with water and placed in a sunny position in the <br> lawn or a fountain basin though the cultivator generally becomes so enthusiastic in <br> a season or two that an artificial pond is created which is easily done and at small <br> cost We cannot send out Water Lily plants until warm weather about the middle <br> of May <br> HARDY NYMPHi ��AS ch <br> Al'ba Candidissima Large-flowering pure white English <br> Water Lily eailr fO oO <br> Flava Florida yellow Lily 25 <br> Laydekeri rosea Delicate pink flowers deepening with age <br> prnfiisf 2 50 <br> Xiaydekeri ptirptirata Large flowers of wine red shaded <br> crimson 3 00 <br> ICASZiZACEA VAKZETIES Hardy as rooks; strong grow- <br> ers flowering very freely; the earliest and the latest in bloom; fine <br> broad-petaled dmible flowers about 5 inches across <br> Marliacea albida Sparkling white fragrant 75 <br> camea Rosy flesh vanilla-scented 1 00 <br> chromatella' Large clear yellow fragrant See cut 50 <br> rosea Large rosv pink 1 50 <br> Odorata Alba Our native white Pond Lily doz 2 00 20 <br> EACH � � � <br> Odorata Caroliniana Immense flow- <br> ers of salmon-pink 1 50 <br> ezqTlisita Rich carmine-rose 1 50 <br> gl antea Giant-flowering white <br> Pond Lily <br> maxima New giant-flowering <br> white the finest of the odorata type <br> minor Small white Poud Lily very <br> profuse fine fr r tubs <br> rosea Cape Cod pink Pond Lily <br> snlphnrea Large yellow fragrant <br> flftuers <br> Fyg'maea Chinese miniature white <br> Water Lily; flowers no larger than a <br> silver half-dollar; leaves only 2 to 3 <br> inches across 50 <br> Tnberosa Northwe stern white <br> Pond Lily 20 <br> HARDY NELUMBIUMS <br> OR LOTUS <br> Noble aquatics immense double flowers and gigan- <br> tic leaves both borne from 8 to 6 feet above the sur- <br> face The flowers are frecjuently a foot across; easily <br> cultivated in either ponds or tubs See cut <br> EACH <br> Speciosum Egyptian or Sacred Lotus White <br> shading to deej iink at the edges 0 75 <br> Albam grandiflortiin While Lotus Pure <br> white; exceedingly beautiful; sc irce 1 50 <br> Album striatxmi Striped Lotus White <br> striped at the edges with carmine 1 50 <br> Roseum Rose Lotus Uniform deep rose 1 50 <br> Kermesintun Pink Lotus Bright rosy <br> pink 1 50 <br> Xilitetuii American Yellow Lotus Bright <br> sulphur yellow 75 Kvmphsachrom«tel a <br> '-i cW' <br> Our pamphlet <br> The Cultcre <br> of av a t e b <br> Lilies and <br> Aquatics <br> 40 page it- <br> lust ra ted <br> gives direc- <br> tions for pre- <br> paring arti- <br> Ocial ponds <br> etc and winter- <br> ing over the <br> roots growing <br> seeds and describes <br> a II va rieties etc Price <br> 25 cents or given free <br> 2 00 order <br> TENDER NYMPH/EAS <br> These grand varieties should be grown in tnbs <br> oxessunk below thesurfate Forthewinter <br> after the foliage has died off remove them to a <br> ar or under a greenhouse bench Those <br> marked N bloom at night; D day-bloom- <br> ing E 1CH <br> Nymphsea coertilea Stellata D Large light blue fragrant 1 00 <br> Delicatissima V i Large delicate blush pink 1 50 <br> Dentata i \ Immense white flowers iSeeciit 50 <br> Devoniensis V Grand ro «y crimson flowers 50 <br> Zneg'ans r » White tinged with blue fragrant 1 00 <br> Mexicana D Mexican Golden Water Lily Free-blooming 30 <br> O'lUarana V Grand large rosy red flowers 2 50 <br> Bnbra \' i Cnp-shaped flowers of dark rose 50 Stnrtevanti V Superb large bright rosy red 2 50 <br> ZANZIBABEITSIS D Rich purple flowers 4 to 6 inches across are produced in continuous abundance throughout the <br> season enchantingly fragrant Splendid for growing in tubs or tanks See cut 2 00 <br> Azurea D Blue Zanzibar Lily 50 Rosea /' Pink Zanzibar Lily 50 <br> Water Hyacinth Fichornia'crassipes major Floats <br> fla ted leaves spikes of rosy lilac flowers 15c each 1 50 doz <br> Blue Water Hyacinth Eichornia azurea Lavender <br> and pur ile 50c each <br> Water Poppy Limuocharis Humholdtii Yellow poppy- <br> like flowers See cut 15c each 1 50 per doz <br> Cyperus altemifolins fml/rella iras t Excellent for <br> growing in wateror damp places fineforaquariunis 25c ea <br> Cyperus papyrus The true Egyptian paper plant 30c <br> each 3 00 per doz <br> AQUATIC PLANTS <br> Water Snowflake Limnanthemum indicam Beautiful <br> Parrot's Feather <br> chenille-like steins <br> Myrioph vlliim Trailing <br> 15c each 1 50 per doz <br> Floating Ziettuce f/sfw ffnifiofes Forms rosettes of <br> green leaves 20c each 2 00 per doz <br> Wild Rice Zizania aquatica Very ornamental for the <br> water garden growing 5 to 10 feet high with graceful <br> panicles of bloom lOe each 1 00 per doz 42383206 133997 66553 Page 117 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383206 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Azurea NameConfirmed Azurea NameBankID 2999179 NameFound Candidissima NameConfirmed Candidissima NameBankID 4102668 NameFound Caroliniana NameFound Cyperus NameConfirmed Cyperus EOLID 29130 NameBankID 2576446 NameFound Cyperus papyrus NameConfirmed Cyperus papyrus EOLID 1121657 NameBankID 2660459 NameFound Delicatissima NameConfirmed Delicatissima NameBankID 5329789 NameFound Devoniensis NameFound Eichornia azurea NameConfirmed Eichornia azurea NameBankID 8790421 NameFound Laydekeri rosea NameFound Limnanthemum NameConfirmed Limnanthemum S G Gmel EOLID 5342030 NameBankID 1811346 NameFound Marliacea albida NameFound Nymphsea coertilea NameConfirmed Nymphaea coerulea Lam NameFound Speciosum NameFound Stellata NameConfirmed Stellata EOLID 4981424 NameBankID 4351687 NameFound Xiaydekeri ptirptirata NameFound Zizania aquatica NameConfirmed Zizania aquatica EOLID 1114723 NameBankID 2661373 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383206 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383206 bhlGardenStories Water Lilies Aquatic Plants BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories water lilies aquatic plants bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16666617128 2015-08-24 20 52 00 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 aquatic plants Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |