MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16666752040).jpg ¢PETER HENDERSON 6c CO NEW YORK <br> 79 <br> ffENDERSON'S SUPERIOR <br> LARGE DOUBLE BALSAMS <br> These are the most perfect in form and largest in flower yet developed and will prore <br> a ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16666752040).jpg �PETER HENDERSON 6c CO NEW YORK <br> 79 <br> ffENDERSON'S SUPERIOR <br> LARGE DOUBLE BALSAMS <br> These are the most perfect in form and largest in flower yet developed and will prore <br> a complete revelation to those unacquainted with the remarkable lerfection now attained <br> In this old garden favorite which is among the showiest and most popular of summer <br> garden annuals forming bushy plants profusely covered with large double flowers of <br> brilliant colors throughout the summer and autumn Height I'/i to 2 feet <br> White Perfection The finest pure white grown; flowers unusually large and <br> d iuble Pkt 10 <br> La Malmaison Magnificent large double blush pink flowers the exact facsimile in <br> color of the famous ilalmaison Rose and with a satiny sheen in the sunlight as if <br> sprinkled with diamond dust 10 <br> Bloodstone The grandest scarlet Balsam we ever saw; rich dark blood scarlet <br> l irge double and full 10 <br> £xtra Choice Doable Mixed Containing many beautiful colors spotted blotched <br> striped etc H <br> SCiniatnre Doable Balsams Small branching compact plants growing onl v 10 to <br> 1'J inches high bearing small very double flowers almost enveloping the stems beauti- <br> ful showy unique Mixed Colors 10 <br> Imported Collections of Superior Double Balsams 6 separate colors 30c ; 12 colors 50c <br> GlANT FLOWERINQ BROWALLIA <br> lirowallia Speciosa Major <br> A most beautiful summer-flowering annual for flower beds <br> In summer and equally valuable for pot culture in winter The <br> plants grow about 1ft are bushy and bear continuouslvlarge <br> flowers from 1 to 2 inches across of brilliant indigo blue en- <br> livened with a white throat Peoplewho are familiarwith the <br> old favorite Blue Amethyst will scarcel v recognize this <br> grand new variety as belonging to the same family For <br> Hummer bedding the seedsshouldbesownin the spring � about <br> March in the house orMa vin the border Forwinterflowering <br> sow seeds in July or August The magnificent blue flowers <br> throughout the winter are very attractive See cut I'kt 10 <br> Henderson's LarieTiowlnag CALCEOLARIA <br> Gi eat improvements in these gorgeous plantsforgreenhousel <br> and window decoration; the immense pocket-shaped flowers <br> are borne in the greatest profusion through spring and sum- <br> mer; colors yellow maroon crimson white etc ; spotted and <br> blotched in the most unique fashion 114 feet <br> Xarg'e-Flowering' Spotted Varieties Mixed See <br> � ��lit I Pkt 25 <br> Iiarg'e-Flo'werin Self-colored Mixed Flowers of pure <br> colors scarlet crimson orange canary etc ; not spotted <br> or marked 25 <br> J' ' VI <br> Giant-Floweringf <br> Browallia <br> Beautiful for cither bedding <br> or pot culture <br> KING OF BLUETS <br> Ceutaurea DepTes 'ia Var <br> A greatly improved type of Com- <br> ower or Blue Bottle producing <br> large he ids of ricli blue flowers The <br> individual florets are of unusual size <br> For cutting purposes as well as for <br> garden decoratifm it is f if exceptional <br> value It is a hanl v herbaceous plant <br> about 15 to 18 inches high Pit 15 <br> LARGE-FLO WERINQ <br> Kinq Calendulas <br> These garden annuals have long been popular <br> garden favorites on account of tlieirease of culture <br> and profuse and continuous blooming qualities <br> throughout the summer until killed by frost These improved varieties <br> form bushy plants about 1 foot high by 1 foot in diameter and are <br> literally covered with exceedingly large double showy flowers The seed <br> has been saved from only the largest and most perfect flowers of great <br> depth and decided colors For summer flower beds edgings or for <br> winter-flowering pot plants they are exceedingly beautiful 'ee cut <br> Orang-e King' Large double flowers of intense golden orange Pit 10 <br> Iiemon Ein Large double flowers of lemon yellow 10 <br> LABGE-FLOWEBING DWARF KING CALLIOPSIS <br> e LO B i o l fjyQ CALLIOPSIS <br> Calliopsis are well known as one of the showiest and most easily grown of <br> garden annuals These newlarge-flowering sorts are great improvements being <br> of dwarf compact growth the plants forming perfect little bushes about 10 <br> inches high by 1 foot across and are a perfect mass of bloom from early summer <br> until cut down by frost The flowers average nearly 2 inches across and range <br> through yellow golden and crimson colors usually with a garnet eye See cut <br> Sin Calliopsis Mixed Colors Large-flowering dwarf sorts PAt 10 <br> Golden Kin Beautiful large golden blossoms with small dark eves 10 <br> Crimson King Rich dark crimson flowers very showy ' 10 <br> For our Complete List of Flower Seeds see pages 101 to II6 <br> I KXPCTJI <br> L \RGK- <br> ;j FLOWKRIKG 42383168 133997 66553 Page 79 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383168 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Browallia NameConfirmed Browallia L EOLID 60719 NameFound Calceolaria NameConfirmed Calceolaria EOLID 72303 NameBankID 2665046 NameFound Calliopsis NameConfirmed Calliopsis EOLID 2748143 NameBankID 4099619 NameFound Speciosa NameConfirmed Speciosa NameBankID 5330982 Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383168 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383168 bhlGardenStories Browallia Calceolaria Calendulas Calliopsis BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16666752040 2015-08-24 20 51 26 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Unidentified Browallia Unidentified Calceolaria Unidentified Coreopsis Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script Catalogs
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