Keywords: Everything for the garden (16668031789).jpg PETER HENDERSON d; GO I\EW YORK- <br> Henderson's <br> 'DOLLY VARDEN <br> or DOUBLE SHIRLEY <br> POPPIES <br> A new strain cif double and semidouhle anDiial Poppies of remarkable beauty; they create a beautiful <br> bed when grown in quantity The plants are sturdy branohins bushes about 13 inches hish producing for <br> months myriads of exquisite crushed satin-like flowers about 3 inches across of the most charming <br> combinations of coloring ranging from flesh-pink to rose crimson maroon white etc margined <br> netted striped flaked and mottled ; exceedingly effective for garden beds Mixed Colors Pkt 10 <br> I am rerr much pleased with xour Dew Poppies Dolly Varclen and intend to sliow the flowers <br> t the Ottawa HortUult ir il Sorietie' ' Fxhihition a ra noreltv The re are some very Sae colors in <br> tbem Tbeir delicacy of coloring is betttr than that of the' shirle\ ' and they bear a wonderful <br> quantity of timers ' � J A Ellis Carleton <br> Chambers Ottawa Can <br> New Single Giant- <br> Flowering Poddu <br> Pliss Stisrwood <br> \n extremely beautiful <br> large annual Popp v � <br> probably the finest single <br> annual variety in culti- <br> vation; the flowers <br> measure 4 to 5 <br> inches across <br> are pure satiny <br> white shading <br> towards the mar- <br> gin into an exqui- <br> site salmon rose <br> deepening at the edge <br> The sturdy plants grow 2 feet <br> high and flower in extravagant <br> abundance for a long period the <br> first season from seed AVe saw a <br> large block of these grand Poppies <br> ; in bloom in Germany the past sum- <br> mer and they were a perfect <br> picture commanding admiration <br> from all See cut Pkt 20 <br> Henderson s �� <br> LARGE-FLOWERING <br> ft <br> BEXDEBSOS'S <br> GIAN'T norBLE POPPT <br> jl EHDEiSOK'S SnPEBIOt <br> fiiant Doiitile Popples <br> This Brilliant Mixture of newdouble <br> ennual Poppies is the finest that can he made; <br> the seeds have been selected with greatest care <br> from exclusively improved giant double-flower- i <br> ing sorts and none but the richest most brilliant '-; <br> as well as the daintiest and loveliest shades and <br> colors are included The plants are sturdy <br> luxuriant growers about 2V4 feet high bearing <br> immense double flowers 4 to5inchesin diameter � <br> or aslarge aspaponies Someoftheflowershave <br> briiad round smooth-edged petals and areof Impos- <br> ing effect; others have laciniated and fringed edges <br> ��which addacharmlnggrace but theclimaxing merit ' <br> of all is the wonderful variety of coloring rangingfrom �� ' j <br> the most gorgeous crimson-purpletointensedazzling <br> crimson-scarlet down through innumerable shades <br> of carmine rose pink blush salmon flesh to purest satin <br> white; many of the flowers are also striped blended and <br> edged with other colors Almost every tint one can con- <br> ceive may be found in Henderson's Giant Double Poppies <br> and when grown in large masses the floral panorama is of almost unimagined <br> beauty They are of the easiest possible culture; the seed onlj' needs to besowu <br> thinly in May in the garden or border where the plants are to remain Hen- <br> derson's Giant Double Poppies Brilliant Mixture Pkt 10c ; oz 30c <br> MAJESTIC <br> or Giant Shirley <br> POPPIES <br> A great advance in single- <br> flowering annual Poppies The <br> flowers are immense often <br> measuring 6 inches across and <br> appear like rumpled satin The <br> plants are well branched bushy <br> and dwarf averaging about <br> 12 inches high and they bloom <br> in continuotis succession for <br> weeks The colors shades <br> tints and markings are pro- <br> duced in limitless variety and <br> are most exquisite There are <br> glistening pure white white <br> veiled with pink white veined <br> and splashed with crimson <br> rose banded with white sal- <br> mon carmine blush glowing <br> scarlet and many other colors <br> splashed striped dotted and <br> edged in the most charming <br> confusion Pkt 10 <br> A» Mrs Frew's garden of ' Majestic' <br> Vy J' Poppies seed purchased 6-om yoa <br> J 7 7S a perfect beauty � J H Fkew <br> ' Frewsburg N Y <br> POPPIES S arf SHIRLEY <br> Cliarming dwarf varieties of the univer- <br> sally esteemed Shirley Poppy which is <br> admittedly one of our best annuals The <br> seedlings grow into bushy little plants <br> about 8 inches high only with bright <br> green laciniated foliage and all abla«e <br> with innumerable single round-petaled <br> flowers 3 to S'/j inches across showing <br> the most pleasing colors shades and <br> variegations of rose chamois scarlet and <br> salmon some having a distinct light bor- <br> dering to the petals all with yellow sta- <br> mens and thrown wellupabovethef 'liagp <br> A beautiful novelt v for garden biils and <br> borders Seecut Mixed Colors /'if ��- 0 <br> NEW I W \RF SHIRLEY POPPtES <br> ROR OUR COIS/IRLE-TE L-ISX of ROPRIES see rage 113 42383184 133997 66553 Page 95 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383184 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383184 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383184 bhlGardenStories Poppies BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16668031789 2015-08-24 20 56 56 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |