MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16668066949).jpg LARGE-FLO WERI NG CHINKHF <br> Well-known and popular wiritcr-bioominK Pot <br> plants for conservatories and window gardens 8 to <br> 12 inches liiprh u i <br> Single Larg-e Fring-ed Mixed Colors ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16668066949).jpg LARGE-FLO WERI NG CHINKHF <br> Well-known and popular wiritcr-bioominK Pot <br> plants for conservatories and window gardens 8 to <br> 12 inches liiprh u i <br> Single Larg-e Fring-ed Mixed Colors PArf 20 <br> Double Larg-e Fringed Mixed Colors 35 <br> G-iant Chinese Prinu-oses see / � - 90 <br> OTHER PRIMROSES <br> Obconica Grandiflora Hybrids S p nape 96 <br> Sieboldii Splc � li l f � �� �itl � r ��u ��den or pot culture; <br> Hower stalks t t 12 inclies liiRh with clusters of <br> ary e flowers; coh r soft rose with white eve; free- <br> bioomiuK �pj f Q <br> Japanese Primrose I'rimulnJaponici Benutirul <br> hardy ganh n jiriinrose Large flowers of crimson <br> niarooiu ilao pink white etc on stems 1 to 3 feet <br> high Mixed Colors Yo <br> English Primrose H'rinitila yii/i ari's ' 'The oM <br> lavorite vi-llow Prinirose of England; hardv 5 <br> Alpine Bose -colored Primrose Primula Rosea <br> Numerous siiikes 4 to 6 inches high with blossoms <br> J inch across; rosy carmine with vellow eve O <br> BABY PBIMBOSES I'rimuhi rirhesi ' Splendid <br> little primroses for pot culture blooming in a few <br> weeks after sowing and continuing for months <br> Flowers rosy lilac with yellow eye 05 <br> Auricula Prim 11 la Auricula See page 102 <br> Cowslip Primula Veris See pape\Q5 <br> Polyanthus Primulu Elntior See pagellS <br> PURPLE BELLS <br> lUiodocliiton 'olubile <br> A charming cUmber Bright green heart-shaped <br> leaves with dark veins the under side as well as the <br> stems are purplish red The flowers two inches lonir <br> are curiously formed and of a rich claret red and banc <br> on long graceful stems It flowersfreel vfrom seed the <br> first season 10 feet p j q <br> PYRETHRUM <br> A aluable hardy garden plants stems about 2 feet <br> high bearing flowers 3 to 4 inches across rose flesh <br> pink white crimson etc They remain in bloom a <br> long time <br> Single targe-flowering Hybrids Mixed Pif 10 <br> Double Large-flowering Hybrids Mixed 23 <br> YELLOW-LEAVED PYRETHRUM <br> Golden Feather <br> Dwarf plants extensively used for ribbon and car- <br> pet bedding ; foliage of bright yellow Usually grown <br> as annuals although perennials <br> Pyrethrum Aureum Golden Feather Yellow <br> foliage foot Per 1 000 seeds 20c Pkt 5 <br> TM e ' ot °' l' l <br> RIONUS Of CASTOR OIL PLANT <br> Large lu xuriant rapid-growing annuals with <br> palm-hke leaves much used for sub-tropical effects on <br> the lawn or tor centres of beds of foliage plants <br> Cambogiensis Leaves bronzy maroon with red <br> veins stems black p -j 5 <br> Borbonieasis 15 feet Immense ifoliag'e 5 <br> Obermanii 8 feet Light red foliage 5 <br> ste1 ° ' ' ' �� ' ' ' purplish red foliage aiid <br> Communis Major Green foliage ' 6 feet 5 <br> Zanzibarensis Gigantic leaves 2 to 2 feetacro'ss <br> W e offer 4 varieties in mixture one with light green <br> eaves another coppery brown leaves another <br> brownish purple leaves another with bronze leaves 5 <br> Bicinus Finest Mi xed Varieties Per oz 1 5c 5 <br> RHODANTHE MACULATA <br> Elegant garden annual Thcv lower earlv and con- <br> tinueforalongtime Theyarealso used as jiot plants <br> for apartments on account of the durability of the <br> flowers As an everlasting for dried winter bouquets <br> they are indispensable Flowers of various colors <br> white pink crimson etc 1 foot Mixed Pkt i <br> ROSE SEED <br> Bose hardy double mixed Flowers the second <br> vear pj jq <br> Monthly Tea double mixed Half-iianiv peren- <br> nial 2 to 4 feet 1 <br> RUDBECKIA BICOLOR SUPERBA <br> \ garden annual about 2 feet high long-stemmed <br> golden yellow flowers with maroon si Ot8 ; effective and <br> Hue forcutting p t_ xO <br> SALPIGLOSSIS <br> Large-tlowerin/ ; <br> Most beautiful garden annuals about 18 inches <br> high bearing flowers 3 inches across of many bcauM- <br> fiil colors all exquisitely veined and laced <br> Large-flowering Mixed Colors Pkt 5 <br> Emperor A new tyi c having only one main stem <br> il out 30 inches high whicli Is well furnished with <br> l irge flowers of various colors netted veined etc <br> Emperor Mixed Colors io <br> Crimson Emperor Hrilliant crimson-scarlet netted <br> «ithgolden yellow jo <br> Tom Thumb Salpiglossis A dwnrtriiiishy foriu <br> only about 1 2 inch s high Mixed Colors 10 <br> VullectiuD ofSalpifflotisi -i 6 sr/iarate colors 23c <br> SALVIA Of SCARLET SAGE <br> Well-known bushy garden plants about 3 feet high <br> producing in the fail immense quantities of dazzlinK <br> scarlet flowers so effective for beds and massing on <br> the lawn Blooms the first season from seed <br> Splendens Per 1 000 seeds 50c Pkt 10 <br> BONFIBE Very compact oval bushes 2 'A feet <br> high ; brilliant scarlet flowers The spikes stand <br> out stiff and erect ; over 200 spikes to a i lant is not <br> unusual and the spikes bear from 20 to 30 flowers <br> each Per 1 000 seeds 75c 10 <br> Splendens Gold Leaf Golden yellow foiiage <br> Hi-arlet flowers - q <br> Patens Most beautiful bright h\\ie ' ' \ <br> SCABIOSA <br> Sweet Scabious or Mourning Bride <br> Free-flowering annuals; colors white carmine Iliac <br> maroon etc Very effective for garden decoration and <br> valuable for cutting 1 foot <br> Dwarf Double Mixed Colors Pkt 5 <br> Collection of 6 different colors 25c <br> LEVLiTHAN SCABIOSA Maxima Plena Tall <br> ilouble large-flowering sorts The flowers measure <br> 1; to 9 inches in circumference and double clear to <br> the centre having long stems <br> Royal Purple Rich claret color 10 <br> Snovrball Large pure white ' 10 <br> Beaten Gold Golden yellow 10 <br> Fiery Scarlet A new color among Scabio8aB l0 <br> Pompadour The enormous flower heads are quite <br> round; the florets are black purple at the top and <br> pure white from the centre to the bottom 10 <br> Azure Fairy A Pompadour-flowering type; silvery <br> lavender shading to a rosy lilac lo <br> Maxima Plena Mixed ' ' ' 10 <br> HARDY SCABIOSA <br> Caucasica Handsome hardy perennials 2 to 3 feet <br> high bearing exquisitely beautiful single saucer- <br> shaped flowers 3 inches across of soft lilac-blue <br> I'naiiproachable as a cut flower Pkt 10 <br> Caucasica Perfecta See page loo <br> KIT ¥ r'TT I WTi »w TmT A A-mw r _ yauc asica j -eriecta Nee page 100 <br> FUI 1 CULTURAI INSTRUCTIONS ARE PRINTED ON ALI OUR FXOWERSEEirPACKETS 42383203 133997 66553 Page 114 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383203 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound Aureum NameFound Auricula NameConfirmed Auricula EOLID 15518830 NameBankID 241260 NameFound Caucasica NameConfirmed Caucasica EOLID 9101655 NameBankID 4105838 NameFound Communis NameConfirmed Communis NameBankID 4618627 NameFound Grandiflora NameFound Maxima NameConfirmed Maxima EOLID 11600420 NameBankID 5132771 NameFound Polyanthus NameConfirmed Polyanthus NameBankID 3485302 NameFound Pyrethrum NameConfirmed Pyrethrum Medik EOLID 2879753 NameBankID 8777274 NameFound Rhodanthe maculata NameConfirmed Rhodanthe maculata NameBankID 10551233 NameFound Rudbeckia bicolor NameConfirmed Rudbeckia bicolor EOLID 485437 NameBankID 2669104 NameFound Salpiglossis NameConfirmed Salpiglossis K Koch EOLID 60720 NameFound Salvia NameConfirmed Salvia L EOLID 38380 NameFound Scabiosa NameConfirmed Scabiosa 'Simon Greaves' EOLID 49101 NameFound Splendens NameConfirmed SPLENDENS NameBankID 5329910 NameFound Superba NameConfirmed SUPERBA NameBankID 5322983 NameFound Zanzibarensis Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383203 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383203 bhlGardenStories Primula Levithan Ricinus Salpiglossis Salvia Bonfire BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories salvia bonfire bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 Check categories 2015 August 24 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16668066949 2015-08-24 20 57 41 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Primula Ricinus Salpiglossis Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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