MAKE A MEME View Large Image Everything for the garden (16828274336).jpg 80 <br> I <br> FLOWER SEED <br> f FNDERSON-S SUPERIOR niflNT-FUnWFRINri MflRGUERITE <br> f ARNATION SEED <br> These gorgeous and fragrant garden <br> Carnations flower profusely <br> summer and ...
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Keywords: Everything for the garden (16828274336).jpg 80 <br> I <br> FLOWER SEED <br> f FNDERSON-S SUPERIOR niflNT-FUnWFRINri MflRGUERITE <br> f ARNATION SEED <br> These gorgeous and fragrant garden <br> Carnations flower profusely <br> summer and autumn from seeds <br> sown in the spring <br> ALL lovers ot Cai-nations have reason to be grateful for the introduction of this wonderfully <br> improved strain The flowers often measure 3 inches across and are usually as double as <br> double can be The variety of color Is also much greater in this strain There are wliite blush <br> deep pink salmon carmiiie scarlet dark crimson maroon and nian v beautltuil v variegated <br> flowers There are picotee-edged spotted striped tinted etc etc Most of them have beauti- <br> fully fringed petals and are delightfull v fragrant One great merit of these Carnations is that <br> they commence to flower in about twelve weeks' time from seed Seeds sown in the spring will <br> produce luxuriant plants that will be continually full of bloom from August until killed by <br> severe frosts If desired the plants can be potted in the'autumn and they will continue to <br> bloom profusely in the house through the winter or seeds may be sown during the summer for <br> the best winter-flowering plants <br> Too much cannot be said in praise of tliese magnificent Carnations They were originally pro- <br> duced by crossing the large-flowering annual garden Pinks with the Carnation proper retaining the <br> characteristic flowers ilove fragrance and foliage of the latter with the desirable merits of blooming <br> quickly and ijrofusely from seed and the bushy luxuriant growth of the former See cut <br> Henderson's Giant Margoierite Carnation Mixed Colors Pkt lo <br> Giant Doitble Pink Pkt 10 I Giant Double Yellow / A- f ir Giant Double Striped Pkt 10 <br> Giant Double Garnet 10 Giant Double White 1 Giant Double Scarlet 10 <br> The collection of nhore 6 separate Giant Mar- <br> sxucnte Carnations 00c <br> NEW GlftNT FflNGY GftRNftTiONS <br> Chaband's Perpetual Plowerinff These <br> latest and best creations of Jlons B Chabaud <br> the famous French Caruationist surpass all <br> the race in richness of coloring the c' mbin;i- <br> tions of which are surprisingly beautiful and <br> indescribable Heretofore this grand type of <br> Carnations only flowered once a year � 15 to 18 <br> months after sowing � but now we have Fancy <br> Pinks wntli all of the qualities of tlie old so- <br> called Perpetual Carnation flowering continu- <br> ously after J months from sowing Plants <br> thickset and bushy of regulai; height; stalks <br> stiff and upright bearing immense double <br> blossoms of perfect regularity somewith triugi'd <br> edges some smooth some with rich sulid <br> colors others tinted and blended and others <br> with featherings and picotee markings and all <br> perfuming the air with their sweetness; of in- <br> contestable merit for winter-flowering and <br> hardy enough for garden culture <br> Dlized Colors Pkt 2 5 <br> Henderson's Superior Hardy Garden Car- <br> nation Seed This is a very fine strain partic- <br> ularly adapted to garden planting Seed sown <br> In the spring will produce large thrifty clumps <br> that will stand out over winter and idoom <br> throughout the following summer and fall All <br> colors shades and markings are represented in <br> the mixture and most of them will come double <br> Mixed Colors Pkt lo <br> GROZY'S <br> HYBRIDIZED <br> Gladiolus-Flowered <br> Dwarf Prench <br> CHNNH <br> Crozy's Grand C'annas have been famous all over the <br> world for several years their luxuriant dwari growth <br> and immense gladiolus-like flowers of most brilliant <br> colors their profusion and continuity of bloom under all <br> climes and conditions render them easily the most useful <br> slidwy and universally popular garden bedding plants <br> gniwn Mons Crozy has never relaxed his efforts in hytirld- <br> iziiigand improving his Cannas and every year brings out <br> siiiiie new varieties of merit We have arranged with him <br> to siipiily us with his superior hybridized seed which we here- <br> with offer It may be expected to roduce exceptionally grand <br> and beautiful sorts and no doubt many new varieties This <br> seed sown in the house or hot bed from Tanuar v to April will <br> produce flowering plants by July Mixed Colors Pkt 10 <br> A collection of seeds of G sejiarate varieties Crozj'fi Cannas SOc <br> New Varie ated-Iieaved Canna The luxuriant green leaves are thickly <br> splashed and barred with red and yellow and margined with crimson flowers <br> crimson-scarlet See cut Pkt 25 <br> NE1a£ C7 NDVTUI TS <br> Empress or Giant White Hyacinth-Plowered A grand variety pro- <br> ducing enormous spikes of bloom resembling a white H vacinth Tlie se spikes <br> often measure 7 inches loug bv tiVi inches in diameter; plant in bloom 12 inches <br> high See cut ' Pkt 10 <br> Iiittle Prince A charming dwni-f variety though only half the height of the <br> aliove j Indies forms massive sjjikes of pure white flowers which stand out <br> candelabra-wise round the main stem E xtremely robust and continues long in <br> blc <br> If 10 <br> Rose Cardinal Produces very large oval heads of bloom so the plant pre- <br> sents one unbroken sheet of bloom The color is bright rosy cardinal Very <br> effective about S Inches liigli Pkt lb <br> Giant-Flowering' Tom Thumb Candytuft The florets as well as the heads <br> of bloom are double the size of the old varieties Several new and exquisite <br> shades and colors are included ; they form bushy little plants only 4 to 6 inches <br> high ; splendid for edgings Mixed Colors Pkt 10 <br> BEflUTlfUL GflRDEK FLANS ARE ILLUSTRATED IK OUR hEW SOOK HENDERSON'S FICTURESQUE GARDENS SEE PAGE 4 42383169 133997 66553 Page 80 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383169 1902 10 5962/bhl title 66553 Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection ; Peter Henderson Co NameFound E xtremely NameFound H vacinth Biodiversity Heritage Library Everything for the garden 1901 Garden Stories Catalogs Flowers Peter Henderson Co Plants Ornamental Seed industry and trade Seeds Trade catalogs U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42383169 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42383169 bhlGardenStories Canna Candytufts Carnation BHLinbloom peter henderson co plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-18 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16828274336 2015-08-24 20 56 26 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 Canna genus Everything for the garden 1902 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script
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